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Everything posted by Bobilero

  1. Expert above is 23 and on propecia and 'knows' it cant cause side effects. Im 34 and was on this stuff for 4 years before the shit hit the fan. Sincerely good luck with it but its poison in my opinion.
  2. I use the Kirkland also. The only criticism is one of the bottles didnt foam at all. Not sure if the pressure was damaged in the delivery. The rest have been fine though and i have seen good results from it. Hell of a lot cheaper.
  3. Its fairly likey you will need further procedure a few years down the line if you have general thinning in a large area or all over. However its certainly not set in stone. Just look at the street daily. You see people in 40's / 50's with loss centralised in one area. Front third or crown etc. One procedure would have sorted this guys out to a pretty decent result. Totally depends on your genetics. The younger you are the bigger risk there is of it. i.e If you are getting a procedure in your 20's.
  4. This looks an impressive result for the 7 month mark but as stated would like to see some more harsh photo conditions. Am see some impressive stuff coming from India from the few results posted.
  5. Dude no judging here but i doubt any docs will chip in with constructive advice on what dose of meth to hit !! But seriously i would put narcotic use in the same bracket as smoking really as it will be a restricter of blood flow and an anti vascular. It wont help your blood flow or blood pressure which helps the healing process and hair growth. Outside of that im sure plenty of HT veterans have hit class A's on the wkend and still had got excellent results. I doubt you will get feedback tho !! Good luck and be safe !!
  6. Indeed Gents. Even if this is a viable alternative to the dark age medication that is Finasteride we will all welcome that. It really is about time science got its finger out on hair loss. Its one area they have not exactly made leaps and bounds.
  7. You hair is good fella. Dont fret it. Get on Minox., I could never recommend propecia but maybe saw palmetto. The only thing i would say is KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON IT AND MINUTURIZATION. There is an insane statistic where people only notice their hair thinning after they have shed 50% of it !! This is a trap i fell in to and was unable to take enough preventive measures in time.
  8. Fantastic natural result. How can people continue to argue that these size FUE do not produce impressive yield and results when done by the right surgeon.?
  9. I have seen people on these forums pushing one technique over the other due to business / professional interests. Its obvious to me and most i would imagine. Do tons of research (not just on this site) and make the most informed decision possible. I have seen enough top quality 2000+ FUE results (in person too) from years of research to know when done by the correct surgeon it is a viable fantastic technique and equally as good as FUT. And which will make a huge cosmetic difference. Not everyone is a good candidate though thats for sure. Higher Norwoods forget about it. I also apply the importance of the surgeon on strip as in the wrong hands can equally result in poor results. FUT is indeed classed as the gold standard of consistency but if you dont want that strip scar and may want to wear your hair short at the back anytime in the future. Its to be avoided. You also have to factor in if your loss progressed severly later in life with FUE you can still just shave it all off without the strip scar. I also believe FUE will be a gold standard technique across the board in the coming years much like FUT is now.
  10. The stuff is a slow form of chemical castration. Anyone on it and thinking they are having no side effects. I would say them to do a year off and then confirm they are having no sides. I was the same. I thought i was having no sides with it until i stopped it for a year. Man do you notice the difference once off it. People just get used to the new norm when on it and forget how they felt and how their libido was before starting. Everything still works when on it no question but it dulls the drive and the urge. You will only see that once you come off it.
  11. Exactly. Its all down to where the patient is most comfortable and agreed they shouldnt let a bit of cost get in the way of that. However while the US may have 'more' top level surgeons purely due to scale. After years of extensive research i did not find any significant high quality variance in results from the US against those of the European surgeons i mentioned. In fact in a lot of cases i have seen more impressive results come from Belgium and said Dr's. The fact you can Eurostar to Brussels in 2 hours from London compared to 8-10 hours flight to US and dealing with US officials would be a pretty big deal for me. When i say Europe i was referring to the mentioned Dr's only particulary in Belgium. My point is if you are in Europe and choose one of the top quality Dr's there is no need to travel to US.
  12. There are lots of other websites you need to research for results , experiences etc as said this site isnt the Be all and end all. It takes time to do all this research. Personally i think going to the US from Europe for Hair restoration these days is madness and not required now. Just unnecessary stress after the procedure with travel , airports etc. not to mention cost. The quality of the results coming from Belgium Dr feriduni , Dr Bisanga and others. Along with Dr Lorenzo in Spain are on a par or exceed anything coming from the US. There are various other clinics like Turkey above also we are now seeing results of very high calibre. Do your research.
