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Everything posted by wb280

  1. Neograft and FUT vs FUE are the 2 dead horses beaten up again and again ... and again. Just when i thought there is no carcass left, it gets beaten again! krishh, like blake mentioned, do a search function and u will see tons of posts but in a nutshell, from what i know, the promoters just could not post pictures for us to see no matter how much we requested for it. I remembered one of them wrote so many lenghty posts with Blake and Bill but they just ignored every request to post pictures. I do not want to speculate on the reason for their refusal, u do your own conclusion
  2. I mean, it looked ok to me. I would kill to have your density but i agree with spanker that you could have looked better mate
  3. hi mate, congrats to u on your surgery with Dr Gabel ! Regarding your question on shock loss, i thought i can contribute based on my experience. Initially, my HT hairs grew and i was elated. Slowly but surely, the HT hair shed and plus some shock loss, i was feeling very bad post op to about 3 months. I understand that some people do not go thru shock loss and that they look the same as pre op just 2 weeks after the op. I spoke to a few people face to face who had HTs and none of them was spared from the mercy of shock loss. Hence, i am a bit coy if i hear that there is entirely no shock loss or that the hair grew immediately and nvr shed. However, thats just me. Maybe all those i met, including myself, had back luck in general
  4. If u are talking about rogaine, i definitely give the thumbs up for the foam rather than the spray. It works almost like a moose, and there is some thickening effect. Its much less greasy than the spray too, IMHO
  5. Panda thats something i nvr thought of before... any docs or experienced posters care to shed some light?
  6. I feel more u mate but whats done cannot be undone, lets look fwd and most importantly, do not repeat the same mistakes again!
  7. Rod, wat i meant was pre surgery. I thought i found the receptionists and the staff quite friendly and of cos pleasant looking Yup, same here, i was given valium etc and i was like a bit dazed but i was wide awake through out the procedure. I din find hungry though so i only had dinner after the entire op
  8. Tsakalos, i have to disagree with u. Fact is, forums such as these provide information to potential patients worldwide. In short, without this forum, or the likes of it, i will not be able to really understand the mechanics of the procedure and real life experiences of what patients go thru. If u say, dun trust infommercials or words on clinics' website, i will agree whole heartedly. Its all up to the individual to analyse what he reads and interpret and making a decision, a choice. You cannot deny that some of the posters indeed had a terrible experience at Armani's. I am not sure who your doc is since u do not want to reveal but u said it yourself, past patients seem to be thrilled at the results. Look, nobody says that surgeries will definitely be successful, there is always a risk. You made a choice, took the risk, just like me and anybody else. I feel for u mate, i really do, but u need to understand that forums are our best bets as its the only avenue we get to see and listen to what the HT goers goto say
  9. chris, i agree with u on the easy on the eye part, not that i disagree on the other points u raised though dtyn, i have sent u a pm, awaiting your response
  10. haha i see! no worries mate u looked awesome! i hope i would have the same great results!!!
  11. Maybe i wrote too fast but obviously u miscontrued my meaning. Nobody will choose a doctor specifically for the reason that he shaves, thats just mental. I would choose a good barber for that What i am trying to say, is that if the surgeon u feel comfortable with, requires shaving, it makes no sense for the patient to insist otherwise. However, as per my previous posts, i have reiterated that non shaving does not equate to bad results but logically speaking, like what Jo has mentioned, tugging at the native hairs a couple thousand times just to make fine incisions are tough on the techs, day in and day out. I will not take the risk by not shaving.
  12. Hi there hariri, sorry mate will post some photos soon as i am still outstation so its kinda hard to upload anything. Anyway, lateral slit or not, i think Dr Pat requires shaving. I mean, maybe u can talk your way out of it but i remembered very clearly that he requires shaving so the techs etc can see more clearly and like i said in other posts, i am not gonna say no to the doc holding on to the knife However, its your call. Remember, do what u NEED, not what u WANT!!! Everyone wants results but nobody wants to sacrifice
  13. Multiplier, if the doc is recommended by this forum and they show case examples of good results ( consistently ) then i reckon there is nothing to worry about though, correct me if i m wrong, most docs would prefer shaving. I reckon there must be some truth behind it, i mean, why would he want u to look like a freak for the 1st couple months for no good reason? In fact, if u ask me, i will select a doc who requires shaving but thats just me
  14. does not sound like 2 words to me but point taken haha come on he has decided and Dr Pong seems alright to me so far.
