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Mr. GQ

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Everything posted by Mr. GQ

  1. hear, hear! all i got is a good laugh out of it. and yes big up Bill for being such a nice guy (only if lms was included).
  2. not to toot my own horn but i'll say i am. i got a surround sound with 6 speakers w/ pioneer receiver
  3. imtb, don't get my post the wrong way. it is what it is, just a sarcastic statement nothing more than that. back to Intercytex, all they got is a cool/bombastic name i'll give them that much. i read that they are asking new batch of volunteers to sign up through some university or was it follica??? i stopped following the details long time ago. when and IF (swagger style ) any major breakthrough happens, we'll be among the first to know if not the same day trust me. you must be living under a rock to miss that gem IF it happens.
  4. i saw the movie Jumper few days ago for the first time (shit movie btw) and my blu-ray player on a 45" Sony HDTV clearly showed on couple of occasions that the main character Hayden Christensen has got a scar at the back of his head. so i figured, if the guy is from Vancouver and H&W are there as well i can put 2 and 2 together. i wonder when was the last time he went for follow-up. eh Joe? if i don't hear an answer from you i'll assume that i was compleatly wrong
  5. hey thanks Joey!!!! i forgot to mention in my first post that you look good (not in creepy kind of way ). also you forgot to append AF after the shampoo's name. there is a 5 bucks difference between AF and non AF kind. i saw yesterday that shoppers drug mart chain sells it for 18.99CAD small bottle of AF kind and 14.99 non AF (much bigger bottle). a bit pricy if you ask me. nonetheless, help and honesty always appreciated. cheers
  6. if it quacks like a duck...... follow your inital feeling....follow the white rabbit.....follow Eman......
  7. are you telling me that their marketing machine could not win any new investors in these troubled times and that they couldn't convince the suckers (ones that were already drinking the kool-aid) to not sell their shares. wow that's shocking news! jeez i wonder why???
  8. ok i'll chip in my 50 cent here. i understand what Dr. Feller is saying. i also understand what lms is saying. i can also understand what Bill is saying (and why). but here is reality in all of this guys. UHT is in need of a "fix" badly and this community (us) and Dr. Feller are here to make sure that he gets the best resolution possible. the true representation of any HT clinic is their customer service, and UHT right now is in need of a good one right now. not long ago there was a member in here that had similar experience with Dr. Rahal and his case was resolved by Dr. Rahal performing around i believe 1.5K+ grafts for free. that is what i would do if i were in Dr. Feller's shoes and if i wanted to stay on top with the rest of my peers. lara's post is spot on. some say that a clinic's reputation is as good as its weakest link, but in this case it's how the weakest link gets taken care of, and that's what is important right now and that's what it all boils down to. i hope we live to see and hear what we all (or at least majority here) want to see and hear from a highly reputable clinic. and that's free touch-up no doubt. non of that guy is too young crap or what not, because let's face it guys if only 2% of cases need it (young and old combined), then i'll be very blunt and direct and ask few following questions. why is this patient being denied a free touch-up procedure? i don't get it, is it finding an open slot on a short term notice? if not then what is, other then "it's not my fault - it's the X factor's"?
  9. right on Jo!!! that instills a lot of hope to all of us. P.S. how is Polytar AF different compared to Nizoral in your experience? what 'issues' did you find with Nizoral? thanks!
  10. yeah me too, i'm sorry to hear that and i feel your pain. we all would appreciate if you could post few close up pictures of your scars, clobberstoning situation, and how your plugs look like today. there are some very good and honest doctors in this community that are posting their opinions regularly if they happened to be interested in particular topic. so if you post some close up pics, they might be able to give you some advice. imissthebarber is right, today's HTs are much more natural looking than the old school plugs or mini/micro grafting techniques that some doctors are still practicing even today. all the best to you and good luck with fixing your problem.
  11. hi Abe, thanks for the updates!!! if i were you, i wouldn't worry so much at this point and time. sides look like they are going through some shock loss. just ride it out for few more months and don't stress too much about Armani's results. Umar is not Armani and vice versa. placebo effect or murphy's law is important at times like this cheers
  12. ever since the warm weather front moved in (few days ago), i too am getting mild headaches. it's the changing of weather season (cold to warm), so that could be it. i've been taking 1/4 proscar since may of last year every day and never had a headache because of it. scientists proved that raise of temperature do indeed affect the head and tends to give migraines and headaches to lots of people. i heard it on the radio few days ago!