  13. My advice is Shave it off. Will be a big relief rather that all that restrictive messing around topping crap on your bonce every day. Avoiding wind, rain , swimming, paranoia people can see it. Just shave it until you decide to either go for a HT or for future developments. Or you may just be happy shaved.
  14. Hi Rob, How are things looking now ? You must over the moon with the results thus far. Are things still coming in and thickening.? You look like you are in for one heck of a result at the 12 month mark. Cheers Bob
  15. Agreed . There will certainly be a viable alternative i would safely say at least to Finasteride now they have discovered the enzyme that actually causes the loss. I canned that poison also due to the sides and definitly wont go be going near it again. This will surely be welcomed even if it dosent regrow hair but just prevents further loss. This combined with the other technologies ongoing the landscape will be sure to be different in the next 5-10 years. Just like the last 5-10 year have totally changed with the advent of FUE technique coming on leaps and bounds. I think a HT without finasteride cant be dismissed anyway. Lots of older people have loss centralised in one frontal area and have decent hair in Zone 3/4. You see them on the street every day. Not everyone hits the highest norwood scales by any means even in later life. Obviously not people of the higher Norwoods at a young age but people at a certain age (35+) by assessing their loss and minutarisation. I think a HT without finasteride is certainly a good option for them and they shouldnt rule it out.
  16. is this a different technique again to the hair muiltiplication procedure by Dr GHO.?
  17. Get on the foam. Its night and Day the difference in irritation between the Foam and Liquid.
  18. Just getting back to the original question. There is no issue shaving head with a clippers post OP. Just wait until the scabs or 2 weeks and the scalp has sufficiently healed. A lot of guys buzz down Post Op until the growth starts coming in. This is a good approach i think.
  19. Toppik looks seriously unnatural colour under sunlight or strong lights in my opinion. Nanogen fibres are far better.
  20. Great end result. Very natural. But to put it in perspective that guy had rock solid hair behind his slight recession of the hairline. Most guys would be happy with what he had Pre op !
  21. If you cannot take meds then FUE should be the only thing you consider. If your loss progresses severly as you age you can still buzz down short without a scar.
  22. Yeah be sure to ride it out and give yourself 12 months minimum before you ditch it. I made that mistake in the past. You need to assess after 12 months if the minox is having an effect. Take pictures monthly to assess. Shedding early on is normally a good sign as the hairs are pushed out to start a new healthy growth cycle and come back thicker and stronger.
  23. Yeah i have got one more kirkland foam bottle and if the same thing happens i will prob switch to the Regaine. The Kirkland Minox is not foaming at all. It is just coming out in liquid form so its not even foam for a few seconds before dissolving. Not easy to apply it like that. Maybe i have a shoddy supply so was interested to see if others have the same problem.
  24. I had to switch from the liquid to the foam due to scalp irritation. Have had no irritation with the foam thankfully. Im using Kirkland Foam at the moment. The one complaint i have is after a week or so the bottles were no longer 'foaming' but the minox is coming out in a liquid state. Anyone else have this.? Maybe its just a bad batch and i will try a different supplier for the next order.
  25. Bottom line is each individual can only garner their opinon on this drug from their own personal experience. Mine is an awful experience in which it took over a year to recover having been on the drug for nearly 4 years without side effects. I have recovered though now. Good luck to everyone on it. The side effects and lifetime commitment was definitly not for me though or to lose everything gained once i stopped taking it. But if it works for people , good for them. I hope they dont get hit with the sides. I just get a really bad gut feeling about this drug and a future massive medical scandal. Sincerley hope im wrong. My main issue with this drug is not the drug itself but in how blase and reckless Dr's and other 'HT related individuals' are about prescribing or advising people to get on it. People should be made aware of the risks and let make their own choices for sure. However it is imperative that people should be made get their bloodwork / hormonal data done BEFORE starting this drug. It is essential they have baseline data should things go wrong. Otherwise they are in a medical limbo and dont know what is causing their problems. From my experience and what i can see this just isnt happening. People are jumping on this stuff like they would asprin. Its an extremley powerful drug in which we dont know what the long term implications are and which needs to be treated with much more care.
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