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  1. I've been using Minoxidil topical and Finasteride oral since over 14 months. I have noticed some gains and improvement but my crown is still very thin; I don't have good coverage and the hairs that remain only grow to a certain length. I am wondering if I should switch to Dutasteride now because I've seen some stories of people switching and getting good regrowth. Has anyone done this? Is it recommended to do so?
  2. Yes, he did. Unfortunately the only resolution Rahal can offer is to add more grafts to the hairline, or remove the remaining pluggy-looking grafts. I've seen a dermatologist to alleviate some of the redness with a yellow laser which helped some, but it is largely not an aesthetically great looking results in terms of the hairline.
  3. I'm a reasonable person, and can fully understand this logic so I will wait. My disappointment however lies here: I was initially told during the online consult that my hairline and crown would be able to be filled during one hair transplant. When I arrived to the office the day before the surgery, I was told that only the frontal zones would receive grafts, and that I would have to come back for a second HT with Dr.Rahal for the crown. Now, I am being told that the crown is not a good candidate for a hair transplant. Additionally, grafts from a previous botche HT were removed and the hairline was designed higher (based on Dr.Rahal's advice). I was told the skin will heal and the previous hairline design / scar tissue will not be noticeable - but it is, and I've been treated by various Dermatologist with trentinoin, steroid cream and laser but the redness still remains. Can you understand the frustration on my part? Dr. Rahal is a great surgeon who does great work, I just wish there would have been more honesty about what is possible with my case, all factors considered.
  4. Looks really good, but you also had a lot more hair than I have. I hope you have a great result, even if it takes longer (as the crown sometimes does, if I’m not mistaken?). Good luck!
  5. I tried fibers a long time ago and didn’t quite like them. Don‘t they wash away if they get super wet or look unnatural in the sunlight? Additionally I would find it hard to find fibers to match my true hair color I think. Do you recommend a specific brand?
  6. I've seen a stabilization in my hair-loss, improvement in hair quality, but not necessarily very much re-growth. (This applies to the crown as well)
  7. I'm 34 years old. I've been on oral finasteride since 7 months. I've been on topical minoxidil since 11 months. I derma-roll 1x every two weeks with 1.5 an automatic derma-stamper (hence the redness in some of the photos). I've seen a stabilization in my hair-loss, improvement in hair quality, but not necessarily very much re-growth. (Somehow my hair looks better in these photos than it does in person) Am a I good candidate for a crown transplant? I consulted with Dr. Rahal and he informed me that it's too early, due to potential shock-loss, I may not see much benefit. I'm partial to disagree though.
  8. What's your situation exactly? And do you have any progress pics? He removed the grafts because the hairline was initially designed too low by a terrible surgeon - as a result the hairline was designed higher, exposing the locations of the removed grafts.
  9. Had a hair transplant done by Rahal and instead of retaining the initially established hairline set by my initial surgeon, Rahal decided to remove the grafts and place them elsewhere in the scalp - I agreed to this decision of course because he designs very good hairlines and his team does good work. Unfortunately after about 6 months I still have scar tissue and redness which renders my hairline to look pretty unnatural. I've posted about this before but I haven't received any decent feedback/advice yet. I've already seen a dermatologist and they prescribed a cream, but I have no seen an improvement in appearance over the last 4 months. What would you do?
  10. Another set of pictures - seems I am still experiencing some slight improvement. Although, nothing earth shattering.
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