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splitting hairs

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Everything posted by splitting hairs

  1. I think its a bit harsh to say someone isn't a good candidate from photos. The photos aren't the best and we have no idea of the guys donor laxity. The best advice I can give you is to consult with a top Doc recommended on this site. You may want to consider Dr Humayun Mohmand in Pakistan as he has experience in doing transplants on patients who are asian/indian. Also, a while back, London lad posted pics on a forum and got told by the posters he wasn't a good candidate. He then went to hasson and wong and got 11000 grafts!! We're not hair transplant surgeons so we can't advise you on how good your donor is. Research well and good luck.
  2. yeah, it's permanent, provided grafts are taken from the back and the sides which are not susceptable to male pattern baldness. However, if you have native hair left and get a transplant, the native hair may continue to thin and be lost. That's why follow up procedures and medication are needed. Spend a lot of time researching this website and forum and don't go to any doc not approved here. Good luck.
  3. There was a lot of publicity here in the UK last year about scientists creating sperm cells from human skin cells. I think that this shows that it will be possible to develop hair follicles (or any cells) and that it will definately be possible in the future.
  4. Dr Feller, do you have any pics of grown out FUE patients who have shaved their heads, as this is an option I have considered. I guess, it would allow less grafts to be used but still give the 'Shadow'that BALDIE mentioned. Thanks.
  5. how old are you? What is your family history of hairloss? and can you post some before propecia and current pics? If you've continued to lose hair - was it at a slower rate? You should probably have a review with your prescribing doctor to evaluate. Have you been buying it over the internet - if so it might be a counterfeit.
  6. Hi Dr Mohmand, I am interested in finding out your views on the hair characteristics of indian/pakistani people and whether in your opinion this better provides coverage than normal hair. I ask this because I am an indian, from the UK, and like most indians I have thick black hair. Also, I've noticed with your work on guys with more extensive baldness, it usually involves an initial procedure of around 3000 grafts spread over the entire head. This produces a result that is low in density and further procedures are needed to increase density. Can I ask why you prefer this approach as opposed to restoring the front, then the back etc? Or does it depend on the patients desires? Thanks for your time.
  7. They are both awesome to be honest. You need to look at tons of before and after pics and decide who's style is better for you. In my opinion, I feel that Dr Wong's work is slightly more conservative than Dr Hasson's, and as a result I prefer Dr Hasson's work. It's your own preference. Good luck.
  8. First off, pictures would help. Its great that your on meds, but as we know their effectivness reduces with time - but keep taking them!! You need to ask yourself if you want to get surgery in the UK, or are you prepared to fly elsewhere? I'm from the UK, and I personally feel that when I get a transplant, i'll be going to Canada to get it done, as I feel the best surgeons are there. If you want to go with the UK, don't consider anyone else except for DR Farjo in Manchester. He'll be honest with you and his work is good. DON'T BE TEMPTED TO GO WITH ANOTHER UK DOC AS YOU WILL PROBABLY GET BUTHERED. In fact you're very lucky you didn't get butchered first time around. Research on this forum using the search function, look at grown out results from lots of surgeons, do online consultations with the best docs all over the world, meet Dr Farjo - then weigh up all the info and make your decision. If you stick with the recommended docs on this forum, you will be in good hands. Good luck.
  9. Firstly, base your decision on the results you have seen - not who is closer or who is cheaper. IMO, Hasson and Wong are the kings of megasessions, they do some of the best work in the world. If you go there, you'll be in the best hands. It's likely you may only need one surgery (or one megasession and a smaller session), whereas if you go elsewhere, you may need 2-3sessions. good luck
  10. Honestly guys, don't believe all the hype about FUE or Neograft. YES FUE is less invasive than strip, but the single biggest reason why strip surgery is used by the worlds best hair transplant surgeons recommended on this network is because STRIP HAS PROVEN OVER MANY YEARS TO GIVE, IN THE RIGHT HANDS, THE BEST RESULTS AND THE BEST YIELD. The problem with FUE is that grafts get damaged and not all of them will grow. Whereas with strip, this is far less likely. I don't know if neograft improves the yield of FUE, but I aint about to go risk wasting my precious donor grafts to find out!! Do your research (for at least 6 months) on this forum and weigh up all of your options. Listen to and learn from others. Good luck.
  11. Using Spironolactone to treat hairloss is unlicensed. This basically means that it hasn't been approved to treat hairloss because there is either a lack of evidence in the form of clinical trials, or because the side effects mean the cost versus benefit thing means it isn't worth taking. To be honest, spironolactone is primarily used for high blood pressure. It does have anti-androgen properties, but it would need to be taken at a high dose. Personally, I wouldn't bother with it - it can mess with your blood pressure and your potassium - and even then, the anti- androgen effect is likely to be small. Why not consider propecia instead. It's an anti-androgen, it's approved to treat hairloss and clinical trials have shown it to be highly effective. whatever you do, research thoroughly, and get your medication from a doctor - not over the internet!!! Good luck.
  12. To be honest, PRP probably isn't going to do much for you at the front. If it helps, it's likeley any benefit will be seen in the crown area (I cant tell if you have loss in the crown from your pics). I understand what you're saying in that you don't want people to know you've had a transplant if you do decide to get one. But 500 FUE grafts is unlikely to give you any real cosmetic improvement for your level of loss. See how the PRP goes. If you get benefit in the crown, by all means keep using it. Keep taking propecia. If I were you, I would take a good 3 weeks off work, then go to the likes of Feller or Hasson and Wong or Rahal, and get 3000 strip grafts into the front third. This will give you an incredible improvement - but it will be gradual - over a year. It will frame your face and you'll feel great too. When you think that you need 3000 grafts to get a good improvement - you should realise how little 500 FUE grafts - which will cost you double the price of each Strip graft - will do. Just do plenty of research on this forum, weigh it up properly - this is a decision that will change your appearance forever - so don't take it lightly - and don't make a decison based on fear of others finding out. Good luck.
