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Everything posted by wylie

  1. Both doctors do all the work themselves in the hairline, they won't let anyone else touch the hairline, however, they do have techs work south of the hairline, as it takes hours to plant all these grafts.
  2. I have the same problem everytime I post (I use Firefox, and each post says "Corrupted content error"), I get the error message and a box appears that asks if I want to resend the information, of which I click "yes" and it tells me "I cannot post a duplicate message", but it still always posts my original post regardless
  3. I've paid for my past four with a home equity loan. The interest rate is 4% and I pay alot towards it every month, around $500.00. I consider repairing my head more important than repairing my home, even though both are under repair. As far as your specific concerns, it is never a good idea for someone young to rush in to any cosmetic surgery, whether it be a HT or a nose job, because ones needs can change with time. In 5 years you may look back and say "Why was I worried about what my nose looked like?", and you may also look back in 5 years with a shaved head and say "I sure am glad I never got a HT". I guess the lesson here is sometimes being broke is not as bad as it seems, and works out in the end.
  4. Good luck on your surgery, it appears you've done everything right beforehand, in regards to research and educating yourself, and no matter the result, you made all the right moves in speaking to all the right people. Wishing you a hairy New Year
  5. "Methylsulfonylmethane" (MSM) is an organic source of sulfur, which, according to my bottle, is one of the major building blocks of "glycosaminoglycans" , which is a "key structural component in the maintenance of joint cartilage", and it is also good for hair, skin, and nails. As far as dosage, I take 750 mg a day, but am bumping it up to 1500 mg. The bottle actually recommends three pills daily (one with each meal) which would be 2250 mg per day, but I think 1500 mg is enough. You can buy them anywhere you buy vitamins.
  6. Great story, thanks for sharing. When I got butchered in Chicago in the mid 90's it was called "Elliot and Thomas", with Elliot bailing to California and it becoming the Robert Thomas Medical Group, of which I heard that he was facing lawsuits for his shoddy work and eventually bailed himself to something called the Cleveland Hair Clinic, or some chop shop hair mill like that. That POS was killed in a traffic accident in 2003, and I consider him the Dr. Mengele of this industry (although many veterans can throw out names like Puig, Brandy, etc. that are just as evil) I've heard Wentland's name come up once, followed by "he ruined my life", so I get the idea of the work he does. Fortunately for you you're not in that bad of shape. I don't think your hair looks unnatural and everything is age appropriate, to include the mature hairline. I think you simply need to soften the hairline, add some density and perhaps consider a scar revision. At this point, you need to consider your options: Do you want a strip scar, or do you want FUE? FUE means no scar, but some think you don't get the required density from such procedures, so if you opt for it, you should choose a surgeon who specializes solely in its use (for me, the choice for repair was easy, it was Dr. Umar, he was the only person who could attempt a repair from a strip scarred donor area already ravaged) As previously mentioned, he is in Redondo Beach. You have a couple excellent choices in the Midwest, in Chicago Dr. Konior is excellent and one of the best in the business, and the story of Jotronic's repair is one of the most remarkable out there to date. Thankfully your results are not the cringeworthy variety, as there are plenty out there (myself included, although to a lesser degree) Good luck on your quest!
  7. Well, Bill, I'd like to say that Dr. Umar utilized beard, nape and scalp hair from my ravaged donor and created a new hairline for me that no one else could have possibly done. The result over a year later still amazes me. Technical skill and an ability to use multiple sources for excellent results are great, but it should be noted that Dr. Umar also cares about his patients and their satisfaction with their results. He does not forget about you after your surgery is complete, requiring his patients to agree, in writing, to update their progress, with pictures, at 3 and 6 month intervals after the procedure is complete. The aftercare is also exceptional. and it should be duly noted.
  8. I think Dr. Umar would be a valuable addition to this forum's coalition of recommended surgeons and would bring his unique skill set to the conversation, providing repair alternatives to those who have seemingly run out of options. I do believe his inclusion is one that would be mutually beneficial, more so to the community at large, which the coalition is here to serve. I'm glad to see him once again under consideration.
