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Everything posted by duchaine

  1. Sprry, my mistake. meant FUE. I figure that weight training should be avoided after FUT but...why do docs suggest to avoid WT after FUE.
  2. A lot of clinic suggest to wait 4 weeks after fue Ht to start training. The thing doesn't make any sense to me, because. the graft on the recipient area are ok after 4/10 days. What is your opinion?
  3. sure, thanks! I send you my email in PM.
  4. I'm looking for it but I can't find. How much in USA?
  5. 4 times per week? size? Do you have any study to support it? the actual directions for DR are based on GAS theory (general adoption syndrome): we stress the "system" so it will grow stronger. This is why researchers suggest to use DR once every 7-15 days. The scalp need to recover before the next treatment. Anyway, I do not agree with this method because Growth factors (the ones that we try to stimulate using DR) production can have an additive effect. So, if you have something to support 4 times per week..I'm with you!
  6. If he know that pics are not enough to say if someone is a good candidate or not, he could ask to sent him a tricoscopy before the patient fly to Ankara. Even if a TS is not definitive, at least the risk to fly to Ankara for nothing is drastically reduced. I know several dermatologist in my home town that make a TS for 100 euro.
  7. I agree with you. I've only 2 minor considerations. A) the doc should advise we patients that we can go to Ankara for nothing; b) the doc should advise we patients that he is going to extract around 200 grafts and stop. If I knew all this, maybe I didn't go to Ankara and for sure I didn't allow him to extract 200 graft for nothing.
  8. questions: a) do you use it? b)does it work? c)what's the best brand/model to buy?
  9. Thaks buddy, really appreciate your feedback. I asked Bruno Ferreira for a second opinion and he said that my follicle are not miniaturized and he doesn't understand why the surgery was stopped. Everybody makes his personal choice and I think it is fair that a doc is looking only for amazing results. but, if it is the case, he: a) should look for a tricopcpy before the patients go to Ankara; b) he should make his trials extracting very few amounts of Grafs. 180 in my case and 270 in your friend's case are irrational numbers!
  10. Very similar to your case. Read the link below. @Egy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5839894/
  11. Bruno Ferreira gives hits patients an ultra detailed report. Looking forward to read it!
  12. very nice! Do you have any pic with long hair?
  13. Don't misunderstand what I wrote, please. You were said that the doc has at least 300 patient and only 3 per year get aborted, that is 1%. We both don't know how many patients/year the doc has. anyway, if you consider the 3 cases on this board, you need to do the math considering bis patients on this board! Making the statistic with this number, you get the 30-40% here has been refused. I'm sure the doc has a lot of clients from Italy but they are not on Italian boards. If it was, you should find at least 50 post year! By the other side, if they publish a report, that means they got the HT. We don't know what about the others that do not publish a report. For sure, if someone get aborted, it doesn't make sense to publish a report.
  14. I suppose that Kaan spoke in good faith and using the best of his knowledge. This is why I opened this topic. That said, I disagee with you about numbers Consider that he takes at least 2/3 days for HT, so that means that he does 100/150 HT per years. Then consider that not everyone write on this board. Among 8-10 of clients on this board, 3 got an aborted transplant. That is 30-40%, that is a lot.
  15. Did Bruno Ferreira look at his pics? What did he say?
  16. How many grafts? where dis you get your surgery?
  17. He can use both. It is important that the overall quantity during the day.
  18. Are u sure? on italian instruction is 2 per week, not 1 every two weeks.
  19. is it just a matter of lighting, or did your hair turn grey (from black) after HT?
  20. he uses manual punch for sure but I can't tell what kind of punch.
  21. Yes, i went to a very famous clinic. 6 doctors togheter looked at my scalp, saw the pictures of my extracted grafts, made a trocoscopy, then extracted seven grafts...talked togheter and said that i do not have any kind of miniaturized hairs and I’m a good candidate for ht. they said “they are just short, but they are all the same lenght. That means it is your genetic. Some people have short nails, you have short fu”. I’m very glad to my doc, he acted ethically. I hope he is not right about his diagnosis, but he acted fairly and I consider him a friend (as e asked to consider him).
  22. IMHO, a doc shouldn't extract 180 graft and stop the OP. He should: a) make a tricoscopy BEFORE the op b) stop at 10-20 grafts if he thought that he needed to extract the grafts to understand the real structure of my UF The more I think about my story and the more I think there is something strange about it.
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