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Everything posted by wb280

  1. I concur with Chris. Before the op, to be honest, i was quite worried on the pain issue. After reading past patients of Dr Pat giving their reassurance, i went in with less doubts but still doubtful. Man, was i wrong! The op was literally painless, except some stinging feeling with the strip removal ( like what Chris mentioned ) Obviously i cannot comment on other docs but at least for Dr Pat, i can vouch that the surgery was seriously quite painless
  2. Lots of difference! The stigma associated with HT is so much different from getting a nose job. Ok, lets compare apple to apple, men to men. I seriously would not mind telling others if i got a nose job done, or double eyelid. However, i would defn not let others know i have gone for a HT. U have to understand that u have LOST your hair, unlike the other cosmetic procedures whereby u r looking to get what u r not born with. I think getting what u have lost is like finding part of your confidence back. I would not call that vain IMHO
  3. Normal guy, sorry to say mate, but 2500 grafts aint gonna do wonders. Do look at my site and i needed 3000ish grafts to cover just the frontal 1/3 but mine is dense packing. Ultimately, i seriously dun think that 2500 is gonna do u much good and u will have a scar to contend with in future. I agree with Blake, u goto seriously ask them if FUE gonna do u much good. I have mentioned before, FUE is not SCARLESS. If u really lose hair at the so called safe zone, there is no guarantee your scars won't show. Hope that helps!
  4. gentlemanly as usual blake Kudos to u but if it was up to me, i would not be so nice First post, first statement, first bash. I would normally extend my warm welcoming statement but i prefer not to
  5. Dude, i went to Bangkok and got Dr Pat to perform my HT at less than 3/graft. Bad physician? Well, he was presented the Golden follicle award 2010. Look, not all cheaper physicians give bad results. The location etc matters. If the cost is of immense importance to u, i suggest looking at Bangkok. Accomodation is cheap and i reckon the air tickets aint gonna cost u a bomb either Just my 2cents as u seem to be very tight on cash
  6. Hair saint and acct, the saying ' a picture paints a thousand words' goes a long way. Mind posting pre op, post op, and current photos?
  7. Honestly, your loss is quite huge and u dun seem to have a lot of donor hair to use. I also feel u can pull off the shaved head look. I understand that u are worried that the scar will be exposed should u lose even the hair at the so called safe zone. However, do understand that FUE is not scar-less. Obviously, if the surgery is very successful, u can pull off the buzzed look but if not, FUE does leave scars, like moth eaten kind of scars. Beware if anyone tells u that FUE is scarless. If i were u, i would seek more advice. Besides India, u could always venture to Thailand for a consultation. Just my 2 cents. Listen to doctors' advice rather than posters. They are the ones operating on u and its their careers so they know better hope that helps!
  8. Actually, whats there to really dislike about your results? I thought it looked good
  9. actually, is permanent shock loss a common occurrence? Can any doc comment here? I actually did not come across many posters complaining of permanent shock loss so it will be nice to discuss more of this issue
  10. Just to add on, my supplier did warn of this traction alopecia before selling. However, u would need to wear for some time before that happens. As such, to be honest, my opinion is that unless u r not suitable for a HT, if not the time, effort, money in maintaining a hair system, coupled with that uneasiness, is tough to stomach. In fact, my supplier told me that he would go for HT if he was a suitable candidate. He was a full blown NW7 by 25 so he had no choice
  11. trapps, thanks for highlighting the points. my points exactly! The mental stress was just too much for me to handle. I would constantly worry if the person i talk to will know etc etc... Thats y i said i felt unshackled the day i decided to ditch the system. It just did not work out for me However, like i said, i will recommend u to try and if it goes not get on to u, then it might turn out to be the perfect solution!
  12. I agree, i will kill for results like that!
  13. Mate, how are u doing!!! haha wow you looked awesome!! Congrats man!
  14. David, it amazes me as well how come pple constantly fall prey to such Again and again and again
  15. Well written guys but still i regret i have to disagree again. Docs looking for global domination? Errrrr.. i think the recommended and top notch docs are busy everyday performing surgeries and even if they are in the forum, i have never come across any doc claiming to be the best or doing something like that along that line. They would be either contributing answers to hair related questions or presenting results. Hence i am not sure why u have that deeply rooted opinion. I admit there are some patients who had good results and had nothing but praise for their docs. I mean, u defended Armani as well but that does not make u a fan, does it Trapps99, actually if u spent some time searching, there were many posts in which patients had bad results etc. They had no qualms bashing their docs online, and some were well founded, some were not. In fact, i did hear of a certain site in which bad results from Armani clinic would be deleted or something like that but i did not find out more, as it does not affect me, so dun quote me
  16. I think i concur with Fante. For 5000ish grafts, the coverage is a tad little thin.
  17. Hi there! Welcome to the forum and i believe u have come to the right place, a one stop service forum pertaining to hair loss As u might have read, i believe u are still quite young for a HT and i am glad u r considering finasteride and minoxidil. Typically, finasteride can help u save some of the follicles which are dormant. I am a long time user of minoxidil and i do not think it was really helpful in saving my hairline but rather the crown. You might want to look at Nizoral 2% shampoo which has a slight % of DHT inhibitor. These are the 3 typical and scientific proven methods to help prevent hair loss. You might want to post some pics for the seniors to comment more! Once again, welcome!
  18. Anyway dont get overly excited about Nizoral. The recommend usage is at most twice a week, so do stick to it mate
  19. I wore a hair piece for a few weeks and it was one of the most depressing few weeks in my whole life. I was basically so hung up that everyone can notice, and it consumed me. Adjusting to the hair piece takes a lot of mental courage to be honest, and the maintenance is tough, even for a weeks that i have worn it. I just cannot fit it myself without feeling that it looks unnatural. Hey, my provider is honest, there is nothing fishy about him and it was a good piece. lace etc. However, the day i decided to ditch is was one of the happiest days in my life Sorry if i was a bit extreme but paranoia is tough to avoid... but thats just me. On the bright side, look, u can give it a go and its not irreversible like HT. If u dun like it, just chunk it and forget abt that money u spent on it
  20. glad to hear of your positive experience Mutahirw! Best of luck and keep us posted!
  21. Gillenator, thanks for the explanation but ultimately i dun think any doc will be able to advise panda on his shock loss ( temp or perm ). I think even the original doc will not be able to quantify and can only base on pre op photos. Hopefully some doc can comment here if he has a different opinion
  22. I thought Jason Statham looks good. Like u said, a kick ass attitude, not to mention a killer bod. I mean, give him the credit, he was dealt whatever cards he had ( just like us ) and make the best of the good. Nobody likes to be bald.
  23. hi karl, when u mentioned scars, i suppose its not HT scars? From the pictures, IMHO, i am a tad little concerned that u might not be a suitable candidate for HT... You see, you will need reasonably dense hair at the back of your head, which is the safe zone, meaning the hairs there are not subjected to MPB and not miniaturised. At your age of 26, your baldness is quite extensive and there is a long way ahead of u before your final balding pattern establishes itself. Have u been on finasteride? If not, i would strongly recommend that u start. Maybe u can even grow some hair! Also, i would also not recommend u to undertake FUT ( or strip surgery so to speak ) as your hair at the back might thin out and expose the scar Lastly, i cannot see your facial structure from the pics but if i were u, i would at least try to shave it all bald to sport the Bruce Willis look who knows, it might look great!!! Hope that helps!
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