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Mr. GQ

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Everything posted by Mr. GQ

  1. why oh why, that was just another example of one of those shameless self promotions. plus it was cheap. wow internet ad, wow local newspapers ad. all he's trying to do is to lure in potential investors and that's it. i'm not surprised that no one is biting yet. ahhhhh i hope this all turns out well in the end and this dude becomes filthy rich but i have a big doubt it will.
  2. i see what's wrong with all this should i or shouldn't i get a HT thing. just like lms, hopefull, and many others see it. it's because too many guys (young and old) have their head buried in sand and are playing ostridge. then there are others that drink kool-aid all day and keep encouraging each other. if it was otherwise everybody would be praising HTs and 90% of bald people would be getting HTs right this second. that's why i'm still holding back and waiting for few more doctors to adopt FUE or that HM becomes reality. so it all boils down to this, itis all about that bloody SCAR that will stay with you till the rest of your life and many people just don't want, can't, and simply refuse to have. here is another quote that I find rings so true imo (2nd today ): "Strip and fue both have their place. I think the person that started this thread just meant to emphasise that fue is here to stay. The sooner strip only clinics reconcile to this fact, the better it will be for all. Unfortunately, I think that will not be the case. This thread exemplifies it. Its the repitition of history. In 1980's, a Brazilian doctor first came up with the concept of micrografting v/s plug grafts. He used to offer 1000 micrograft session in contrast to the 50 - 100 4mm plug graft sessions that were the rage in US at the time. His patients were happy with the naturalness of the results. However, for a decade, doctors of various countries, US included, were against this approach of micrografts. The reasons they gave were - 1. It will be too expensive for the patients (they used to charge USD 20/- per plug graft). 2. A row of plug grafts will give a "wall of hair" effect that will look better then the 1000 micrografts. The real reason was - They would have to retrain their staff, charge less per graft and work more overall to earn the same fee. Those that know the history of hair transplant will recognise what I am saying. Many strip only doctors and clinics will do anything to discredit fue because its recognition will mean a major discomfort to them. We do strip as well as fue. Everyday. I base my above statement on that basic fact. Regards and a happy 2009, Dr. A" so all you doctors that are reading this post please step-up your game because we are really getting fed up here. GQ
  3. atta boy maxxy and later on you can put it in your car on the back seat roof - trust me looks cool i got little worried there bruv and stay away from those crazy UK rave parties and those happy pills.....they'll give you a heart attack
  4. here i'll give you one quote that rings so true imo: "I just wanted to add that we all should understand that although a physician is being recommended or is in the Coalition is not a statement that they are on par with all others in the Coalition. I don't believe that is the intention of Pat or Bill unless I am wrong. In saying that however, I do believe that for many that read this forum it might be interpreted that way. In any profession there will always be those that stand above the rest. Just a fact. I think that the reality of everything is that there is a large percentage of us that either can't/won't travel and Pat is trying to find physicians worldwide that he feels comfortable with recommending to someone in that postition. Therefore they have to meet certain criteria for him to give approval. Again, that does not mean that he is stating that they are all equal. NN" so do your own research and you come up with your go to guy!!!! GQ
  5. i think Leeson doesn't like your hairline i say it's perfect and looks awsome so far with early sprouties or "hanging on" soldiers? pure Rahal signature style - love it!!!!!!
  6. hi Abedogg, i wish you all the best on Monday! i'm looking forward to your progress! is it body hair or scalp fue or some combo?
  7. wantego, i read few cases where guys were saying that they had multiple sheds within their first 2 years after HT and hairloss drug use. so i think it's normal that frequent sheds come and go within first 1.5 years after HT and all the drug consumption. but that on the side of your head doesn't look like a typical shed to me. it looks more like a shock loss to me. is your scar anywhere near that missing patch on the right side?
  8. full head of hair 4 sure! but yeah good eye PGP, i see it too. right hand side close to temporal point, little more up above the ear. looks like shock loss. what do you say wantego? what's up with that? i hope it's nothing serious.... cheers
  9. one recent post mentions "stick and place" technique. sounds to me like late Dr. Seager's school. so here is the same parallel again with Dr. Simmons. not that i'm implying anything. i bet late Dr. Seager was Dr. Beehner's mentor. i think Dr. Seager was top notch surgeon back in the days if not the best in the world.