  13. Andre agassi's autobiography has just been released here in the UK. I watched an interview with him on TV the other night and he explained how he used to wear a wig. interesting?? It's a shame propecia and transplants weren't around/very good back then. He said how he felt much better after just shaving it off and accepting it. Easier said then done though!!
  14. Get them to do loads of research on this forum. There's no easy way to say that the treatments they want to buy a a load of rubbish, but what you can do to make them feel better is tell them about the ones that do work. They are on propecia, recommend minoxidil. Recommend a consultation with a hair transplant doc on this site. They might be unhappy with you, but if you open their eyes to what does work and what solutions there are, it should be fine - and they'll thank you for it. good luck.
  15. You obviously haven't seen Hasson and Wong's gallery. They are the kings of transplants on guys with extensive hairloss, in my opinion. Others can do a good job too, but H&W seem to get the most grafts in the fewest sessions, it would appear.
  16. Looks brilliant!!! Are you on propecia to prevent future loss?? Also, How old are you? It's good to see an appropriate number of grafts used - leaves you in a good place if you get future loss. Congratulations.
  17. From looking at the photos and reading what has been written, here is my opinion: I think that the patient looks far better after the surgery. Yes, the front isn't as dense as most of us would like, but I think that the patient had high expectations - basically he thought he could achieve a great result in one surgery. That doesn't happen very often. IT USUALLY TAKES AT LEAST TWO SURGERIES TO GET A DECENT HEAD OF HAIR. WELL DONE, STEP ONE IS COMPLETE - NOW GO BACK FOR ROUND TWO AND DR WONG WILL, AS ALWAYS DO A GREAT JOB. You cant get results like joetronic or Bill in one surgery. My advice is go and get 2-3000 grafts to finish the crown and add density to the hairline. Also, make sure you get on propecia. good luck
  18. I can't speak about the others, but I use nanogen and although it does nothing to prevent hairloss (I take propecia for that), its a great way to get by and improve your self esteem if you aren't yet a candidate for a transplant. In my experience, if you apply enough hairspray, nanogen holds in place extremely well. It holds up in heavy rain, and in very windy conditions. Once I even got my brother to pour a jug of water over my head - and it still held up. Although I wouldn't wear it swimming.
  19. The results look excellent!! It's good to see an appropraite amount of grafts being used with the future progression being borne in mind. Congratulations, you should be thrilled.
  20. Concealers such as nanogen do appear to have a different texture from your natural hair under bright light. Make sure you apply plenty of hair spray to minimise this. It will take a bit of practice. To be honest, if you also style your hair, people will just think its the effect of the wax/gel that you use. You just need to learn to become comfortable with it. Once you realise how much better it makes you look, you won't go without it. Ask some of your close mates if they think your hair looks ok - I've done this and no one has ever mentioned anything about the nanogen. The worst they might say is: It looks like you've used a bit too much wax. It takes practice and it took me months to perfect my routine and become comfortable wearing it. Good luck
  21. You could put 1200 grafts in now, but when the rest of the front third starts to go you can't top it up as its going - you'll have to wait until the whole front third goes - leaving you with an unnatural look for as long as it takes : 6 months...3 years?? Imagine walking into work like that. Think it through mate. You could maybe even try using nanogen fibres - I use it when I go out - and it works a treat
  22. Hey man, please read what I'm about to write very carefully. You might not like what I say, but you'll come to realise, through your own research that its the truth. I'm a year older than you and decided not to get a HT for now. Hair loss is progressive, generally the earlier you start, the faster and further you will progress. There are many rubbish hair transplant docs out there that are after your money, tell you that you are a good candidate then scar and disfigure you. The donor hair at the back of the head is finite and you cannot restore a full head of hair. Drugs like propecia help to delay the process of hair loss, but ultimatley it will go. The problem with putting 1200 grafts into the hairline is when hairloss progresses, you're left with a tuft of hair at each temple. My advice to you is this. Put off surgery until your hairloss has progressed far enough so you can get 3000 grafts in to the front third. That way, if you go to NW6 you will still look natural. ALL GUYS WOULD KILL TO BE A NW 2 like you. You're lucky, if you can, get on meds and make the most of your hair. And rest assured that when you hairloss progresses, you can and will get an amazing result (look at hasson and wongs gallery if you don't believe me). Good luck.
  23. Moxonator, being from the UK, when I was considering a hair transplant last year, I found this site and read everyone saying not to get a HT in th UK. At the time I thought "oh what do these guys know" and booked a procedure with a UK clinic. As I did more research, I decided to cancel the procedure. Then a few months back I heard how that exact surgeon has scarred people and ruined years of their life as they have had to get several procedures to correct the poor work. My advice is this: Go with a surgeon recommended on this site. If you want to go with someone in the UK, go to Dr Farjo.
  24. Whatever you do, don't stop taking propecia. Yes you've been on it for eight years, and yes its effectiveness reduces over time, but think of where you would be without it. If you stop taking it now, you will get catch up hairloss - you will lose all the hair you would have lost as if you had never taken the drug. I've read about tons of guys who, after several years stopped taking propecia, only to lose lots of hair. But going back on the drug didn't regrow the hair they lost. If I were you, I would stay on propecia long term, then get hair transplants done in stages. The only time I would come off the drug is when my hairloss reaches the same level as my dad's. Besides, you've got a front third transplant, and you're going to look amzing in a few months. Good luck.
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