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Everything posted by Kharmacoma

  1. A hair transplant would be justifiable on you, your Zone A looks weak compared to the rest from what we can see in the pictures. I would agree that 3000K would change your appearance.
  2. I would say it is very expensive. You can get similar results from doctors in Spain for half the price, but this is just my opinion.
  3. Amazing work! Actually from day 1 and the placement Hasson did it was sure the result would be stunning. What was the cost, sorry if I missed it.
  4. Two weeks is good enough, you wont get completely unnoticed, but you will be ok most probably.
  5. The doctors that quoted you 2000 is because they will work inside existing hair which is dangerous, and I don't blame them at all. You will see a big difference with 2000. Realistically though you would need 3000+ to get full density. But you will need a really experienced doctor, willing to take the risk - cause there is one. Get a quote from Asmed in Turkey he is most of the times willing to take the risk. Either of the above will make you happy I believe, final choice is on you. I if I was you and since you are young and I believe you will have another one in the future I would be conservative.
  6. I would personally never get a hair system. I am NW5, 40 years old, and I have fought it quite well with two hair transplants of 5500g total + finasteride + minoxidil. But even if I was NW7 I would save my head, I am 100% sure on this.
  7. Unless you will be out for 2 weeks, you cant really. Depending always on what NW you are.
  8. Thank you! Issue is not really the scars but the possibility of damaging nearby grafts particularly in the donor area. Please keep us updated on your progress.
  9. Your budget is good. Go to Lorenzo in Spain and with half that amount you will have a great result.
  10. 12.500USD for this? 😔 what tool did he he use, it seems more than 1 - 1.2.
  11. There is no way your donor can look bad with 700 punches unless it was the first procedure your doc performed in his life.
  12. I assume you are not on Finasteride. Big mistake, but what ever clinic you choose get on fin cause you will possibly need a forth one in the coming years and you will have no grafts.
  13. I don’t think that for at least 5 days and until swelling has gonna you are able to enjoy anything. But I assume after 10 days and the scrubs are gonna you can.
  14. Has your donor stabilised since you started finasteride 4 years ago, or have you noticed further thinning and the bald spot moving downwards?
  15. Looks really good, you are a different person. They only thing I would want is a slightly more natural hairline. Congrats!
  16. I think its water as well. The first few days after my transplant when getting out of the shower they would appear on my head for an hour or so.
  17. Good result! As the doctor used grafts up to very high on you donor for me it is 100% essential to stay on Finasteride.
  18. You need a very skilled doctor to go through your current hair without damaging them. Be EXTRA careful to which doctor you go otherwise you may end up with less hair. Although your pictures are not clear I would see you need around 2500-3000grafts to fix your hairline and fill in the gaps within you hair. Are you on finasteride? I believe it could really help in your case.
  19. Personally I would avoid going within your current hairs as they are still very dense. I would do a dense packing in the front 0.5cm + temples, which would greatly cover your, minor, issue.
  20. I use aloe Vera to combat itchiness, 2 weeks post operation onwards. Try to avoid an aloe Vera with any form of alcohol, the more pure the better.
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