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Mr. GQ

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Everything posted by Mr. GQ

  1. hallo my good neighbor from Baffalo. nice pick justgrow he is one of the best indeed. but i'm curious why you picked H&W since you have dr. Feller and dr. Rahal much closer to you within driving distance. so what was deciding/braking factor for you?
  2. if you meant lack of examples i'd agree with you 100%, but lack of photos no way. this is one of the few clinics that shows you post op photos from all angles and plenty of them too. but yes we need to see few more results (4 or 5 more) before we can/should recommend someone. the thing is they can cherry pick their best and that's it. same goes for the last lady that got the nod (last one that got recommended, sorry forgot the name) from Bill and Pat while the clinic posted only few (i think 3) results. i'm just calling it like i see it. fair assessment and valuable input from us members is the only way to go. i wish more members get involved in these kind of important discussions.
  3. juschill my advice is - just chill and relax and try not to worry too much as i think it's just a shed that occurs frequently right around 3 month mark for people that start the drug. if you want you can go back on fin and wait at least 6 months to see some kind of result. 1 year is when you can decide if you should drop it or continue its use considering if you are happy with the result and if the drug does anything to you. some people are good responders and some are not.
  4. in words of our good friend Eman: <span class="ev_code_RED">"the fun has begun"</span>
  5. LOL a few "outsiders" are welcome but only few i said
  6. LOL give it a few days for your intestines to adjust to it, but i hear you mate
  7. i think it takes at least 2 months for msm to kick in and for you to notice some results, but again i'm not a doctor and Dr. Google is sometimes wrong
  8. LL you could be right but i have some doubts about that. i still think that i would be nowhere close to the results that i have, had i used one product or the other on its own. i'm not a doctor but i think that combining these two at the same time boosts you chances to the power of four. but then again i'll never know which product was key for me since i started them at the same time at exactly same day. so was it fin? was it minox? was it both? i guess i'll never know.
  9. Manu Ginobili needs one badly!!! i hope he heard of Propecia as that crown looks bigger and bigger each season. the frontal corrosion is now noticeable big time.
  10. yes in Europe my #1 choice would be Dr. Bisanga for sure. and if you don't mind spending some extra dough i would go with their FUE as the results that i've seen so far from them and their FUE are immaculate to say the least.
  11. Bill, another one of these galleries where i can add my cats and dogs, wallpapers etc should i????
  12. this definitely looks like a home run result, but since you are a "model" for that particular clinic i don't know how credible this whole thing is. few more independent patients need to come out to surface for us to be convinced of this/your clinic's work.
  13. and that's the key sentence right there!!! many guys read horror stories before they decide to go with it, and it's almost like they expect for all hell to break loose on them. while in fact it's all in their heads 98% of time and the fact still remains that only 2% of users experience side effects. i've been on fin for just over 10 months now (along with minox at the same time) and i had tremendous growth and i'll never regret my decision that's for damn sure. so latinlotus if you can deal with the hassle of minox 2X per day, i think you'd see even better results thus far. i still see improvement in your pics but hay to each its own and i can attest to the hassle of every day minox use, and i think i'm "in too deep" and i'm afraid to quit it right now.
  14. lanthanos i commend and respect your last two posts and yes Merc's Proscar is a life saver and it's the closest thing to original Merc's Propecia if not the same (except the cutting hassle plus minimal uneven distribution in dosage).
  15. ah man this section was a happy part of town once upon a time..... notgoing2gobald and chucky what happend to these guys? where are they now? anyone?
  16. hey thanks for the extra info. so are you happy with those 2 procedures? sounds to me that scalp reduction was performed on both patches correct? not sure if 630 grafts are enough for 2 big scars but i could be wrong. the bottom line is wait and see and eventually time will tell. don't stress about nothing and just relax you'll be fine
  17. petchski, closeup looks great! happy camping! LOL that was a low blow dude but still Yankees 0:1 Cubs bottom of 2nd inning or white sox???
  18. wow did this one go out of wack or what!!! that guy Aquarius wasn't even funny man and sounded like complete incoherent ass. i'd love to see all deleted posts. how come they chose to leave few "jabs" to linger? i loved the MOM reference so the Throwdown finished like this: Bill executed "Inverted Suplex Slam" and down he goes with three counts. RIP
  19. did you mean oh to be as rich as vin diesel eh?
  20. crown area + scar hmmmm.... it will take much longer to see final results than a regular HT that's for sure. 6 months is nothing. i'd give it a year and a half for final conclusion. how did you get that scar so big if you don't mind me asking?
  21. i started smoking at age 18 and i tried quit smoking 3 times by now (longest was 9 months ??“ my first try) and currently i am at 2.5 month mark with third and hopefully final attempt. here is another reason why you should quit smoking as i learned this first hand. every time i quit smoking i notice improvement in my facial appearance big time. it's the area under my eyes to be more specific, so when i smoke (12 ??“ 15 cigs per day) it gets very black under both eyes. after a joint it's even worse! so every time i quit smoking i notice drastic improvement and the "raccoon eyes" is non issue what so ever as everything blends perfectly with the rest of my face (colour wise). it takes 5 to 7 days of no-smoking for me to eliminate the "raccoon eyes" issue. so having said all that it makes me think as if i see the "lack of oxygen" or perhaps "blood clogging" vessels under my eyes where the skin is the thinnest, then the same goes for the head skin and blood vessels up there where transplanted grafts depend on it.
  22. here is my list of top 3 pound for pound fighters at present time. 1. GSP 2. Anderson "The Spider" Silva 3. Fedor Emelianenko my list is determined simply by looking at quality of opponents for each fighter.
  23. Hairtobe, use minoxidil on recepient area only and make sure it doesn't go anywhere else. liquid tends to be less controlable while applying it (as it tends to flow everywhare), so yes foam would be better for you. i think short term use (6-8 months) won't make your new transplanted hair "minox depandable" as all it can do is to speed up the growth. keep minox as your last card in case your healthy hair on top starts to thin and if that ever happens to you then go nuts with it by all means p.s. i think 3 weeks post-op is when you can start minox use.
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