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Everything posted by TorontoMan

  1. The surprising thing is it didn't take long for the sides to go away given the long half life of dut, it was like 3-5 days
  2. I'm sort of restarting the process again as I foolishly ignored the dosing during application. I was using a bit more product to try to cover my scalp efficiently and ended up using more than 1 pump per application, eventually it began to accumulate systemically and it was giving me some sides. But this is entirely my own fault, as I was ignoring just how much dut I was applying onto my scalp. This time I'm going to strictly start with 1 pump just once a week and wait it out 3-4 months. Sides only started coming up for me when I started being negligent about the amount I was using.
  3. We all want binary answers for these types of things, but you won't get them, not at this point anyway. The initial results for Cosmerna seem to be good, some study wrote they were on par with finasteride, but we will need a lot more time to assess how works long term. I'll be looking into getting my hands on it as well, but for the time being I won't quit finasteride until there's some concrete proof it can replace it.
  4. I'm a RU user now for little over a year (along with fin) and when I first got it from Anagenic and used it, I got awful side effects. I then went and sourced it from a Wuhan Lab directly where I was a part of a larger group buy for it and someone had organized third party testing. With the purity coming back 98%, I began using it at very small doses and worked my way up. I don't have side effects from RU now, and nothing close to what I experienced the first time around. The point I'm making is, I'm suspicious about a lot of the reviews on reddit as most of those guys are ordering from fairly shady sites imo such as Anagenic, MInoxidilmax etc. These companies are more than likely sourcing their compounds from China as well, but my hunch is that the quantity being ordered, how its being handled in the process, the testing their doing etc etc , is not ideal. I also bought pyrlutamide for two of my best friends from Wuhan. One has been on it now for 6 months and the other around 3, neither have reported any side effects from it and its too early to judge what its doing for their hair. The intention with my comment isn't to promote any of these chems to anyone or deny that sides are possible, but I do think some of these kids on reddit are not the best source for information. My biggest realization on reddit was that a lot of these guys are young and some neurotic, they will tell you something isn't working for them after trying it for 2-3 months..
  5. Yes I think there are a few major factors that contribute to someone's relationship with the medication that we cannot really quantify. The first being that more often than not the medication is started by someone to mitigate a very emotionally difficult situation. So starting off in a distressed position will often lead to someone perpetuating the same negative emotions over a long period of time, and they often don't realize that. The second would be not knowing what they're willing to give up, or simply what trade-offs work for them. I believe that some side effects are real, but I believe that minor observed side effects are amplified by the individual's psych as well. That's a whole a lot of assumption on my end, however, everyone has to do their best to answer how they would feel about themselves if the worst case scenario happened with the progression of their MPB. If you can't bring yourself to shave your head right now for example and live like that for a few months, then ask yourself how comfortable would that make you in some period of time. Would that essentially give you similar or different side effects in any case. So I guess we have to learn what we are willing to tolerate. Anyway my two cents there, I think your hair looks great and will def be supported with medication, maybe give it another go being in a better place now and see what you experience.
  6. Should be coming within the next 2 months, as I read apparently that's what they told their stakeholders. The price will be based on a multiple month usage given it's dose frequency is likely only once weekly or maybe even bi-weekly, so 200euro might be for 3-4 months in a small vial.
  7. I'm sorry but some of these comments are not being completely transparent with you. You are not a good candidate for a hair transplant. You can certainly get a hair transplant as there will be doctors willing to take your money for it for sure, but this is a game of mathematics and your donor does not have enough supply to cover nearly enough of the balding area. You will in the end have paid to move a small amount of hairs and leave scars on your head to not be able to achieve enough coverage, the result will not bring much marginal benefit and if anything imo would make the situation worse. You can try finasteride and see if you are able to recover something, but that isn't the case for the majority of people on medications. There are treatments in the pipeline right now such as HMI-115, and a few others that are showing a lot of promise for hair treatment, I think you should save your money and be gearing up for the chance that we get a novel treatment soon.
  8. well done mate, this is excellent
  9. Send me $20.00 and I’ll do it better thank this guy
  10. Lol no.. write down specific questions you have with detailed photos and the members here will be able to guide you. There are enough experienced members on here who will tell you anything Matt can
  11. No reason to do anything else, it looks really good and uniform. Are you on meds ?
  12. I see this come up quite often, can you speak to it a little more? How often do you think a week you’d get morning wood off meds? I feel like it tapers down naturally as we are, but perhaps closer to 40. I didn’t really think about my morning wood prior to meds because I didn’t have to worry about anything then, but I would bet I didn’t get them every morning
  13. Yep, not strong enough for any meaningful results
  14. Yeah the hairline is, like 1.5 inches down. I do lather in at the hairline as well slightly, but I prioritize the rest of my scalp
  15. I'm not sure if this was a question for me, but I realized that I needed just slightly more than a pump to cover my scalp comfortably, so I lather a bit until I do cover my scalp. So it might come out to using slightly more product but I believe its marginal. I section my hair into 4 parts mainly, the bottom of my crown, then to the top of my crown, the mid scalp, and then right up to the hairline. I spend some time working it in with my fingers to make sure it comes off hair and into the scalp.
  16. Glad to hear it to mate. It's a daunting process, it feels like there are so many things unknown and you can't control for everything and at the same time you want it to be done already 😅. It seems like you have your head on straight, just prioritize experience and results above personal convenience and money. In my experience people who went for cheap, quick and sometimes with fake assurances from doctors seem to often end up dissatisfied.
  17. Here is my journey with Dr. Rahal: I understand your anxiety and concern over making a decision, I experienced the same. Even when I had finished the surgery weeks later I still had anxiety wondering if I had chosen the right clinic and if I should have gone with someone else etc.. While I don't think that anxiety fully disappears until you are at the end of your journey, what I could add is this: - Write off the money you're going to spend. Don't make this about money in your head, a lot of the times I had thoughts of is this worth money I'm investing, should I even be doing this financialy etc.. If you've elected that a successful surgery would bring you more peace in your life, then it is worth it. - You have to put your trust in experience. You are going to a Doc who has been operating for 30+ years, consider the amount of surgeries him and his team have done and how many people came before you. - If Dr. Rahal is among your picks, you have done enough research to not be going to a hair mill. - Their success rate is high and you are not special or an anomaly, there is no reason to come in believing you won't come out of this succesful too. As long as your expectations are in tact, which it sounds like they are, then you will have a great chance of the outcome making you happy
  18. Bumping this in hopes that there are any other Xyon users who can share. So far a little over a month consistently for me so I can’t note much, but I haven’t perceived anything in terms sides
  19. Hey man, Donor hair is simply more resistant to DHT than the rest of the scalp, but unfortunately it is susceptible to loss as well. There is a risk long term that transplanted hairs (donor hairs) will miniaturize the same as any hair would and especially without medication. However, it varies person to person, my father as an example is 67 and is I would say approaching NW5 diffuse, but his donor hair is still in tact and very thick. So if he did a hair transplant say 10 years ago, judging by the state of his donor now he would have likely not had issues. At the same time, we've seen some guys on here who's donor areas drop quite significantly towards their nape and also thin throughout. I think the best course of action for anyone is to get a few in person consultation with the best hair transplant surgeons or even dermatologists, as they will have the best idea of what you can expect long term. As well, please don't rush into a decision with a hair transplant as you are NW6 you need to understand your expectations very well. Any surgery will leave you scars and still have a chance of not giving satisfactory results.
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