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Everything posted by Bobilero

  1. From reading up on it. PEople say it can help primarly as a post transplant tool in reducing redness , preventing shockloss and helping the new grafts take by improving vascularity. I think there are some studies online that showed it helped in some of these aspects. However in terms of regrowing hair generally the consensus is its not effective.
  2. Congrats on your HT and i hope its a success. However i think you need you need to come at this post from a different angle. As you are only 3 and a half weeks post op, we really have no idea how it will turn out. You are as well to hold fire till 9-12 months when your full result will just about in full frution and then offer to show people the work privately or otherwise. People looking at pics 3 and a half weeks post op is not going to tell them that much about the clinic. all the best with the growth .
  3. Be careful to wash it off every night before bed. Some clinics dont condone the use of concealer at all until the 3 month mark as it can hinder growth. Personally (if its FUE) i would just buzz your hair down real short till the growth starts coming in at 3/4 months.
  4. A 30 second google search will show umpteen examples of guys who suffer low free test from finasteride use despite elevated Total T levels, it seems for certain people, the more critical FREE Testosterone (2% of which is actually available to the body at any given time) can be driven down. This is because Finasteride has been documented to raise estrogen levels and shift androgen/estrogen ratio in men to be in favor of estrogens, especially the longer you are on it. Increased Estrogen levels are also linked with increased SHBG / gyno. Considering the lack of understanding the medical community has on this drug and its long term use . I would not like to see user's generalising from YOUR advice but rather keep an open mind on the effects this drug can cause. AND get proper baseline test data BEFORE starting the drug they can refer back too should they have these issues. Something the medical community continues to fail to advice users on leaving them in limbo when they have problems.
  5. I feel your pain. I had the exact same issue and lost a whole deposit. I was never given any documentation regarding the clinics non refundable deposit status prior to paying it or nothing to sign before hand. I ran in to issues obtaining the finance then. If i had been made aware or given a disclaimer to sign i would have no issue at all. The clinic acted disgracefully though in their conduct in keeping it. I never came within months of an appointment with them.
  6. I train 4/5 times a week and am about 10% body fat. Its wasnt weight gain. That evidence you point to is a short term effect when free test level can increase as theres more floating not being utilised for DHT. It was for sure the reason in this case. Ive had it tested every 3 months since coming off over a year ago and in each case its increased 2nmol. There are no long term studies and as evident in the unlucky group who have had permanent side effects which wont go away. There is evidence emerging how it affects test production and DHT production receptors.
  7. I went for blood tests and found i had a low Free test level caused by a few years of finasteride use. I dropped the Fin over a year ago and my test levels have steadily increased since then. It was 100% the fin causing it. Wont be going back on it.
  8. Consult around with reputable clinics. Dont blame you on the propecia point. I was on for it years and after seeing the difference of taking a year off it will never go back on it. Get on minox. You could try Saw palmetto, a natural milder DHT blocker than propecia but im not sure if it works for everyone and it may also have sides. There is a lack of studies. Some people swear by it. You could absoloutly be an FUE candidate. Cases around like Stephen from BHR clinic who has had 7000 from FUE and came back to a norwood 1 from nearly the highest end of the scale. The way i look at it the HT landscape will be quite different in 10 years time with additional breakthroughs (cloning/ensyme science / stem cell / multiplication etc) and less invasive treatments available. Just like the last 10 years produced the FUE technique. So in my opinion its all about bridging and buying time till then and you should avoid a strip scar if you can. Of course you are going to have people advise you on either side on this to validate the chosen procedure they have done themselves or to promote the predominate service they offer. Up to you to make your own decision best informed you can. Good luck .!
  9. Rooneys had a vast improvement cosmetically from where he was Pre HT. However hes still using concealer in my opinion. From the pics i have seen with him without he needs another op to increase density. It looks quite see through.
