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Everything posted by Legend007

  1. Is fut scars usually like this ? Where there is collateral damage from the sutures / staples ?
  2. Hey guys .,, I just want to clarify that most of the top clinics recommended on this website will offer some sort of travel expense discount if u ask for it ., even doctor dieps office .. but I do appreciate h&w for giving me that extra night , since I be traveling to Canada right after work so I needed that extra night.. but they did hook me up with an awesome hotel close to their office . I won’t be there to enjoy their city however ., I’m on a mission, I’m there to get my hairtransplant then going back home ASAP before i get swelling from the meds n looking like a bloated monster at the airport .
  3. This clinic voluntarily chose to post these pictures as great work .. knowing its deceptive .. it’s probably because there aren’t that many great results .. thanks Chicago for speaking out .. n Brahmabull , I’m worried for u now buddy, I know u went to dr Keller .. n haven’t been happy so far ..
  4. Thanks John .. I’m wishing u the best on ur ht journey too .. I really didn’t want to start a thread of my journey.. having surgery done n having hairloss is something that is personal and private to us .. heck ,, I don’t even tell my friends or family or my fionsa .. n I still can’t believe I’m balding .. just looking back at my pictures two years ago .. I would of never thought I be balding .. I had great hair, even in my late 30’s n with a baby face .. I was so full of confidence in myself .. these last two years has been depressing seeing my hair getting thinner and my hairline receding ,, got me really depressed ,. But I feel like I’m taking control of things .. I’m educated on hairloss now, I’m not naive as I once was . Medication is slowing the progression of hairloss , n hairtransplants will give me back what I lost . So I’m not scared about losing my hair anymore . It’s all about taking action n doing something about it ..
  5. Even though people look down on techs doing the extractions .. the asmed clinic, have some great techs doing those extractions .. I’m quite amazed at how small those puncture holes are.. it’s not easy extracting that many fue grafts in a single procedure n not looking like u got blasted by shotgun pellets.. takes great skill n attention to detail to do that ..
  6. Yeah I think my general doctor would of done it .. but I was kinda embarrassed about letting them know I’m getting a hairtransplant.. n since it’s cosmetic ,, my doctor wasn’t obligated to do them tests for me .. n I didn’t care to pay a few hundred out of pocket so I didn’t ask my insurance .. but when the bill was around $850 .. that’s just too much .. $400 I can swallow however, I’m already spending thousands so it didn’t bother me so much ..
  7. It’s standard practice to get bloodwork done . Whenever surgery is involved .. . but it’s not a requirement .. but when I think about it .. doctor rassman n doctor baubac didn’t ask me to do bloodwork .. i was just kinda shocked when the lab told me it was $850 .. n I was like why is it so expensive , n she broke down the price for me .. I have health insurance through kaiser , but since this wasn’t ordered by my general doctor I couldn’t go to kaiser for the bloodwork .. so I had to go to Labworks, the lab that dieps office told me to go to .. i never even got to see my results either .. I asked them to email it to me , but they wouldn’t .. because it was faxed to them .. but if they wanted to , dieps office could of taken a picture of the lab results n send it to my email .. i paid $400 for them tests man .. at least let me see them . . it’s these little customer service issues is why I was weary of going out of my way to drop $16,000 on them .. if I really wanted to .. I could of left work early on the day the full payment was due n drove 2 hours to the clinic to pay the office $16k in cash ... n I was also put off by them when I wanted to switch my surgery from fue to fut .. n they said u can , but we need to reschedule u for a year later , after already waiting 10 months for them .. Hairtransplants is a lifetime journey , an investment u are making on the clinic . That’s costing u a small fortune .. u need to choose a clinic that cares about u n develop a master plan with u .. not treat u like u are another customer like u are eating at a restaurant.. finish ur food , pay ur money then go home ..
  8. Hey shook .. it’ was like around 8 different kind of blood tests .. like hepatitis , hiv n some other tests .. u have to get those done before they will do surgery on u .. diep will send u a packet for u to do the bloodwork a few weeks before surgery .. I had to get it done through Labworks .. most of the tests cost around 50$ .. but there was one test that cost $450 alone .. so I opt not to take that one or else it would of been $850 total ,. Diep said it was okay if I didn’t take it when I told them about the cost of it . But it’s like why put it on there then if it wasn’t necessary .. h&w didn’t require me to do bloodwork .. thats one thing that I have to say about the two clinics .. dieps office is so busy n booked months in advance .. so they have the attitude of, we the patients should be thankful they doing surgery on us .. if u don’t like it then we got someone else waiting to take ur spot .. h&w has the mindset of m, hey we know u paying a lot of money , u our patient . We going to treat u like u are our only customer .. thats what I want my clinic to be like ..
