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Mr. GQ

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Everything posted by Mr. GQ

  1. same here!!! i'll go even further and say that that woman should be shot and killed execution style ASAP and if that's too much then lock her ass up in jail for at least 10 years. i doubt that she's even a real MD!!! but then who would take care of her lovely animal farm that's behind her house? thanks for posting the links KP!!!!
  2. LOL @ LMS LMS you are getting too excited bro, relax all i know that that's how Steelers won their Super Bowl XLIII it's primarily used for ligament healings, arthritis and such and Dr Allan Mishra is one of the pioneers in that feeld. i'll probably get excited like you are now once i see a patient that grew some hair from it. hair and hair follicles are very complex organs and the science that goes on behind it is still very mysterious for man kind. heck docs can't even explain why and how minoxidil is making hair grow let alone something this new. here are some educational videos for you so feel free to check them out. and finally the proof that Steelers won because of PRP: and yes i'm optimistic about it just like you are, only because the treatment mimics/attracts stem cells and anything that is in any way, shape and form related to stem cells - i'm down with it
  3. LMAO you Brits always spell and say things differently the only thing here that is behind the counter is minoxidil 5% (it's not called Rogain 5%), propecia, proscar and other real medications. Rogain 2% original brand is however grab-and-go thing but not on the same shelves with shampoos, though close by just across the aisle. these things are good to know when i visit London next year - you know - as i heard customs are taking nizorals from the luggage!
  4. that's interesting Maxxy. here it's on the same shelf with other regular shampoos, though grouped with other mediceded shampoos such as nutrogina t/gel, psoriasis, polytar etc. but nontheless on the same shelf/rack as fructis, loreal, pantene Pro-V etc. not behind any counter. just grab and go
  5. in Canada the only nizoral we have is 2%. that 1% is non-existing thing up here. no prescription is necessary for 2% here. so when i was referring to nizoral above i was referring to 2% kind. some people say 2% is too harsh or that it might do more harm than good, but i did not have any issues with it while i was using it almost every day for about 1.5 years. i respect the fact that people warn other people about those "issues" just to be on safe side. so adjust your needs accordingly
  6. i know that i'm resurrecting this thread but still worth a shot.... Barca how is your hair now? you stopped updating your blog what happened? i'll try to PM you....
  7. stop showing off E after people see this, how can they make their transplant decision and go to any other doctor - it's just beyond me!!!
  8. i use it 2x per week. every Monday and every Thursday. i used to use it almost every day at the beginning before i got on any real meds (minox & fin). it helped me a lot in slowing down or stopping my hairloss while using it every day. donno could be coincidence but i'm not so sure. i believe that nizoral helped stopping my rapid hairloss. so if you use minox 2x per day like i do.... then yes use it 2x per week. if no minox then i'd say every other day and use moisturizing shampoo in between (dove - daily moisture). see i wash my hair every day and things are looking great so far. but for how long...... now that would be $64 dollar question. combo of nizoral 2x/week, minox 2x/day, and proscar 1.25/day is doing wonders for me and i just hope that it stays that way for a very long long time. hope this helps. cheers bruv
  9. Thinline, hi... me again.... i'm fellow Canadian/Torontonian. if you are OK with strip surgery, then yes here is what i'd do and trust me i've been researching these forums for long long time.... if you are on east cost like myself then Rahal hands down!!!! if i were living somewhere west i'd probably go with H&W. but i wanna go with FUE and that's where the whole 'game' changes. so i'll probably go with Umar or Feller or Bisanga but time will tell.....
  10. one quick search and i gotta tell you guys that Nikolina got tha point........ http://hair-restoration-info.c...661072193#4661072193
  11. cool thanks Bill! i went staright for the source and i asked THE MAN the question and here is his brief reply: "It's an implanter. It's not exactly the choi but it's similar. As I know there are almost 3 different implanters in the market. regards" then i asked him if Bisanga is using the same tool here is that he said: "I don't know. I think that Bisanga don't use an implanter, he has nurses that put the FU's. But he spent a tryining time in DHI Athens, and they use his DHI implanter too. Regards" does anyone know what DHI Athens results are? i'm preaty sure those Greek clinics are a nightmare reading these forums. not familiar with DHI Athens clinic though. anyone with any info/experiance with DHI.... please don't be shy
  12. King Crown, the crown looks way better and the improvement is big time. i'm quite the opposite from you as my crown is intact but my frontal area is messed up. it's good to see that crown can be fixed and that the 'black hole' stigma is just not true for some people or surgeons i'm very happy for you.
  13. Thinline, the difference between these two is night and day and i'm not even exaggerating here!!! the day being Rahal and night Jones. not long ago he was considered to be 'recommended' here, but after showcasing his best results the consensus was that his CHERRY PICKED results were not good enough, so he got turned down by the members here rightfully so. plus there were some horror stories with him making the huge scars, low yields etc. on few occasions. so to sum it up for you, you simply can't compare Rahal to Jones because Rahal and few other surgeons are in the class of their own. --------------------------------------------- BTW Reptile any updates bro???
  14. wow - how do i resize the image??? Bill i need some assistence please
  15. yes this is amazing result!!!! but FenderPlayer are you on any meds right now??? i can see that your hairloss is more apparent behind the area that was worked on as seen on this pic: if not i urge you to start taking them right away and thank me later
  16. what boggles me is that his commercials are in prime time on a premium channel (CBC) during playoff games in between periods. so ether his business is booming big time so he can afford the prime time slots or this is his last act of desperation before this recession swallows him up. i'd love to know which one of there two scenarios is more likely. i lean toward the second one.
  17. some people are risk takers while others are not. some people are afraid of illicit drugs some are not some people are more paranoid some are not. some people look at their life like 'whatever you live only once' while some don't. and so on and on and on..... so to each its own and i think by now everyone knows the pros and cons of propecia so the posts are just getting redundant imo. P.S. biscuit - i'm very impressed with your ducks team this year in playoffs. who would it thought eh? you ready for tonight's game?
  18. Titan congrats! work looks great and it seem like it is densely packed. once it grows out i think you will be very happy but for now you just have to be patient for about 10-12 months. honestly i wouldn't worry about what TC17 is saying (although i understand his concern). i say live like there is no tomorrow man. plus i'm pretty sure Dr. Rahal can fix whatever further hairloss life throws at you. so once it grows out, enjoy your life to the fullest, hook up with some fly honeys and pick one of them to be your future wife. just don't wait too long like i did and then it was too late. but that's a long story bro and trust me i'm speaking from personal experience. not just to you but for everybody else that is in your shoes 21-25 range.
  19. that's an understatement. i'd say yeah, that screams russian/siberian winter hat.
  20. lately i keep on seeing TV commercials from this guy calling himself Dr Cole. i thought this guy was the american dr Cole thinking the guy is expanding his 'empire' further. but after checking his website i realized that it is totally different Cole that nobody knows about or heard about. his full name is Dr. Christopher Cole. here is his website:http://www.coleclinic.com/ Bill or Pat or anyone else ever heard of this guy before or perhaps visited his clinic or perhaps had a HT with him??? anyone with any info please - don't be shy
  21. lately i keep on seeing TV commercials from this guy calling himself Dr Cole. i thought this guy was the american dr Cole thinking the guy is expanding his 'empire' further. but after checking his website i realized that it is totally different Cole that nobody knows about or heard about. his full name is Dr. Christopher Cole. here is his website:http://www.coleclinic.com/ Bill or Pat or anyone else ever heard of this guy before or perhaps visited his clinic or perhaps had a HT with him??? anyone with any info please - don't be shy
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