  13. yeah whatever!!!! i like how you started off with Armani and then ended bashing all doctors in the western hemisphere. another one of Dr. Ms soldiers???
  14. Stingray, thank you for sharing your pictures and your story with us. i agree with everything what guys were saying above. that job looks brutal to put it mildly. since you refused touch-up, try to ask for some money back, you will need that money for your next surgery. i'm glad i talked to wantego to get me in contact with you few days ago - thanks wantego! i got nothing new to add except what we discussed via PMs few days ago. i'm so happy that you decided to share your story with all of us, and i wish you all the best with Dr. Bisanga. your story has helped me big time in my personal HT research!!!!! cheers
  15. PGP i agree 200%. that's why lms been saying it for years "it's a sleazy business" and i agree with that 100%. these pictures too, that some clinics post are dodgy as well. pre-op i'll expose the bold spots but my post-op will be strategicly covered with some lame combover. at least Umar is starting to show videos where he runs the comb through the hair. so slick/stratigic pics and paid posters are todays biggest "deception tools" from HT doctors and there is no mistake about it. like Jotronic said that this industry is all about post-op pics which is true but it's all about who is willing to pay for an army of guys that will cheerlead the clinic. that's overtaking dodgy pics scheme as #1 enemy right now imo. so that's why it's sooooooo important for the new guys to do reasearch for many months up to a year before you pick the right doctor. and even then you never know how you transplant will turn out to be (hopefull knows that best ). if it doesn't turn out to be like that guy from the picture that you sow few months ago with the same amount of grafts and same hairloss pattern as yours, i'm sure any doc would have a perfectly good explanation why your yield is less then you have hoped for. they got dozen of cards up their sleeves when it comes to that. so a highly reputable doctor with years of consistent results is a must pick. and then when the push comes to shove all you will need is a small touchup to make you feel 100% good. that is also why it is important that you doc does FUE as well. so you had a strip and now need a free touch-up do you really want to cut your head again for 500 grafts???
  16. ok one more post and i'm @ 300
  17. Bill, although Anderson Cooper has "agenda" written all over him since his first post, i think that it's very cool and classy move from you that you asked for member's feedback. i think that all members are thankful for that, and it injects a healthy vibe into the community as a whole. only if this was the case with NG2GB, this place would have been much "healthier" imo . i vote for B right now. so far, after your verbal warning, i haven't seen/read any reply from him (unless he PM'd you). if he chooses to cross the line again, then it's suspension time (full 7 or 14 days ??“ your choice). after he gets back from his suspension and still same old same old, then it's time to say good-bye. 1. verbal warning 2. suspension for a week 3. you are out! three strikes and you out - the only fair system imo.
  18. WOW.... and the soap opera continues.... keep it up guys it's nice entertainment. i love it when my city is in the middle of things i can see FOX standing by to collect all this material and make it into drama. coming soon to theaters near you
  19. "notgoing2gobald does not have the rights to view private messages." and "chucky does not have the rights to view private messages." what's up with that???? Bill were they both banned? what's going on?
  20. this fella notgoing2gobald was a really funny character!!! what happened to him? why he stopped posting? did he ever go for his HT????? i'll try to pm him just to see what's up. also what's up with chucky? anyone? pgp let me/us know. you seem to know everything
  21. yes we can!!! one of my favorite satires is south park with stemcells/cloning theme. make sure that as soon as your wife gives birth after your child is born you deposit the belly button skin into the "life bank" for all kinds of benefits!!! i'd be interested to read other doctors' thougts regarding the belly button skin and its "deposition".
  22. haha i liked both. but here is one for you GTDL. somewhat chubby irish guy comes to london england for the fist time to check out the city. walking around town he stopped in front of a booth with a sign saying "insert 1 pound (coin) ??“ loose 1 pound (weight)". looked like a nice deal so he went for it, popped the coin in, and from the booth a stunning blonde in thong showed up with the sign "you catch me ??“ then you f*** me!". he chased after her for an hour but couldn't catch her. he realized that he did loose a pound. so he came back to the booth and decided to drop 2 coins this time. now this time even more stunning girl came out with thong and no bra but again with the same sign "you catch me ??“ then you f*** me!" and he started chasing after her right away, this time for two hours but with no prevail. realized he just lost another two pounds of weight he decides that this time he'll insert 100 pounds into the booth just to see what's going to happen. the irishman dropped the 100 pounds bill into the slot and started contemplating what kind of goddess will pop out of the booth this time. few seconds later a young lean black dude with a huge dong comes out of the booth with the sign "i catch you - then i f*** you!" poor irishman.....
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