  9. This is the result of a $600.00 transplant, performed by an Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon who clearly had no business performing a hair transplant. This happened a year ago and this young kid (25) has to shave his forehead twice a day and is currently exploring his repair options. I think his only option is excising the plugs.
  10. If you normally buzz your sides with a 0 guard and you are considering a strip then I don't think you've done the right research up to this point. No offense, but you should have long ago considered this. I don't say Dr. Umar is the best solely because you won't have a strip scar, I sat it based on ability. As a repair patient who have numerous options with Dr. Umar (none with other doctors) admittedly I'm biased, but there are lots of surgeons out there who give fantastic strip results with a small linear scar that is not a big deal for for those who don't plan on shaving their back and sides with a 0 guard.
  11. Do you want FUE? If you want FUE then Dr. Umar is the best choice. There is a huge difference between FUE and conventional strip surgery, and if you dont have a problem with a scar and dont plan on ever buzzing your hair short then perhaps you can get away with a strip but you need to ask yourself these questions first. Saving a few bucks is entirely understandable and something we all can relate to, but we often don't think about whether or not we will be happy 10 years from now. As an Umar patient and a veteran of many strips, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't see anyone but Dr. Umar. You have to weigh the added costs versus the benefits of having someone like him work on you. He does things other doctors cannot, I know this from experience. Good luck on your search.
  12. Good comments, one and all. The only resolution I can see going forward is for Dr. Feller to immediately cease and desist any and all legal action against this poster. Let this be a lesson to ALL doctors on this forum: You may win in a court of law, but you will lose in a court of public opinion. Real men step up and try to rectify their patients complaints, not silence them.
  13. I believe the doctor knew exactly that you would be charged 15% interest, regardless of whether or not he says he did (or did not) If he did not know, then he is grossly negligent and I would worry about what kind of result I would get from someone like that. The fact that Chase said it depended on doctor approval means that he had arranged the plan like this himself, or that Chase is lying. I see no reason why Chase would lie to you about this, as bad as banks are, there is not a motive in this regard to lie. There is a motive on the doctors behalf to try and cover this up and feign ignorance. Sometimes the old saying "Thank God for unanswered prayers" is apropos in these type of situations. I think you should actually be grateful, and that you can get a better result from someone else anyway. As hard as it is to hear this right now, I think you should be grateful it turned out this way. A thousand dollars wasted pales in comparison to what could have been a poor result from an unscrupulous doctor. This little lesson about "reading the fine print" is an invaluable lesson on how this industry can be deceptive, thankfully for you it actually happened BEFORE any surgery takes place, which is definitely the EXCEPTION, rather then the rule. It's a costly lesson learned, but remember, the price of a poor result is MUCH higher.
  14. It's only a hoax to the uninformed. The proof is in the video. There is nothing to keep hair from growing on ones scalp, provided it is removed safely and transplanted properly It is science fiction if it has never been done before. Now that it is being performed regularly it is reality. Taboo by a community not involved in performing this type of surgery.
  15. Excellent result, looks exceedingly natural, patient must be thrilled.
  16. Very nice results, I'm sure the patient is pleased, looks 100% natural and he can always add density if he wants. I always like it when doctors can add hair and maintain a "mature" overall look that remains completely natural, and this patient is a perfect example
  17. Based on this thread I ordered the SAMY paste, which I've since received ($7.99) but I can't use it yet because my head was shaved last month and I have no hair but when it grows in I'll try it. I have very thin hair that needs volume and control and there are simply few products I can use due to that and the fact I still have the early 90's mini grafts behind the hairline, which are obvious when any gel is used. I hope some kind of paste that adds volume without causing it to clump together will work
  18. Dr. Konior is probably one of the best hairline docs. in the business. I'd rank his body of work as good, or better, than anyone.