  10. Studies like the below have shown Minoxidil after a HT can help reduce shockloss and even help some of the transplanted grafts to hang on and grow without shedding. And stimulate the new follicules. May not have optimum effect for everyone but its defintily worth adding to the regimen. Improving the Outcome of Hair Transplantation with Minoxidil « Avacor® Hair Regrowth Blog
  11. From extensive research over a number of years i derived that Dr Bisanga is a world class surgeon and one of the worlds leading HT doctors. Particulary in FUE / Body repair and general repairs. Dr Umar im not too familiar with but have seen a few decent results posted online. Research research research !
  12. in reply to Devroye v Bisanga. I think they are both solid docs. But i think Bisanga has more posted results 'i believe' online. At least from what i have seen in my research.
  13. Thanks for posting your story. You picked a good clinic and you should be in for a good result. As a matter of interest did the previous HT from 10 years ago grow at all.? There dosent seem to evidence there of 1500 grafts from your pre op pic.
  14. The easiest way in my opinion to conceal a procedure is as follows is to go the FUE route and shave your head a month or 2 or longer before the op. Everyone you know then gets used to seeing you with buzzed down hair. When you go for the op and come back (taking around 2 weeks off so all scabs are gone) No one will bat an eyelid. And there will be no eye drift in case there was any redness hanging around. Even then you could conceal it with foundation. Then keep your hair buzzed till the growth comes in after a few months. The hair growing back will such a gradual process no-one will notice it. Strip your more limited in terms of concealing and more at risk of being found out in my opinion.
  15. Not uncommon at all for some hairs to grow. The majority will shed but not uncommon for something like 10% to stick around.
  16. I agree you are fairly well gone and have extensive loss for your age. You are not an ideal candidate perhaps. Discuss strategy with some reputable clinics. IF you have realistic goals i.e not expecting great density. You could still get work done. To rebuild a hair line and behind with thin density but if you kept it buzzed down it will at least frame your face somewhat and give the illusion of hair there. Good luck!
  17. Well done Rob. Happy for you. Even if nothing else grew as of now its a terrific result ! You have done a really good job documentating and responding also. I must say i never thought of Turkey before i seen your case . However i have seen some stellar results coming there the last few months. Food for thought for a lot of propective patients another viable top class clinic now i think. Congrats.
  18. Congrats man on your op. You look like a totally different dude now ! You must be over the moon. Your looking like a young Bruce Springsteen in some of those recent shots...
  19. Thanks for the update Mick. Ill check it out.
  20. Simple facts are some guys can rock the look in which they look better with it , i.e The Rock and Jason Statham. Other guys dont really have the head shape and look to pull it off successfully. Overall i dont think its as crucial as people make out. Chicks especially as they get a bit older dosent overly bother them. What is crucial is the confidence element or lack of from guys affected by MPB. If they're not confident in how they look act and feel their dead in the water with the chicks. Confidence is Key !
  21. Mick., Are there any updates available re Michael Gray and his procedure yet? Is he going to post progress?
  22. You right life is a bitch and unfair. We have been all through that phase. First step is acceptance of this unsavoury discovery ! And then start to take action and deal with it !! You should look in to meds to stabilise your loss. I could never condone propecia due to personal experience but its a totally personal choice and understand some people dont get too extreme side effects. Totally personal decision. Minox Nizoral, Saw palmetto. Trial and error and see what works for you. One thing is as you get slightly older i must say it becomes less painful thing to deal with. But Guys in their early 20's i know it can be totally devastating. Then look at a HT maybe 4/5 years down the line to restore your hairline shape once you have it under control. Look on the bright side. You have noticed it early. Most guys dont deal with it until they have lost way more hair than you. You are ahead of the game in that respect.
  23. This is a stunning result. One of the best FUE results i have seen. Although granted patient looks to be a good all round candidate. Turkey becoming a hotbed for top FUE work.
  24. Listen most people on this are in denial anyway in my opinion. No one is talking about a smoking gun side effect where shit dont work !! Everything works fine on it !! But it just dulls in a very subtle manner . And ONLY when you come off for a year or more would you realise that!! So make you own decision & Good luck anyway!! Heres to the PGD2 ensyme!! :-)
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