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Everything posted by hairman22

  1. I went to Saifi. Skin fades for me are no problem. Some scars but very small. Very good surgeon. He is the opposite of Turkey.Likes to use as little grafts as possible to prserve for future
  2. it is hard to tell. But you said you have a thick head of hair. The horseshoe shadow you have looks quite dark. Makes me think yo have a good donor. You have 3 options imo Zarev,Pitella or Eugenix. Maybe H&W too
  3. I wore fibers dating. After 2 months i said i used fibers. No issue was made about it. She even helps me put in the fibers on my crown. Crown loss isnt going to be an issue for most woman.
  4. you shold get a zero fade around the sides makes the top look thicker. Progress is looking good. 4-4 months is usually the best
  5. I have no problem with my frontal third. Thats been transplanted More so crown and future loss
  6. I started losing hair at 17. Was on propecia for 2 years at 25-27 still lost some hair on it but had to stop. I just grafually lose hair every year. Its relatively slow but not isnt stable sadly
  7. 2700 grafts in frontal third mostly in mid scalp & in crown. I would like to improve my crown & temporal peaks. But i am unsure whether to proceed atm. Im going to Zarev next year see what he says.
  8. Thanks. I am 31. One of my uncles was way worse at my age. I just cannot take DHT blocking anything. I took it for 2 years no issues until the last 2 months & I then developed mild PFS. I recovered but im too sensitive to them. I just want to get a transplant to get my hair better at the crown but Im juts looking for opinions would that be a good idea. I know my donor isnt the best although it is very short in those photos. But my temples are receded a long time & woukd really like them done too to frame my face better. My hairline is very good. Not too low
  9. This is where hair length comes into it Now im at the early stages but im quite certain i will be a nor 6. Now this is probabky 10 years away at least. I will know more after i see Zarev. But i have norwood level 6/7 in my mothers side. So im not too optimistic.
  10. Hi As you can see i believe im heading to a nor 6 or maybe even 7. My donor isnt great either. It is short in those pics I am going to Zarev next year but im not too optimistic I am just very worried about my diffuse hairlossm. My donor isnt great so im very unsure what to do I have had 2700 gtafts in the frontal third which worked great. But i cannot take meds due to sides so im not sure another transplant is actually viable atm Just looking for sone opinions
  11. think you are a bit harsh on yourself. You are 47 your hair looks ok imo. Some concealer for the front. And you could get another transplant for the front
  12. no real point going to bisanga unless you have a very good donor and on meds. He just constantly looks at the wores case scenario very time. I get it hair my thin out alot over time. But better to have good hair while you are young & if it thins out later in life while at least you had a good run. Everyone knows hair transplant will thin out at least a bit after 5-10 years.
  13. i see no point in propecia it just may delay some more thinning of the donor maybe. But it will stop working anyway after a few years in yor case most likley. Best to just concentrate mostly on body hair to get a buzz cut
  14. This is probably his best case on his website. How he got 11,000+ grafts from that donor with retrogade alopecia have no idea
  15. It was staged. The slap looked staged. Wold have been a closed fist of it was real imo
  16. I think your lucky that your donor is good apart from that overharvested section. You need to go to a good surgeon though
  17. your hairloss seems like it may well follow your dad's. Yeah i think your good to get a transplant
  18. I would risk a transplant. Only reason is you have a very strong donor & you are young & it is more important in your 20's & early 30's to have good hair imo. But you need a top class surgeon. Eugenix or Zarev would be my choice if I was you. But you would need to be prepared for a few surgeries I would think.
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