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Everything posted by Dazed

  1. THE BORROWER IS SLAVE TO THE LENDER. Simple answer is to save until you can pay cash.
  2. I am at almost 11 months, and one day it will look great and the next it looks like crap. As I think back to my youth it was that way also - it is called Bad Hair Day.
  3. LOL Tonsure - I had to look that one up. Are you a monk? I don't have an answer for you . I just had to comment on tonsure. Now I have to get back to my job as a Gongfarmer.
  4. Why the mystery - just tell us what you had done.
  5. It appears that you have eliminated all options except giving up. Have you got the opinion of a doctor who may be able to revise your previous surgery. You also did not say what was so bad about your 1st surgery. You have taken a very negative approach, are you so positive that it is warranted?
  6. It would be highly unusual to not have any dissatisfied customers, or at least one customers who gave it 4 stars. Maybe they are legit, but be careful of fancy webpages that can be produced cheaply. When I posted a review on Realself they sent a text to my phone to verify who I was. This is not failsafe, but at least they make the effort to ensure the provider is not padding the reviews. I am a born skeptic, and former tax auditor in charge of settlements, and we had to review everything right down to Google images of their home. LOL
  7. This fellow has long hair, and you are talking about him getting a buzz cut. I totally agree with you that he should just get more transplants, but I don't see where the buzzing comes in. I for one would never get a buzz cut. I am just trying to follow your logic in suggesting a buzz cut for a man who wears his hair longer.
  8. This is the important part of Dr. Bloxham's post " I agree that doing a little more to enhance the since thinned regions is likely best."
  9. OTFROM TO, I don't think you will just look a few years older. I was not concerned with hair loss or aging at 38 either, but your perspective changes. Hair transplants and plastic surgery are the opposite of tattoos where the art never improves the canvas, unless it is covering a scar. You have a good start, and you will very quickly regret doing anything rash. Please talk to your doctor with an open mind. Lets say he charges you 8 k to remove the transplants. 10-15 years from now you hate the results - in reality it won't take that long. You just spent 8k to go back to square one. Just to try to get you back to where you are now you have to spend another 8k, and to do what you should really do now is another 8k. In other words you have just flushed 16k down the drain if you do what you are suggesting. Think of the long term implications of this my friend your appearance will deteriorate over the coming years, and you WILL care about it. The die has been cast, just complete the job.
  10. Too many guys think this shaved head look will last forever, and they are staking everything on that. Styles change. Don't limit your options. I am seeing that you need more transplants, but I sure don't see the horrible damage you speak of. It is easy to make things out to be much worse than they are. We tend to create horrible scenarios that are only reality in our own minds. At 38 you are still young enough to pull off the hairline. I think if you went back to your doctor he could set you mind at ease, and he would laugh at the idea of pulling the transplants out. I guess you can see that I am the one trying to stop you from making a big mistake.
  11. I am just shaking my head wondering what you hope to achieve. 2000 crafts is nothing. 12 years ago you were not satisfied with your hair. Now you have lost some additional native hair, and removing the transplant will put you in a worse situation than you were 12 years ago. Stop and think about what you are trying to do. Doing this will cause a dramatic impact on your appearance - basically aging you at least 12 years , and probably much more. I believe the answer for you is at least 2,000 more transplants. I have a similar situation getting 2000 in 2011 and 2300 in 2018. Think long and hard before you do this. You are throwing out the baby with the bath water.
  12. I haven't looked very hard but I came across 33 - 5 star reviews with nobody having anything negative to say. If that doesn't throw up red flags, i don't know what will. What makes NOW stand out for you? I looked at their site and nothing jumps out at me.
  13. You may wish to read this thread. A similar question was asked not long ago.
  14. There are things I believed in when I was in my 20s that today I wouldn't even consider. I have seen way too many changes through the years to believe anything but a normal hairstyle will ever come back into style. The bald look will probably go out of style soon and you will be kicking yourself because of a poor decision today. Always allow yourself the option to go to a standard hairstyle.
  15. I always go by the thinking that if they worked the company would have no reason to advertise because customers would beat a path to their door.
  16. It felt less like pain and more like at itch I could not scratch. Putting my hand on the area helped, but in retrospect I would try ice.
  17. Don't make a lifelong commitment you may regret. Believe me the shaved head look will not last forever.
  18. 18 days is nothing in HT time. I don't see a big problem. Come back in 6 months.
  19. Good video Melvin. Off hand comments can set you back. You know I am not the normal poster here because of my age, but my 2 transplants are the best thing I have done. I didn't really notice hair loss until my 40s, but I may have been in denial.
  20. Looks great to me. At 4 months I was not sure of anything.
  21. I have had both and I thought FUT was easier because I have longer hair. I would not recommend FUT for guys who like short hair, but you already stated you like longer hair. For longer hair guys it is nearly impossible to hide the shaved donor area with FUE. I think the success rates are about the same so it comes down to hair styles for me. If you decide to go FUE I would suggest you just buzz your head ahead of time so people get used to that look, and then let it grow back out. Trying to maintain length with FUE is not easy. You didn't mention hair color or density of you donor area.
  22. I try to envision the money trail. Where is the most profit to be made? Is the demand for a cure to baldness enough to drive the industry? It will be interesting to see what path this follows.
  23. People really need to be more concise when writing their story. That is obviously not a picture of your current procedure at 2 weeks, so how old it that transplant. The devil is in the details. You need to supply details of your previous procedures, and what exactly we are looking at in the picture you posted. With the thickness of your hair there would seem to be no problem, once you get the correct hairstyle. Remember once you cut your hair you can't uncut it. Don't make any decisions at 2 weeks.
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