  9. Thanks Melvin .. yeah I feel good about this, going to make my deposit with h&w today .. I learned a lot from this forum .. a year ago when my hairloss wasn’t so bad , I started panicking and would of went to any clinic I felt was good .. but there’s so much to ht’s im glad it took this long for me to actually get surgery .. I was also sure all I wanted was FUE.. but knowing what I do now and understanding my hairloss will continue .. is why I have to Maximize my money n donor hair n go FUT first .. if I get a small scar , then I will go FuE for future transplants, n probably with diep .. but right now , I feel h&w will take care of me ..
  10. Hey gas, thanks .. yeah no worries .. h&w is my 4th consultation with a clinic in a year .. I booked first with doctor rassman , then doctor baubac , n doctor diep .. things just weren’t meant to be , n all of those clinics was canceled at the last minute .. no one had a problem giving me back my deposit except dr dieps clinic .. well h&w booked me 3 nights in a luxury hotel , the Marriott costing them $660 Canadian, they hooked me up with a nice hotel .. I would of settled for a motel 6 .. heheh .. since I told them diep wouldn’t refund my deposit they threw in the extra night for free .. they are also paying for half of my airfare .. it’s only 2.5 hour flight from Cali to Vancouver .. so it’s not so bad.. I’m having them draw my hairline like the picture below . It was dieps hairline drawing during our consult .. n yeah I lost more hair since then . It’s receding a bit further back now . so 2500 grafts would do me well ..
  11. Hey guys ,, so I need to confirm with H&W today to book it or not .. even though I would of liked to have surgery with diep .. but this is a good alternative .. getting 2500 fut grafts for around $12000.. im choosing them because I know they are excellent with the scars . Able to dense pack the hairline and have good customer service and guarantees their work .. Their hairline drawing is okay .. but I will delegate to Dr. Hasson to be aggressive with my hairline n to mimic doctor dieps hairline drawing he has of me .. So should I take the plunge ?
  12. Hi , had a consult with h&w rep yesterday .. they want to do 2000-2400 grafts for around $11k FUT .. so it’s only 5k cheaper than doing fue with diep .. so I’m not really saving much money especially since diep still have my $1000 deposit .. I also had to spend $400 on getting blood tests for diep .. money I lost .. h&w have one opening for November 29th which fits my schedule .. n I have today to decide .. I might just do it .. but not sure if they will be aggressive with the hairline like diep would .. I like rahal hairlines too , but since Sean had a bad experience with them .. I’m not going with them .. does anyone know if h&w does temporal points ? It’s important to me if they do this to make my forehead not as wide .. p.s. I called dieps office n they won’t give me back my deposit since it’s their policy .. u have 5 days once u made the deposit to get ur money back .. so i called my bank n filed a claim to get my money back that way .. for services not provided .. chase bank does a good job of getting money back , n already gave me a temporary credit of $1000 back to my bank account So always pay ur deposit with ur bank account people
  13. Ur hair looks great .. thick n dense .. I’m happy u got the hairline to ur liking now .. n u still have a lot of donor left to spare .. ..
  14. Lookin good .. diep maximized ur graft count well ..
  15. Hey u guys .. so this thread is for us noobs and lurkers and for the veterans of hairtransplants .... I’m going to start this thread to document my journey so I don’t feel so alone going through this by myself.. I’ve only been on this forum for 1 year but I learned a lot .... I’m pretty knowledable about the Basics of hairloss and hairtransplants .. but I’m no expert on the top docs or the best procedure or what u should do next .. .. but I do know enough .. this thread is my journey .. n I know many of u are are going through the similar process n be able to relate .. so will keep y’all updated on my journey .. will need ur guys advices and opinions n support as the journey continues , will start my story tomorrow , beginning from last year, to now n beyond kyn .
  16. I’m sure ur results are great but how bout some pics .. before n afters. It’s the least u can do for the clinic , since u sound u like had great results . OtherwIse it sounds like an advertisement ..
