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Everything posted by JayLDD

  1. I'd definitely feel that way too if I was in your position man, truly sucks how something like a shitty hairline can be such a pain to every day life. I wouldn't put the transplant completely out of your mind either, even in your early twenties I'd consider it if you haven't progressed further and are willing to take finasteride to secure it and make sure you maintain the rest of your hair. It's just too much of a risk when you're that young and not on meds (and too young to take them atm).
  2. The reality is that perfect density in a single pass (to a level that's completely satisfying aesthetically to you, and as dense as surgically possible) rarely occurs. Every patient in my opinion should budget for and choose a surgeon they can afford for multiple procedures, not just the one and done. In terms of cosmetic improvement over what you previously had, it's no doubt huge. Can't really be too disappointed with it, probably feels a little worse seeing as you've been through procedures so many times now but to any person off the street they'd have no idea you'd had work done.
  3. Ahead of the curve by a month or so and a hair type that will provide very good coverage and density. Should be a very good result.
  4. 10 days. Very impressed with how things are looking, especially the hairline. Can barely tell the natives apart from the transplants in the crown. Doesn't seem to be as much redness as last time in general, donor not looking too bad either considering the amount of grafts taken but scarring still noticeable at this length. Acceptable to go out in public at this point though. Going to be hard in a few days when the shedding starts :mad:
  5. Great write up, very impressive stretching of that number of grafts also. No one gets more out of individual grafts placed in the crown in my opinion.
  6. I have had 6000 grafts and 2 transplants at 23, the issue isn't necessarily getting a transplant at a young age (you are too young regardless), it's that you could potentially have a hairloss in the future and and your donor zone where hair would be taken from may not be able to cover the losses. At this point you are likely too young to have any signs of hairloss, so it cannot be judged the balding pattern that you may exhibit in the long term.Looking at your temple point areas, I find it hard to believe you don't have some degree of actual hairloss already though. Your family history of balding does not guarantee that you are safe from hairloss either. Also you may think now that you have the will and money to go through with multiple transplants if the situation gets worse over time, but do you or your parents really have twenty - thirty thousand dollars sitting around to spend on transplants whenever you need one? Add on top of that the few weeks off you have to take off for a transplant, the risk of a poor yield and bad result even with a good surgeon, (small) risks of infection, + time and money travelling for the procedure? The reality is that 5% of results I see here even from top surgeons (most of the surgeons you list are below this level) are poor or below par. 2% are outright failures. What will you do if this is you? Also one point, finasteride only has sexual side effects among about 2-5% of users, this is basic information you can learn from reading studies on the drug and talking to a doctor about it. I've been on the drug for 18 months and if you consider the benefits of keeping my hair its only improved my sex life. You saying that you're unwilling to take because you expect sexual side effects shows a lack of willingness to look at facts, it's a stupid thing to say based on a lack of research and very telling on your mindset here. The fact that you aren't of the capabilities to maturely and critically research data and come to accurate conclusions on something like this is evidence enough that you aren't ready or mature enough to have a transplant. The only doctor I would even remotely consider from your list is Keser. You're thinking about a very high risk situation, it would be incredibly reckless to go with anyone but the best. The better option for you is looking into a hairpiece, or if when you hit your brothers age and haven't proceeded with any more hairloss, finasteride + a transplant may be a good option. But hey, it's your life to fuck up. There are plenty of people here who are more mature and researched on hair transplants than you are that have still greatly hurt their wellbeing through hair transplants when not considering the risks.
  7. If I wore the hair down (which I have my whole life) rather than exposing the hairline it looked fine as the temple was covered, but with the hairline exposed I felt there was still a visibly ageing effect from the slight remaining recession. Liveable, but considering I'm still 23 and unfortunate to have friends most of whom have shoulder length hair with juvenile hairlines, + want to go for girls my age and younger it didn't make sense to be conservative. At least in the case that I hadn't lowered it further I would have constantly regretted it. 4500 in the frontal third sounds like a large amount, but realistically I had virtually no hair in the frontal third (You might not see that initially with my long hair, but I'll put up photos to show you what I mean), and the forelock had significant implants into it also. I've gone from a high Norwood 3 with virtually no forelock left to something similar to a teenage hairline. Of course it wasn't mandatory, the average person wouldn't have thought I had hairloss looking at my hairline and coverage after the first surgery (including my hairdresser who was impressed), this was more just a desire for perfectionism. At this point the line is exactly how I want it though, also I wasn't happy with the design of the hairline from the first procedure, as I thought it was too rounded which wasn't totally natural. Not the clinics fault, I actually directed them to do so after Koray designed one initially that in retrospect was more natural, but its hard to know exactly what will look ideal once it grows out and what suits to begin with. Also put a photo up showing the remaining recession after the first op. I think it's fairly noticeable. Lengths are slightly different, I think it was at 7 months so the hairs weren't all at the same point but it shows my point well.
