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Mr. GQ

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Everything posted by Mr. GQ

  1. i disagree with you here. i hate to speculate so why not just show some pictures and be over with. there sould be some signs of head trauma and redness even if those grafts were shaven and "unvisible". i mean a person really gotta be blind to not see at least that. as i said earlier it's the biggest piece of this whole mistery and remember it's the claim that no work has been done at all at the top/hairline section. so i'd like to hear the explanation for lack of photos from doctor himself. for the name change thing - if i was reading just a threads titles, i would not be getting a HT that's for sure, and i would probibly just kill myself for being so stupid and lazy for not reading the whole thing especially if i was considering that particular doctor for my HT.
  2. Farrel's last posts: was this a rethorical question or what? if anyone unbaised reads the whole thread from beginning, it clearly shows whose side he picked from the first words that he typed. therefore putting big pressure on player1 from the very start. is that what happened to Laser thread and negative Armani threads? so why stop now nothing bad happened to you last time when you tryed to pull something like that off. or did it? where are the immediate post-op or intra pictures? what was that poster lying about? that you changet the thread's name? i'm confused here. is that true Bill? or is he talking about john36 thread?
  3. i also think that changing the thread's name was lame and totally unnecessary. but what bothers me is that few posters are asking for intra-op pictures or immediate post-op pics and for some reason those questions are getting ignored by farrel, Dr. Rassman, and other posters as well. i would like to see those immediate post-op shots as that is a huge piece of the puzzle and should not be overlooked so easily. looks like that few slick words, eloquent expressions, prolonged text, and the fact that is coming straight from the horse's mouth can indeed pull the wool over ones eyes. although my last point would be true if Dr. Pak had written the response since he was the one in charge of the whole process and graft placement. so where are the pictures guys?
  4. Leeson, in the beginning i used it every day for about 3 months and honestly it helped me with the "greasy" hair problem that i had and my rapid hairloss at that time seemed to be stopped thanks to Nizoral 2%. if that was tha case i honestly wouldn't think that Canadian FDA would approve it to be sold just like you regular head-n-shoulders or your girlfriend's pentine pro-v shampoo as opposed to US where it's still over the counter.
  5. yes you are absolutely right New-me, but there is nothing new and groundbreaking here that you just said. most of the members in here are bright guys and they alredy know all that as it's nothing new to them. since this web site has a lot of traffic from all over the world i'd say it's not such a bad idea for them to be "advertising" themselves and their work in here afterall. plus keep in mind that this is a 2-way street and if they mess up they'll get exposed. so it's not like that local magazine example that you compare this website to where after reading it you just drop it the garbage since you can't go that easy to the magazine's publisher and insist that you do not agree with their list for whatever reason. on the flip side, here you can log in from all over the world and express (in great details) your genuine concerns within few minutes and believe me that will get the attention of both parties really quick.
  6. thanks Abe!!! cheers one more thing Abe, did he mention to you what size that electric drill was 0.8mm,0.9mm, or 1.0mm... thanks
  7. thanks for the pics Abe! looks really good and looks like it's really densely packed too. i would love to see the shot of the back of your head just to see how much hair was extracted from there. what cream do you use for the donor area and how often do you apply it? i look forward to your monthly progress and i wish you speedy recovery and happy growing. GQ
  8. how so? i don't think so. Dr. Mohmand, what do you say? if so, then since when and how long you've been practicing it? if not do you plan on adopting the technique in the future and what are your honest and unbiased thoughts regarding today's fue work? thanks GQ
  9. future medical treatment was interpreted literally! too bad mrcool will not get his chance for potential answer if his post stays here for too long. i like this guy's nick. it kind of reminds me of mine , and that's why i'm pulling for him
  10. LOL - such a noob question Hair Multiplication or Hair Cloning == HM it might become reality someday soon and lot of clinics are working on it. how soon, now that's a 64 dollar question.
  11. glad to here everything went well for you on monday. i'm looking forward to seeing your "fresh" pictures. thana i agree with you 100% on the power tool mystery nonsense.
  12. i haven't had one yet and i'm still researching at this time. if you want my honest opinion about who my top strip docs are, then here it is: Rahal, H&W, Feller, Shapiro. for fue: Bisanga (close to you in Europe), Armani, Feller, Umar. so there you go and i don't care what othere people will say. and as always do your own research since ultimately it will be your own decision.
