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Everything posted by anotherhairlosssufferer

  1. Yes you're super early on but you can see the growth and the beard hairs seem to have mixed well with the scalp hair even now. +1 on the beard pic What's your subjective opinion on the beard after the procedure? Are the scars visible, can you not let the beard grow any more/do you need to have the beard to hide the scars? I never really understood how it works when beard is used as donor, probably depends on the person
  2. > Following a biopsy I was diagnosed with lichen planopilaris (LPP) Is this a condition where they can definitively say that you have it (by having more chemicals of a particular kind in your scalp for example) or is it more or a "syndrome" and pretty much it's up to the subjective opinion of the dermatologist? Also, can it be fixed? I am sorry you had it and you potentially wasted 1200 grafts (went through your post history - it doesn't look at all bad currently imo). I definitely have itching all over the scalp and I kinda feel that's an indication of where the hair loss is progressing, but I don't know enough about it to make any claims.
  3. Looking really good man! But I do see what you mean, if you look very closely from a particular angle you can see the cornrow. I wonder how it looks in real life though, probably not very noticeable even if you know what you're looking for. +1 on the donor pic if possible
  4. I wouldn't hold my breath, but let's see what happens. Perhaps this area of science has made some progress in the past 14 years, and if so, maybe in another 14 or 28 more we'll even be able to use this 😂
  5. Awesome results, happy for you! You said you used some grafts from beard and chest? How many, and can you show the scars, at least the beard?
  6. From what I remember Jim got put in a mandatory digital isolation so to speak by @Melvin-Moderator because he was causing drama. Not sure if he's still there or he just decided to not come back yet. Either way I believe the results are going to be very good and I hope he posts them.
  7. I am glad that you’re openly posting about your experience, even though it is below what you expected - this can help people in similar situations. Late growth is a thing and you haven’t experienced much of it yet so hoping that this resolves quickly for you. Please keep us updated!
  8. This is going to be an amazing result. Also that donor looks untouched after 5000 grafts, congrats! Lucky you with the awesome donor!
  9. Hope Jimmy is back soon as I am eager to see the progress!
  10. Glad you had a positive experience! Can you share some pics too?
  11. Totally agree, this forum is an invaluable, candid resource and every one of use who shares their story makes it better. This is exactly why I decided to share my journey even though I am going to keep it a secret in personal life (if possible). Hope it only gets better over time!
  12. lol mine says 87% no bald spot and same like you for early hair loss. I technically still don't have a bald spot as I have a diffuse hair loss but still. I was not happy when I saw this a few years ago
  13. Great so far, but the best part - you got at least 4 more months of growing!
  14. The hairs in the middle of your scalp are thicker, I am assuming that's the beard hair? I am super excited to see how the combination of beard/scalp turns out for you, it really makes me more content to know that you can use the beard hairs, as mine is super dense and thick below the chin and not very dense on the cheeks so it's pretty much useless. Can you both shave the beard and let it grow without it looking noticeable? Any scars? Also, you're about to turn the corner so it's about to get very fun!
  15. Urgh I confused you with the OP my bad! You’re in good hands though it’ll be awesome!
  16. Did your first procedure get moved from March 2021 to August 2020 due to cancellations?
  17. Looks awesome, and happy to see another Konior patient with very probable superior end result!
  18. This is nuts! All about this: both the amount of his back hairs and the results. I thought chest/back hairs were very rarely used with success (e.g. Eugenix experience).
  19. Could be, I really have no idea how it works, and if that's true then it sucks. I was kinda slowly losing hair for the past 13ish years, it would really suck if it got accelerated all of a sudden.
  20. Yeah if you look at his results, he achieves amazing things with few grafts so I am just putting trust in that. Fingers crossed! As for the topical antiandrogen, do you mean topical finasteride or like actual topical anti-androgens like CB/RU? I might try the topical finasteride, but I am not eager as from the little research I did it still reduces the serum DHT. If I knew the sides would reverse like they luckily did the previous time, I would try without thinking but this way I am still debating with myself. As for CB/RU, I would rather not do RU as people reported heart issues and it has no clinical trials behind it but I am really looking forward to CB, even though it's probably years away
  21. Yes, definitely. I have a picture from 8ish months ago when I also shaved my head at the beginning of covid so I have a pretty good comparison and it's a very noticeable difference The remaining native hair in the recipient is also thinner, maybe the miniaturization has accelerated? Either way I am trying to not freak out, and am hoping for the best haha
  22. Getting Finasteride sides. Or are you expecting a pun related to your username
  23. I can't see how topical would result in less sides than oral version: if you don't lower the serum DHT your hair follicles will get the DHT from elsewhere in your body, I don't think DHT production/circulation is localized. I am not a doctor though, but this is logical to me as oral finasteride is absorbed systemically and lowers the DHT systemically. If you do lower the serum DHT though, well then there are potential sides and if you don't have them with oral, then you should be good. Playing with dosages might be something feasible (and this is where topical could be better imo) but I am kinda afraid to go off label and do it.
  24. I feel you man, I am 6 weeks post op! Hang in there!
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