  8. Understandable point on the hairline. My thought was that the slight alteration was possible with only around 800 or so grafts which ultimately wouldn't make a significant impact on my options, but would let me avoid keeping the issue on my mind going forward in the medium term. At this point the design is exactly how I want it to be, which regardless of any micro density issues that inevitable pop up when implanting into virgin scalp was preferable to me than getting the previous area absolutely perfect. It's also hard on a first run through when looking at a buzzed head to know exactly how you want the design, and I didn't feel I had it optimal the first time round so adjustment was necessary. I've seen Spanker say there's no such thing as an emergency hair transplant, but from day 1 my plan was a first that was exactly that, but do so slightly conservatively, with a second slightly more aggressive approach like Yas opted for to get the situation off the mind for the medium term without any second thoughts down the track. Thank you, many tend of opt for the opposite but I've always felt that with hairloss being a very sensitive and difficult issue for people it's better to aggressively (often literally) push an objective and analytical approach to things without any treading on eggshells. Obviously I'm a higher risk case than most and I doubt many other top surgeons would have gone through with this, but considering the money and time were there I'd have ultimately regretted not attempting to fix the issue to the greatest possible extent. A very strong donor, no thinning or family history beyond NW5 helps too.Obviously no guarantee, but a yield in the ball park of the last procedure should still put me in a very comfortable position going forward with donor to spare.
  9. Tried topical minox for a few months and had breathing issues with it so no option for oral, no trustworthy options for PRP in my country and I'm sceptical of efficacy, as with laser. If it was evident I was going backwards I'd probably up my dose of finasteride first, and also try concealer if I felt it was necessary. At this point the majority of the frontal third is all transplants, so concealer only on midscalp and crown less of an issue. Also if the midscalp and crown did start thinning more at least I have the benefit of a few grafts in that area. Wouldn't say no to future transplants, or perhaps SMP for the illusion of more density when grown out, just not considering it right now.
  10. Many thanks, and I wish the same for your results when you finally get around to having yours done
  11. Before photos Unfortunately no good dry pics of the hairline as they left the hair down for some reason.
  12. Hi Everybody. I have previously had a 3000 graft FUE at ASMED 12 months ago, linked here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/186728-asmed-koray-erdogan-3070-grafts-april-10th.html Overall very satisfied with the results from the first procedure, but still wanted to address the crown which was previously untouched, as well as density issues in some areas of the previous transplant, and create a slightly more aggressive hairline with more youthful closure at the temples, including an alteration to the overall design. Some background on my situation, I was initially a NW3V diffusing in a NW5 pattern that is very noticeable when wet but not an issue dry and with longer hair, 22 years old at the time, and had stabilised on finasteride. First procedure was solely for the hairline and created a slightly conservative NW 1.5-2 with 3070 grafts. My donor had roughly 9500 grafts to begin with and I am left with potentially another 2000-3000 after the second procedure, but the clinic suggested this is impossible to know for sure unless it is analysed 12 months down the track. In online consult 2000-2500 grafts were suggested for crown and frontal work, but in person Koray thought 3000 would be worthwhile to create a significant improvement in both the crown frontal third. Ultimately suggesting 1500 in the frontal third and 1500 in the crown. He also seemed impressed with the standard of my donor after the first procedure. Some stats on the second procedure: 3038 grafts – Hair/Graft ratio: 2.1 (quite a bit lower than the first time round) Average Hair Thickness – 50 microns Singles - 557 Doubles - 1709 Triples - 697 Quadruples - 74 Quintuples - 1 Sextuples - 0 Minor points, this time I stayed at the hotel rather than the clinic and preferred it quite a bit. Very comfortable and calming, good food for very cheap prices and there's a lot of options for places to visit a quick walk away also. That said the clinic room was very convenient. Of course as with last time the clinic staff and my clinic supervisor were very accommodating. A few have mentioned forgetting to covert some Euros to Lira upon arrival to Istanbul, the clinic was happy to convert right there and for a good rate too, so don't worry about doing so at the airport. Another point, from a front view and in dimmer lighting the very tight buzz the clinic bring the hair down to reflected that the previous work looked very natural and had no visible density issues, although from a top view seen in the clinic photos there's a noticeable difference in density between the areas with natives and those previously implanted. Noticed the same in cases like Yas and acegik who both went for 2nd procedures at ASMED, although not a huge issue unless you're planning to constantly having people looking at the top of your scalp. The donor scarring from the first procedure was also clearly visible when the scalp was buzzed to a zero, not that this is a problem or unexpected as one shouldn't go in assuming FUE is scarless or that they could get away with a buzz that tight to begin with. Just a point to note. Hair was in significant need of a cut when going in for photos, so note it also didn't look its best by any means
  13. Any pics of your situation up? What Norwood were you when you started and how many grafts have you used? How many grafts are you looking at for the third procedure? Lorenzo again I'm assuming? Just came back from my second round with Erdogan. Another 3000 grafts. Very much hoping for a completeness after this procedure, but suspect there will always be micro-issues that one wants to address. I'd probably go to a doctor only clinic and likely with a smaller number of grafts in future, likely Konior or Baubac to work through them in detail if I did. In terms of coverage assuming a good yield I should have a very good situation to work with after the last procedure. Hoping not to feel the urge for another 5 years at least though.