  13. did this post get lost or what? i'm sure Bill will sort it out. sorry mrcool never heard of Dr. Dan McGrath. maybe someone else that is familiar with him will chime in and give you a few words of wisdom. why oh why - what do you say? ever heard of him?
  14. if you use minox 5% then use nizoral 2% 2-3 times per week. if no minox then use 2% EOD with moisturizing shampoo in between.
  15. GTDL, don't rush into anything, and unofficial #1 rule on this forum is "don't let distance be deciding factor". you have been on this forum 4 only few hours, so my advice to you is to do some thorough research for at least couple of months and then decide. the more time you spend researching the better and more comfortable you will feel with your decision. your HT will last a lifetime so few months of research on this forum (and others as well - yes there are other forums out there too) is the best advice that someone can give you right now. research, research, research
  16. thanks PGP! i like to use my "kidney" from time to time apart from financial issues
  17. i have a good friend of mine that received 4000 grafts megasession from armani and he looks fantastic now with a buzzed cut. there is no way you can see any tiny scars even when you there parting his hair few inches away looking for it. believe me i'm impressed with his scar or lack there of. keep in mind that he's a rich guy or should i say his parents are, but me, i have a mortgage and many other expenses so i'm financially stuck regarding fue prices. donno maybe he was one of those "hit" guys as opposed to "miss". reading the boards i get the impression that with Armani you never know. always wanted to throw that out there but afraid that i'll be labeled as one of the armani's shills.
  18. everybody is entitled to their opinions and their views in here, but i think your view of these 2 guys is 100% wrong. the 2 guys that were the pioneers of Armani's crash on the other site and you tell them that - all i gotta say to that is WOW. there are lots of guys in this world that were born with nice head shape and perhaps even look better with buzzed haircut than with any longer hair style, and that's how i see these two guys and that's why i understand what they are talking about and where they come from. so some years down the road after a HT these guys want to shave their head but they can't - i feel the pain big time. i'm in the same category as my head shape is perfect, and i still look good regardless of my hairloss. although i have some hairloss on my head i still look good shaved down to #1 or #2. so to get a HT and not have the option on shaving my head ever again is a big tradeoff to me and a HUGE deal. on the other hand there are other types of guys that shaving their head scares the living crap in them for whatever reason (head shape, job, not knowing how it will look, stereotyping or what not) and they approach HT thinking "so what, i don't care about scar at the back of my head, since it will get covered with hair anyways". i'm deff not one of those guys and i'm not trying to put down anyone that went with strip HT and that's fine. beleive me every day i'm contemplating the srtip option and almost every day i come here and other forums hoping that i'll fing some miracle cure or at least that i'll find a doctor that is doing fue with good consistancy and that FUE prices have gone down with some reputable doctors since it's still financial crysis worldwide. but there are a lot of us out there (maybe not on these forums) that have the mindset approaching HT different for obvious reasons or parhaps not so obvious ones. GQ
  19. dakota any comments on this one??? Ammars27, something tells me that you won't be stopping at 3rd one dude. that was a huge area to tackle. how old are you? kudos to Dr. M for taking you in! HM would be the only salvation for you my friend. cheers
  20. crowns are tricky places for HTs and it does take a lot longer for it to see final result. i know that you are at 15 month mark, but i read that it takes full 2 years for crown work to show its true face. as hoose stated above it's not that bad for such small amount of grafts, and yes if you ask anyone here, they'll all tell you that crown is a black hole for grafts indeed. no one knows for certain why, but it is what it is. so for someone that is considering a crown work, much bigger graft count is necessary to achieve decent coverage for that area than any other for that matter. my 2 cents
  21. oh yeah and congratulations on being approved for recommendation!
  22. after reading this post just now i clicked on "click here" link that Bill posted. there i saw that you also offer FUE. so from that page i clicked on link that goes to your website to find out more about the FUE work, but there, in the gallery section, you only have one example of it. so +1 that you offer FUE at your clinic and i would love to see few more of your FUE work and if you don't mind sharing some examples on this forum. GQ
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