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Everything posted by Legend007

  1. Ur hair caliber at 68 microns is not thick . It’s average .. I read on google hair microns range from 40-120 . .7mm punch size used on ur case is the right size ., .8mm would of been safer though . But considering u had to move so much hair the clinic made the professional decision .. Or ur donor will look depleted with patches of baldness .. but I understand where u coming from , ur results aren’t great , n u were 1 of 4 patients that day , u didn’t get the extra attention u wanted .. When u were at the clinic n didn’t get a good vibe , then you weren’t the right patient for that clinic.. I think u shouldn’t get too upset, what’s done is done. they didn’t mess u up , but didn’t do a good job on u either .. u just have to wait it out n see how ur growth comes along n develop other plans and find a clinic that’s more suitable for u .
  2. U might as well go for it bill .. if the crown is still bothering u ,, even though not that much .. ht has been successful on u , n u still have good donor to spare .. u still young n in good shape to to enjoy it ..
  3. I think I messed up on the swelling part .. I tried sleeping at 45 degree angle ., but I switched it up alof by sleeping on my stomach , with my head turned to the side .. It was more comfortable n it didn’t touch my hair .. but it seems the meds had no where to go until today where it just swelled up .. it’s all good now .: been ice packing ,, I still look like a troll but it should be good by tomorrow night ..
  4. Hey whereto,, yep I’m home now .. n icepacking my eyes .. it’s almost completely shut .. the ice should help .. .. yeah gas I went to h&w at the last minute because they are fut specialists.. but it was because dieps office rescheduled me cuz I lost my debit card and was a day late on making full payment .. so they reschedule me for October 2019 .. I’m like, I already waited 10 months for ya .. I’m not waiting another year .. I’m not on ur schedule .. I’m ur potential patient .. .. with $20k to spend .. there’s plenty of good clinics out there .. n h&w accommodated me n got me in one week .. so I didn’t have enough laxity since I didn’t have time to do scalp exercises.. beside I’m happy I went with fue now .. the recovery time is much easier .. My donor looks like it’s barely touched .. since I have a lot of donor density .. I still think dieps office is a good clinic .. but their customer service isn’t meeting my expectations .. n their 9mm-1mm punch sizes will leave me with fewer options for future transplants ..but one major good thing about them , is diep does great hairlines and he’s able to accomplish the same density using less grafts than most clinics .. Either way things worked out fine for me. The difficult part is over .. Its all about happy growing days now .. thanks for all ur guys support ..
  5. Nah I didn’t bleed .. it was just the top of my head .. my surgery was on my hairline .. so it’s all good .. just made me be extra careful now though however
  6. I think u jinxed me trix.. when I was getting off the plane , I stood up n hit the top of my head.. good thing it was just the top n not my hairline .. when u semi blind from the meds n ur head is numb , those things happen.. Heheheh
  7. Well guys I’m at the Canada airport right now .. waiting to board my flight .. I barely had any swelling the last two days .. but damn just like u guys said .. day 3 is when the swelling gets bad .. I woked up today with my eyes swollen .. I can barely open them .. my head swolled up big time too .. I could barely fit my hat .. at the checkout counter at Canada air .. the attendant thought I was blind since I could barely see or open my eyes .. she was so helpful n Carried my bag for me n fasttrack me through the security line .. hahah, so funny ,, no one noticed that I just had a hair transplant ; they just thought I was blind .. well I’m about to board my flight .. thanks for the advice and support everyone, y’all my online balding buddies .. oh yeah .. my bank was able to get back my $1000 deposit from dr. Dieps office peace!
  8. thanks shera n thanks Jsrader .. I’m glad things worked out the way they did .. over a year of research , n listening to other members here has really helped me a lot .. there’s a big difference from top clinics and average clinics . Or clinics that just care about ur money .. a lot of new people just like I was , think hairtransplants are one n done .: as long as they get the immediate results is all that matters .. but it’s a lifelong commitment and u have to plan accordingly .. I’m really happy with H&W clinic .. I had a good vibe with them from the beginning .. I liked the other 3 clinics that I had previously booked a surgery date with ,, n they all had good qualities to them .. but there was always something that didn’t suit my situation ..
  9. That’s a total bummer bro .. at least it’s only two grafts .. u got thousands implanted so it be okay ..
  10. Oh hey forgot to ask ya spaceman .. how do I go home with the shampoo ,, I’m only traveling with a backpack , so don’t really want to check my bags in .. good thing u mentioned this ... the airport would of taken my precious h&w shampoo too
  11. They used 8.5mm.. the punch size is really small n spaced out .. I told the them don’t take too many from the sides , n have it spaced out so I don’t get no patches of baldness .. I can already tell my donor is healing really well ..by 2nd day after the wash , there was no bleeding .. this n will give me options for future surgeries .. personally I think 8.5mm is a good size punch even with people with thick donor hair .. it’s the right size to extract n not harm the grafts n not leave big holes in ur head
  12. Okay Melvin I will create a thread later .. u n others have really helped me through this journey .. oh yeah .. my graft count was: 300 singles 1900 doubles 300 triples .. i can see now why FUE has become the gold standard of hairtransplants .. u get to cherry pick all the good grafts to achieve what is needed .. even a FUT clinic like h&w recommended me to do FUE.. Doctor Hasson said he won’t be able to achieve that kind of density with fut , n I would need around 3000 grafts fut to achieve the same density , since there be more singles than needed with a strip .. they only needed 300 singles for the hairline .. so that’s what they got .. the rest were doubles n triples.
