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Everything posted by Rolandas

  1. I had consultation with both Dr's. I know Dr. Lupanzula was trained by Dr. Bisanga. In my opinion you can't go wrong with either, but if you want to choose, look up results that are similar to yours and see which ones you like more.
  2. Seems like Eugenix became quite a subject in the recent months. Check out all the surgeons recommended on this website and also great place to look for good surgeons that have proven track record would be iahrs.com. Don't focus on 1 name even if majority are hyping it up. I personally went with Dr. Ferreira and I'm over the moon right now, but he doesn't have a lot of results online to compare. Look up as many places as you can. Learn more about HT in general. Trust me on this one. Once you will learn finer details, how the surgery is done, why different techniques, why different prices etc you will be able to find your surgeon quite easily. In the end there's no one best surgeon. Everyone is good at something. Look for someone who has results that look similar to your case and look at hairlines, how many grafts they're using, donor management etc. You will find every doctor has his own approach. Good luck on your research and don't rush into it!
  3. I will just add my 2 cents. Due to increased exposure of cheap HT on social media, more and more people think they can get one done as well as the prices are much affordable compared to good clinics around the world. I remember 5 years back If someone would tell me to get HT I would think I won't be able to afford it due to price. It was something only limited amount of people could get. Nowadays everyone knows you can get it done in turkey for $2000 if not cheaper, so more people start to imagine their life with full set of hair and how it will solve all of their problems. Once this "seed" is planted in their brain, they become obsessed with HT and obviously looking at places they can afford. The sad part about it they don't want to do their research and see what's the reality of majority of cheaper options out there. I've seen countless of people going to cheaper places and ending up with unnatural looking hairlines and donor depletion just after few thousands of grafts... That being said, I've seen amazing results from cheaper clinics as well as botched ones from expensive ones. Price is not a parameter of quality. My understanding - if someone didn't do their research and rushed into it - it's their fault. It's the same in any other parts of life.
  4. Usually Dr's would advise not to cut your hair for around a month, just so they can see easier your hair texture etc. It's not such a big deal though. Best advice - ask surgeon you're planning to go to.
  5. As others mentioned give meds a go if you haven't been on them yet! Sometime they can definitely be a miracle you won't believe exist! If meds doesn't work for you, my suggestion - contact 20-30 top doctors in the world with high-quality pictures and see what they say. After having such amount of opinions you will see a good average that you need.
  6. General idea of Hair Transplant is to reconstruct what's being lost. Medication are for preventing further loss. Any good surgeon would suggest to hop on finasteride for certain time before surgery to see how well you're doing with it as well as to see what it can do for you. As @Melvin-Moderator said, your hair has to be strong enough to prevent permanent shock loss. It would be counterproductive to do it otherwise. You would get new grafts by destroying native ones. It's possible to get it done with diffuse thinning pretty well, as a matter of fact lots of great surgeons do amazing job by going in between, but you should always remember there can be a "side effects" as shock loss. I personally decided not to go into miniaturised area and give medication at least a year and instead fill in only bald area. On my second round I would go to that area and do HT as I've done my best to help native hair. If they won't get stronger - nothing much I can do, if they will - great. Remember, surgery is the last resort, so should be your approach to it.
  7. I've seen Dr. Lorenzo in Spain is doing quite a few jobs like this with BHT which to be honest looks very good. I would personally go for BHT instead of SMP due to maintenance like others said.
  8. Interesting insight! Did you have somewhat early growth like me? I feel like all new hairs sprouted already and they just need to thicken up.
  9. Thanks man! Absolutely agree on angles. If you compare my very frontal forelock (which I had left) and compare it to temple it looks absolutely the same! Yeah, the line is getting more obvious the better it gets! 🤣 Our plan was 2 surgeries anyways. Also I had a lot of miniaturised hair (which i was hoping to make stronger with meds) in that area which could be possibly damaged via HT, so that's why I asked him not to do it there. I remember dr. Pekiner suggested exactly the same. In any way I'm not really bother by this. More hair to be pushed back to cover bald spot 😁
  10. Week 24 (5.5 months) In the last few weeks I had interesting feeling in my hair. Either it got thicker, longer or more hair grown. I am able to style it now in a few ways and it looks pretty decent, especially being indoors. I didn't talk about my donor area as I believe It healed fully already. If you're curious - look for my previous update where I did a low skin fade. At this point I wouldn't mind for it to stop growing and I would consider it a success for myself as I was literally bald in there before! But according to this chart, I'm only at 35%? What do you think? To me it looks like I'm at 70-80%!
  11. It's getting there! Clear maturation of hair. Looks promising. P.S. I can see left side is a bit stronger than the right one just like me
  12. I'm joking man 😁 Your HT outcome is one of the best I've seen. Good for you!
  13. Did you even had hair loss and hair transplant? Get out of here troll!
  14. Oral minoxidil is the very first form of Minoxidil that's been discovered, but it's very strong and taken orally will get systemical causing all sorts of issues with heart as it's a blood pressure medication. Even nowadays Dr's are prescribing different type of medication than loniten as it has too much dangerous side effects.
  15. Professional yt'ber 🤣 Thanks I guess. I just enjoying the process, so you know.. No, I'm getting Finasteride from online pharmacy here in UK. I wish I would have the balls to get on oral minoxidil! 😁 Maybe one day..
  16. Finasteride should be used for at least 12 months to evaluate it's efficacy.
  17. Just remember, you've done something BIG for your hair loss. In the end this will all be worth it. This kind of thoughts kept me going (literally going around the streets day after surgery with holes in my head :D)
  18. I'm not sure whether you're the same person, but I've recently been talking to one guy about this products. To me it looks like a way to make money. Their main "formula" relies on some fatty acids that has "potential" to block DHT on scalp, which wasn't really proven much. If you feel like experimenting - go for it and let us know how it goes! I would personally stick with proven methods and don't regret a year later with less hair on your head.
  19. Normal hair fall ranged about 50-100 hairs. If you are loosing more than that you will probably notice (300-500 hairs a day). If you see 5-10 hairs in the shower drain it should be normal, however if your hands are getting full of hair while shampooing might be continued hair loss. As gillenator mentioned by taking Finasteride you might experience some initial shed. Medication is forcing some of the hairs to get into premature telogen (falling) phase followed by resting phase and after around 100 days they should start to grow again, but this time a bit stronger and thicker.
  20. Some say if hair miniaturised below 50% it won't be able to regrow, but I'm not sure if that's been proven. In any way Finasteride could help to stop/slow down progression of MPB and Minoxidil could help to regrow existing miniaturised hair. However such "artificial" boost can be kept as long as the medication is taken.
  21. I think sometimes we are missing an important point when thinking about grafts/cm2 - hair characteristics. If you have thick and curly hair, you will need less grafts/cm2 to achieve dense looking result and vice versa for thin and straight hair. Thus focusing solely on such parameter wouldn't make sense. Experienced surgeon would determine exact amount of grafts one would need per cm2 to achieve decent result after analyzing individual's hair characteristics.
  22. Brilliant job as always Melvin. I would like to add 1 thing from my personal experience. Even if you know exactly what's going to happen month by month and what kind of result to expect, you still can be nervous and overthinking. I'm currently on month 5 and I knew loooong time before that what to expect at this time, but some negative thoughts are still visiting my head. That being said, overthinking after HT is a normal thing. Don't expect anything up until 12 months and you won't be dissapointed
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