  17. U can do fut after fue. u just won’t get as many grafts from the strip .
  18. I’m getting a consult with h&w.. if I can go with them next month . It will still fit my schedule.. if I must , then I will take that plane trip to Canada .. if h&w don’t fit my schedule then I just wait for diep on oct 2019 .. or If I can get a cancellation spot with diep by february I rather do that .. I’m planning to get married sept. 2019.. so I need at least 7 months of growth .. in the meantime I can go back n use rogaine to boost those miniaturized hairs in the hairline .. a little bit of toppik also will go a long ways .. so it’s not a need for me to do surgery right now.. so I’m not too disappointed ..
  19. Yea u can do fue after fut .. u just won’t get as many grafts from the strip, since that strip has been harvested already with prior fue.. Going fut with a high Norwood has its benefits n negatives .. u be able to maximize ur donor hair since u will need a lot .. but u also run the risk of having the scar noticeable since ur donor has been depleted with so many surgeries ..
  20. Yeah I see it as a blessing too.. I know enough about HT to know that maximizing ur donor grafts in the long run is to do FUT first then u can go the fue route later.. since I grow my hair long ,, I could easily cover an fut scar .. I would of went fue first with diep n be okay with it .. he would of done a great job, no doubt .. but I also know he uses large punches for fue n my options for a fut later wouldn’t yield as many grafts .. it be nice if I could get back that $1000 deposit n go somewhere else .. but it’s probably not likely .. so I could wait for a year , or go to a fut specialist like h&w. N still keep the deposit I made with doctor diep as a reserve for a future transplant as my second surgery .. I don’t miss that $1000. I just see it as I spent it already .. . . either way , I’m okay . Thanks for ur guys concern ..
  21. Hey y’all .. I haven’t read thru the thread .. tomorrow is suppose to be my surgery date .. I was looking forward to it .. did book 10 months in advancs with a $1000 deposit .. they have a 5 buisiness day full payment policy .. they are so busy nowadays .. I understand where they are coming from .. they needed to secure the date with full payment .. since I do know they have clients waiting on the waiting list .. n everyone I spoke to at their clinic has been nice .. they just strict on their policies .. I could of made the payment earlier .. but I was waiting for the lab results on my blood tests to finish ., n I did not want to drop $16000K until I know for sure if I can do surgery .. they were suppose to get back to me about the results on Friday November 9th 2018zz if they did I could of just done a bank transfer .. but a bank transfer doesn’t post to their account for another couple of days , even though it’s guranteed money ..but they didn’t want to to do that .. they wanted the money by the deadline of 5 business days in their account .11-12- 2018 on Monday .. my surgery date was 11-19-2018.. So I tried the PayPal thing , n would of been able to make full payment on Tuesday 11-19-2018.. I’m not even worried about it if I get surgery right now .. it’s not a big deal to me.. I still have hair n don’t look bald .. maybe I could wait until oct. 2019 .. or I just get a couple other consultations with other top clinics . but yeah , if they are like this prior to surgery ,, if I my operation doesn’t go well ,, I don’t have confidence In them doing repairs n making me happy if things don’t go right .. I think the manager should be more considerate n customer oriented than the bottom line .. I was really hoping to get surgery with doctor diep .. he’s Vietnamese n I’m Vietnamese I’m happy he’s considered to be top in class . So I will always root for his success ..
  22. Thanks Melvin .. this is one of ur better articles .. it’s more detailed and still easy to read , u keep improving at what u do :) can u write an article on dermarolling ? What size punches and the basics on how to use it and why ? N Do u use it ? Its good on hearing ur opinions on topics and products .. thanks
  23. Yeah dan I think it should work out for me in the long run .. I was leaning towards FUT.. mainly for financial reason n potential future hairloss .. n when it comes to surgery , if u not 100% ready then u shouldn’t do it .. Yeah shook . I really did want to go with diep .. n probably still will if a cancellation opens up in the next 3 months .. so will wait n see ..
  24. Yeah things happen for a reason . I really couldn’t afford to do FUE anyways .. nor wanted to for my first surgery .. I have to think of the surgery 2 n 3 in the future .. that’s going to be super expensive doing that many surgeries via FUE in the United States .. I’m okay with the fut scar .. at least I won’t have to shave the whole donor area .. I like dieps office .. n the doctor himself .. but every time I have to deal with the manager there .. she’s not very customer service friendly ..
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