  13. Thanks spaceman, it’s encouraging to hear u say that .. Doctor Hasson was so sure I was going to have a great result , I even asked him if he will guarantee it .. n he said he will , n will even put it in writing for me . So in my file , I have his written gurantee that at least 90% of the grafts will grow .. . Which is a pretty awesome reassurance to have, knowing that I’m not just throwing $20,000 down the drain if things don’t turn out right .. So far post op , has been easy , got no pain or swelling .. n I like their post up care instructions . Don’t need to spray the grafts every hour , what a hassle that would be .. especially when I travel back home tomorrow . Do u have a link to ur progress with hasson , spaceman ? I would like to check it out n keep up with ur progress .. thanks
  14. Oh yeah , n why u being so shy about posting ur post surgery pics .. u don’t have a problem talking about masterbation issues but shy about current pics ? We all bros here.. ain’t no one going to criticize u ..
  15. I’m not sure Brahma ,, u had a lot of native hair , diffusse thinning all up top .. but patches of bald areas.. I’m not sure sprinkling hairs all over is the best strategy .. u more than likely will suffer collateral damage of native hairs .. n also ur transplanted hair n native hair will be struggling to get that blood supply .. so call it bro-science , but that could slow down ur growth ., a total bald area being transplanted into, I see those guys getting more early growth than with folks with existing hair .. but if everything goes great, u should get a good transplant, since native hair blending in with transplanted hair usually looks the most natural ..
  16. U post ur pics n I post mines .. we can measure each other’s progress since we got surgery on same day .. congrats n happy growing .. n don’t get buyers remorse .. think of it as ur Christmas present u gave to urself.
  17. Wow thanks , didn’t know 80 was above average micron .. I’m happy about that.. I was reading online hair caliber ranges from 40-120.. Indian people probably got 120 microns .. they got some thick hair .. or young adults or people not suffering from mpb.. my hairline was at 40 microns, it was so weak n thin it was on its way out . Getting my micron check throughout my scalp gave me some indication of where I be future balding .. so instead of feeling deprrsssed I’m going to be bald one day , I have a clear gameplan now .. instead of just waiting for the call to drop one day .. I advise others to get their hair diameter micron checked if u can . hey JJ n melvin .. I wasn’t going to post about my surgery .. but since I always encourage others to post theirs , it be hypocritical of me not to .. so I probably will in a couple days .. got me some good pics pre-op n post/op pics .. should be really helpful . .. also , if trixglendon post his progress also , since he got surgery on same day as me .. work looks really clean so far btw.. he was able to squeeze 2500 grafts just into the hairline .n donor looks very good , doesn’t look like a bloody mess . The surrounding grafts doesn’t look like it got damaged .. n hairline is looking dense right now !!!!
  18. Okay thanks Melvin that’s good to know.. I won’t be spraying anything on it then. .. let it heal naturally .. — also , if anyone can give me an idea of what is the average micron of a good / average or bad diameter of the hair shaft ? hasson told me my donor is good quality at 80 micron .. my top was around 60-70 micron ., my thinning hairline was at 40 micron .. what were your guys hair diameter? N I also appreciated Doctor Hasson took the time to measure this for me .. after 4 consults with different doctors and two dermatologist at kaiser .. none of them was able to measure this for me ..guess they don’t have the densitometer..
  19. Hey guys , so I just got done with my surgery with h&w .. n their pre-ol instructions is to not spray anything or do anything to the grafts for the first 5 days , let the grafts air dry n heal naturally .. after that I can start shampooing the grafts and getting rid of the crusts .. this contracdicts a lot of what I read online and also other clinics recommendations .. they seem to say spray the grafts with saline/water every hour for the first two days and gently shower every to soften the crusts .. what is the truth ? N the better post op care ? What did u guys do ?
  20. Hey trix so happy for u .. glad u got it done n happy with the surgery .. yeah I went to hasson .. just finished my surgery also .. just got back to the hotel .. guess we balding surgery buddies .. will watch ur progress with mines and see how things progress .. I ended doing FUE with Hasson however for 2500 grafts .. he said my scalp laxity was not good .. I have a small head and I only did scalp exercises for 8 days .. so we made the decision on the spot to do fue.. cost me $20,000.. but the work looks good .. nice n clean almost 11 hours worth of surgery .. they took their time on me .. so glad it’s over now .. I’m ready to rest ..
  21. Get some pre-op pics and how u style ur hair . Also pre-op pics before n after surgery ... I’m getting my surgery in two days so would like to keep up with ur progress
  22. Hey Sean .. no it’s not Canadian dollars .. unfortunately ,, the price on their website is $5 fut and 8$ FUE American x after 2000 grafts it gets cheaper however .. $3 for fut every additional graft after 2000 grafts.. , so my total cost with h&w will be around 2500 grafts for $11,500 u.s. dollars.. theres also a tax fee of 3% so I be paying around 12$k+ . Hopefully i get good results so I won’t have to go back for another 5 years .. That’s my hope
  23. It’s there manager .. I think it’s his wife .. she runs the show on the business side .. n honestly I don’t blame her for being business like ,, it’s how Vietnamese people r, we get the job done , but customer service wise ; it’s not the best . .. it just worries me if I was going to have a bad result ., they will always blame it on the patient ..$16,000 is not little money .. if u cant work with me .. I’m not spending that on ya .. I’m sure diep will do a great job ,; he’s a good hairline surgeon .. but I will also be sacrificing my donor hair with those .9’mm extraction punches ..it’s not necessary, take ur time n vary ur punch sizes with single hairs n double n triples etc ,. Not just one size fits all to get ur job done sooner ..
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