  15. Panda, to be honest, not that i want to be a spoil sport or wet blanket but if such tech already exist, trust the top surgeons to have already known it. I am not saying that the blog is fake or whatever, just that i dun think that its 2nd generation FUE
  16. Jo, think u are attaining nirvana or maybe already achieved. I concur with Multiplier, he would have been lucky to escape with a full set of teeth.
  17. I agree. Shaving provides the techs and doctors a much clearer scalp to work on. I just cannot understand how come some just refuse to shave but insist on results? I mean, if the doc can promise then so be it and not shave. However, if he requires or strongly recommends shaving, it does not make sense to go against him. Its like, why not u ask him to wave a wand and not put incisions instead?????? maybe hair will just grow out enough said
  18. Blake, it does look natural but ultimately its not a hairline so hope u understand i am not damping anyone's spirit here but to make a round circumference like that... it just does not bode well with me but hey, maybe thats the whole objective of the patient As long as he is happy, thats the most important However, from a HT standpoint, the correction work was meticulously done
  19. hey momma! From your post in the other thread, u mentioned u used more than the recommend dosage of rogaine. Just wanna ask u, as u probably know that rogaine does give u that thickening moose look hence i also use more than the suggested amount. I am not looking for it to help me regain hair but do u think extra usage will be harmful? thanks!
  20. panda, glad u understand where i m coming from. I mean, if the doc tells u he needs to shave, i think we should do what we can, within our means, to comply I am glad i did this and its like Benjamin Button all over for me, hair wise I wake up everyday feeling better and better However, i dun agree that its easy to hide with concealers just 2 weeks after surgery. It still looks very raw and assuming there is no shock loss, it will simply not look the same as pre op. Maybe its just my experience but i defn did not look the same 2 weeks after surgery. Oh, and the shock loss thingy. Once it kicks in, god bless us mate
  21. I just goto comment on this. I really feel, in a way, lucky that my hair loss started a few yrs back and had my HT done recently with surgeons of high ethical behavior and excellent worksmanship. I would shutter to imagine if i had been born years back with less advancement in HT surgeries. However, with that said and done, HT skills could be further improved as the years go back and look, maybe they could have come out with a miracle pill or something a couple decades later so things are just gonna get better
  22. EC, somehow your words dun surprise me but i am fully supportive of them mate Just worry that some poster will come and challenge u again Anyway i do agree with the majority posters that the area is way too sparse for my liking.. Sorry about that mate, i think u r making a good decision with Rahal, i have seen numerous impressive results. Best of luck!
  23. panda, is it just your perspective? Sometimes we patients can be too harsh on ourselves so u might want to show some pre op and current pics! Anyway 6months post op i think the native hair should start to grow back but like HT hair, time is needed so dun despair! However, i have to admit that its not as common so i would strongly suggest u to take it up with your doc. No worries abt it, we can understand your frustration but u are not alone my friend. While waiting for the experienced posters to comment, may i suggest some pics so that we have a clearer idea! take care mate!
  24. I have to say i am with Jo on this. Although i agree that non shaving does not imply a bad result, but like Jo said, tugging the native hairs a couple thousand times does not sound like something i want to happen to me. Everyone does not want shaving, everyone does not want scar, but everyone wants a full head of hair, so what gives? For me, i understand the rationale of the doc and i am not taking any risk by disagreeing with the man who is holding the knife Back to you Andy, yes some surgeons do not require shaving and i must stress, that does not mean 100% u will get more shock loss but logically, you are at a higher risk. Jo has explained it all. I have to reiterate that its not a definite 100% u will get higher shock loss Also, i think u might be in for a surprise. Even though u r not shaving, i do not think u can cover your recipient area with concealers just 2 weeks after surgery. Scabbing is one thing, it takes time for the recipient to heal meaning it will not look like pre-op until maybe... at least 1 month... so if u assume that u can rest for 2 weeks and expect to look the same pre-op, i think u will be in for a rude awakening. just my two cents
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