  10. mmhce, no i can't. why? what were you intending to do with it? it was just common sense applied here. i might be off with numbers here but still who can prove it that i was or wasn't white guys with black hair, asians, latinos are groups that pop to my mind. cheers
  11. flyby that's good to know thanks. there you go maxxy. btw u still alive and kicking???
  12. you meant risk takers Bill right?
  13. eman, if i understood correctly what you are trying to achieve, then forget photoshop. i recommend *GIF Construction Set Professional* by Alchemy Mindworks hands down. i've been using it for many years now for some p/t web developing work. its got amazing wizard that will do everything for you with a click of a button. you just simply load some gifs or jpgs in a specific order, click the button, and watch the magic happen in just few seconds and it comes out as only one picture if you know where to look for, you can get it for free wink wink otherwise it's here: http://www.mindworkshop.com/alchemy/gifcon.html
  14. congratulations to you and your wife on your recent marriage. i'm glad you feel comfortable with your shaved look. however some of us are not "brave" enough like you to even get the razor nowhere near the dome and try to pull something like that off. i buzz mine with #1 and #2 and it looks good on me (so people say) but still nothing beats full head of hair which you can make go bald again on demand or as you wish. my girlfriend likes my shaved look also, but too bad i'm still obsessing with the full head of hair. some guys never change no matter what. cheers!!!
  15. either way you can't go wrong. both of them are in my top 5 list. so if the cost is an issue then sure why not. let there be some Burger King vs. McDonald type of competition
  16. and are contradicting each other. that's too big of a hole. people are avoiding FUE docs that are using the punch-tool bigger than 0.8mm that would eliminate 75%-85% of people that are currently looking to get a hair transpalnt. is that the same teqnique that dr. Cam Simmons from Toronto is currently using? Bill?
  17. thanks Raphael84 did you figure it out? PM Bill if you need to. it seems that people don't bother scrolling to off-topic posts let alone read it congratulations, you picked one of the best in business!
  18. yes you better fix this issue ASAP and if you are happy with the sketch, then good for you and you don't have to show it to anyone. or if you are not happy still, have an open and transparent conversation with dr. Hasson until you guys come to best terms. you don't have to show anything to anyone as long as you happy in the end. although you should show/expose the worst case scenarios but i'm sure dr. Hasson listens to his patient's needs and tries his best to make all of his patients happy. you are in good hands so nothing to worry about.
  19. did you also receive the picture with the outlined scetch of your new hairline. i think you should have, so if you don't mind sharing that with us or perhaps PM me and i'll tell you. mature hairline is the one that looks like a letter V or a narrow letter U making you look like you are still receding as in NW2.5 or parhaps NW3 type. i'm sure you have seen those before no?
  20. why not? if you are not in one of those unlucky 2% category, you got nothing to lose but only to gain. so give it a try as it might be your next best thing. if you notice side effects you can always quit the drug. it will go hand in hand with your future HT. forget propecia go with proscar (cut in 4) unless money is not an issue for you.
  21. you are a young guy right? so this statement makes no sense to me. who told you this? dr. Rahal or dr. Feller? preserving donor hair for another intervention in the future goes without saying, but mature hairline hmmm donno.... i hope they are were not talking dr. Farjo type mature hairline style. after looking at your pics, all you need is to fill in those two temple regions, so again mature hairline talk just doesn't make any sense to me at this point or am i missing something here? Take a look at Eman's hairline and that should be your goal and it's the "golden" standard within current HT industry and i'm pretty sure that H&Ws, Fellers, Shapiros and other top docs are producing the same type of standard for guys with minimal hairloss like yourself. heck, even the guys with medium to severe hairloss are not getting the "mature type" hairlines anymore.
  22. thanks for the breakdown justgrow!!! excellent choice once again and i wish you all the best. please do us all a favor and document and post your progress. it has been a while since someone independent posted H&W crown work. i'm from toronto
  23. nice video Bill. it's still buyer beware world.
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