  14. The concern on the donor management on recent cases of Diep is definitely warranted, but his results in the recipient are consistently immaculate. Depending on your age and how you're maintaining on meds would be my biggest consideration, then simply who's results you prefer aesthetically, looking at their work on cases similar to your own also. I would prefer Hasson for hairline work in the case that it was a strip, Diep for FUE, but cautious on how secure you feel on his donor management and considering future loss. In terms of graft numbers per unit of area, I don't see any surgeons packing as densely as Hasson on a regular basis for first procedures, so I wouldn't consider him less aggressive either. Typically these dense packs are FUT though.
  15. In this case there's clearly a distinction between natives and the nape hair, although density is an issue too, likely made worse by the use of nape.
  16. The IAHRS is fundamentally a money making scheme. You can't have surgeons like Doganay recommended despite his history and expect to be taken seriously.
  17. The problem people don't seem to understand is that like you mention for many their hair at different parts of the scalp can be extremely different, and what's viable for one person isn't for another in terms of a natural result. My nape hairs don't grow long enough to be used in a hairline, are quite curly which wouldn't be appealing and are lighter colour than the rest of my scalp hairs. Originally my hairline was similar to my temple point hairs in that they almost appeared colourless and are extremely fine in comparison to the hair right behind it, nowhere else on the scalp are they like this so I never expected that it would look 100% authentic because it wasn't ever a possibility. From a couple of videos people now seem to think that if they aren't completely happy with a hairline or someone else's that they'll just blame it on multi-grafts even if they clearly aren't there to begin with, or are so spread out that its not a noticeable issue. There are other major issues at play and once an original, 100% natural hairline is gone it isn't coming back. That said, microscopes in FUE are almost certainly worthwhile, just not fundamental to consistently good results.
  18. Funny you mention that about messages you're getting, same in my case about and around the forum in general, he created some huge waves with only a few videos on the issue. I do find it somewhat annoying because despite nothing changing industry-wide regarding results or in basic judgements of hairlines over the past few months, it seems to be all some people focus on now. Many are seeing multi-grafts where they're clearly singles, or pointing out multis centimetres behind the hairline and complaining despite this being the norm, even among microscope users. Also the idea that the only criteria of a natural hairline is singles at the very front, for example I can guarantee you no Caucasian man ever born has a hairline as high and perfectly rounded as J's that's simultaneously lacking in miniaturised hairs. To be honest I don't think there's anyone in his position more trustworthy in the industry overall, but its no doubt a selfserving form of marketing despite it being helpful to a broader cause.
  19. Funny you mention that about messages you're getting, same in my case about and around the forum in general, he created some huge waves with only a few videos on the issue. I do find it somewhat annoying because despite nothing changing industry-wide regarding results or in basic judgements of hairlines over the past few months, it seems to be all some people focus on now. Many are seeing multi-grafts where they're clearly singles, or pointing out multis centimetres behind the hairline and complaining despite this being the norm, even among microscope users. Also the idea that the only criteria of a natural hairline is singles at the very front, for example I can guarantee you no Caucasian man ever born has a hairline as high and perfectly rounded as Joe Tillmans that's simultaneously lacking in miniaturised hairs. To be honest I don't think there's anyone in his position more trustworthy in the industry overall, but its no doubt a selfserving form of marketing despite it being helpful to a broader cause.
  20. There are a few Umar results specifically mentioning signifcant usage of nape hair in the hairline (and they didn't look particularly aesthetic to me), would be interesting to know the specific graft numbers involved in Konior's cases of nape useage and see them pointed out. Probably true that none specifically involve only nape hairs or a particularly high percentage of them. I do agree with his point that there is no such thing as cherry picking grafts on an individual basis via FUE, but obviously the area of scalp it is being selected from is relevant in regards to texture and there are a higher percentage of singles and thinner hairs in the temporal region than the occipital etc. I think he's just saying that as a non-specific means of advocating for microscopes because the surgeons he supports use them tbh. Stretching the truth a bit.
  21. This result literally makes me laugh in how absurd it is. In a good way.
  22. If you're in Canada, really you should be solely looking at Rahal or Hasson and Wong. Doesn't make sense to go with an unknown clinic when you have surgeons with those kinds of track records at your doorstep. You should be nervous.
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