  19. Many people have flown the day after a HT but I would advise flying the following day after a HT. You need a day to assess your needs, examine your head and apply whatever your doctor prescribes, and that 24 hour window to see if you are going to bleed and stop by Walgreens to get whatever you need. I think it is much easier on you if you spend a day to relax and decompress after surgery. Of course, alot of it has to do with how many grafts you receive and how much area is covered, for smaller sessions, the next day is fine. My most recent surgery had me worried about removing my bandana as my entire head had been shaved and either was a donor or a recipient site. I've found that I don't have to remove my bandana at security, unlike a hat, if I mention I just had surgery and offer them the opportunity to feel up there. This time when going through security was different, instead of the metal detector I raised my arms for the body scan, and there was no asking me to remove a thing.
  20. Ryan, I will post pictures as this grows in. I know I'm going to need another pass but I am getting closer to normal. I am not discounting that drugs work for some people and if you think they will restore what you are after, fine. I mentioned that I had my doubts and someone chimed in that I didn't know what I was talking about. Fair enough. I'm not an expert on finasteride and minoxidil and have my doubts on the efficacy of both on someone of your Norwood level. I'm not suggesting you get a HT over trying meds, either, as you know the option exists that if you don't get the results you are after using those two meds then you can quit using them and I don't think your donor will be adversely affected. Perhaps a trial run on both would be a good first move. My only reason for commenting is that I don't recommend switching horses in the middle of the race, if a strip surgeon is not going to give you the yield and density you are after then I wouldn't visit them, I would start out with the surgeon who can give you the results you are after without someone else depleting your donor. I made that mistake, and many others I might add, and my advice is always geared towards helping those people to not repeat them. Either way, PM me if I can be of any other help. Cheers.
  21. I have pre-Umar pictures when my hair was a disaster, and since he is in charge of my repair I just added a link to his website. My head presently is covered in scabs but I plan on taking pictures as this latest surgery progresses, and will update my profile when my hair begins to grow. Check back in 2 weeks for the latest.
  22. I'm not "promoting" anyone, and you are wrong if you don't think Dr. Umar is ethical. I know the difference between ethical and unethical in this industry as this aint my first rodeo. I have now dealt with Dr. Umar for the past 2 years and if he was not ethical, I'd of realized it. I cannot speak to the plan Dr. Umar has for this patient. He just did a session on me on Friday of 2200 grafts and told me my first available opportunity for an additional session should be a minimum of 10 months. I don't pretend to know exactly what plan he has in store for someone of his level of balding, or what sources he intends to use, and what his timetable is. But the fact is I trust his judgement based on his results. My own personal opinion is that minoxidil and finasteride helps you keep the hair you have rather than grow hair you don't have, that's why I think the promotion of this is really just a waste of time and money for someone at his Norwood level. Someone who has less hair loss may experience some regrowth, but would a combination of both make an appreciable difference? I really don't think it would. Anyway, my .02, one can take it or leave it.
  23. I definitely think it would be a mistake to start with someone other than Dr. Umar because you essentially limit the effectiveness of his work if you allow someone else to use up your resources and commit you to a hairline design of their making. I mention this because that is a mistake I made myself, although i hedged my bets and didnt let the other doctor frame a new hairline. Instead I did a BH test session that ended up wasting both donor and money, neither of which i had an excess of. I just did a 2200 graft scalp beard mixture yesterday, and from that we were able to shrink a level VI scalp to a small bald spot. I am only hoping this round turns out as good as the first round did which is when he did my hairline, which exceeded my expectations. My only regret thus far is I did not start my repair journey with him from the beginning. Whether it is repair or blending multiple sources for extensive coverage my research over the past 4 years has made me think Dr. Umar is in a league of his own, a pioneer in this field. And that is in no way meant to diminish the incredible results ive seen from Hasson and Wong, the leaders in extensive coverage using strip. If you do decide to go with a mega session I would advise you start with Dr. Umar, as I wish I had of. Good luck in your journey.
  24. A visit to Bosley is always a potential disaster in the making. If you feel lucky when playing Russian Roulette, then you can take your chances with Bosley
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