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Everything posted by wb280

  1. Hi there! ok cut to the chase, below are my humble opinions! 1) No, u can actually leave it as long as a week but depending on weather and various reasons but i have heard that pple in cold climates can leave it on for a week or even more 2) Good question. In my case, no matter how, i just felt that tape looks a bit unnatural. I would suggest keeping to glue. It feels sticky but i still thought it holds the best... 3) Beware of children! If they pull hard, chances are the glue will un-stick a bit and assuming u are stuck at a party or what, it might cause u to feel uneasy though i dun think anyone would ve noticed any difference! 4) I stay in tropical climate also and to be honest, that was the sole reason why i ditched it. It was unbearable with the glue and stuff and i have to wash everyday. I finally chunked it after 2 weeks and it nvr felt so good. I felt unshackled. Maybe its just me, dun let me put u off. At least give it a go and if u end up not liking it, its at most some financial loss and totally reversible... provided u are not shaving the frontal and crown cos most full systems require u to do that. 5) Tough luck. After my transplant, i was thinking about it but somehow the info i consolidated tells me that the result of the HT might not turn out to be as good. I did not really go into detail as i was just considering. 6) Again, i cant say for everyone but it din work for me. My undercover was blown once i got into the water. Maybe i din wear it properly as i only tried for a very short period of time! hope the above helps!
  2. Yes it is! I have been there a couple times and always realized i put on weight when i am back. The mian sian and pork rib soup among others are heavenly local food ! Have a merry christmas doc and of cos u Tarepanda
  3. USD11? Thats rough. A session of 3k grafts will set u back by a whopping USD33k. Although everyone is saying not to compromise on the price when selecting a good surgeon but the amount is still tough to swallow...
  4. Mate, at one month, things can change and u r worrying far too much. Its normal for 'holes' to appear, i would probably say thats shock loss. Have a look at my pictures i had the same issue. At month6 now, i would say why the hell did i worry at that time? Although i will advise u to follow post op instructions diligently for precaution best of luck!
  5. Yo mate, sorry for the late reply. It seems u r doing well and that Bosley's team is doing whats right with the follow up etc. Keep the updates coming! And errrrrrr, race safely
  6. Like i mentioned many times, shaving does allow the doc to see more clearly and the techs as well. Remember, techs are humans and after day and night of implanting, its really tough not to make errors. For me, as long as the doc requires it, i aint gonna say no Its about what u need to do, not what u want to do. However, i understand that some docs do not deem it necessary. I just do not want to risk anything as long as its within my control.
  7. At 1500pounds it sounds cheap too but anyway that does not mean the work will be bad but just be more cautious. The last thing u wan is to get into a s***hole again Best of luck!
  8. Maybe he wants to give u a free skin overhaul surgery ok jokes aside, he technically did not say anything so u might end up being sued for defamatory comments I suggest u just laugh at it and move on.
  9. Hey i must say both your results looked good doc. I am from a chinese speaking country and i am glad to see a chinese doc in the forum with a couple of good results. Keep it up!
  10. My heart goes to u Doc and your family. May the treatment go smoothly and merry christmas!!!
  11. Dude, any reason why they could or did not do more? I reckon its because u are mainly concentrating on the temples? 50 on the temples will not look natural...
  12. Hi there, i feel for you mate and u were sayin 1500? dollars or grafts? either way, i dun think HTs are that cheap and 1500 grafts will probably not satisfy u. Like Blake mentioned, Dr Madhu is a respected surgeon with lots of patients showcasing their results here.
  13. I do not think u need to go to a HT doc to remove the staples. I did mine at a local clinic and it was done in less than half an hour with very minimal pain.
  14. Everyone wants FUE, minimal scarring, getting to work asap etc. Mates, have we all forgotten our purposes in undergoin the op? Its about regaining back your hair! I am not biased against any procedure but do not just look the advantages of FUE and disregard the disad like potentially less yield among others. Listen to the docs advice. If 10/10 suggest strip, will u still go for FUE? Good luck
  15. Jimmybald, i have not seen too many of Dr Pong's work but as far as i remember, i have come across a couple of examples showcasing relatively good results. However, if money is not that big a concern, i would urge u to seriously consider Dr Pat as he was just inducted into the coalition and has won the golden follicle award this year. His patients speak very highly of him and i myself give him and the team the thumbs up as well. Anyway take your time to research and settle for a surgeon u really feel comfortable with! Best of luck!
  16. Rasu, i believe u will not get much response here. Its better u start your own thread so that people can view and respond accordingly
  17. To be honest, i did not really ask but after the surgery, i remembered this very well. Dr Pat said, wow i think your results will be great since we did dense packing ( so i assumed its 50/cm2 as i was being advised by Dr Oravan before the surgery that they always do about 45-50 ) and that i will look handsome in 10 months. haha. ok thats a bad joke but i really hope everything will turn out fine, like it did for u!
  18. Hi hammer, i am pleased and not surprised to hear of your positive comments of the clinic. Besides having a team being prompt and qualitative, Dr Pat is a very skillful surgeon and has recently been inducted into the coalition after winning the golden follicle award this year. You are in safe hands and all the best to your surgery. Do keep us posted!
  19. Rasu, i would not want to jump to conclusions by accusing the doctor of being unprofessional just by them not answering your emails promptly. Unprofessional is a very damaging word and not to be used hastily. Maybe they are just caught up or maybe the email system is down or maybe its their style to reply a tad little slower but that does not mean the doc is unprofessional. However, if that bothers u a lot, then i suggest u drop him and find a surgeon u feel comfortable with. I agree that there were far too many negative posts about Dr Armani for my liking but as long as u feel comfortable with him, ultimately its your choice
  20. Actually i think shaving is quite necessary. It will look weird for a while but for the sake of the end results, i thought a few months of looking slightly unusual is not that much of a sacrifice.
  21. Am not sure about canada and US. When i left Bangkok, i had to take off my hat for a while, like less than 5 seconds and customs never said a thing
  22. hi there! the work looks refined and the scar looks neat too! Obviously i cannot comment on the eventual results but u got a good head start literally
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