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Everything posted by TakingThePlunge

  1. Right on! Congrats on the thickening hair!

  2. Dr. Simmons, Beautiful job! While, as you yourself point out, it may not be the densest hair transplant, it is a dramatic cosmetic improvement for this patient. Thank you for sharing this case!
  3. Hunter88, I started both minoxidil and finasteride at the age of 40. I did this right after my first hair transplant. I've seen an improvement in my crown but, since I started them together, I really can't say which one is working or if it's the combination that has helped.
  4. colivre, While I have not had any work done by Dr. Friedman, I met the man in the early nineties when I was about 22 and sporting a mature hairline. I was desperate for a hair transplant at that time but Dr. Friedman told me that I was not yet a candidate and to return in the future when my balding had progressed. I always admired him for that. As I'm sure you are already aware, Dr. Friedman is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network and performs highly refined follicular unit extraction. To learn about our criteria for recommending physicians, click here. Dr. Shelly Friedman, his surgical technique, and patient results were carefully reviewed by our patient based online hair loss community. To view the highlights of this review, click here. Best of luck,
  5. Well, balding certainly hasn't affected Jack Nicholson's love life!
  6. NotUrAvg, First of all, let me congratulate you on your long awaited hair transplant surgery. Taking control of one's hair loss is a very empowering and life-changing experience! Thanks for sharing your detailed experience with Dr.Pathomvanich. I'm glad to know that this forum has brought you some peace of mind. That's what we're here for. I look forward to following your progress over the coming months. Best of luck!
  7. Hunter88


    Welcome to our new Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Thanks for sharing your treatment regimen. Feel free to further customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.


    avatar.pngDon't be a default face. Instead, you are encouraged to change your profile photo to a picture of you or something that represents you.


    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.


    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.


    All the Best,


    David – aka TakingthePlunge

    Assistant Publisher and Forum Co-Moderator for theHair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum


  8. Brows23, At 14 days after your hair transplant surgery, you should be fine applying Folligen although it is always a good idea to check with your hair restoration surgeon. Shock loss of existing hairs is perfectly natural and they should begin to grow back along with the transplanted hairs in the next 3 to 4 months. Best of luck,
  9. wb280, Looking good at one month! It does seem as if you experienced very little shedding of the transplanted hairs. As I've said before, I really like this hairline design. I'm really looking forward to seeing your results. Best of luck!
  10. Batel, Very happy to know that things went well for you. Keep us posted on your progress! All the best,
  11. lukeyb1687, A comparison of your last month photos with your latest seems to show significant improvement. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing your update next month. All the best,
  12. reywd80,


    Welcome to our new Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Thanks for sharing your treatment regimen. Feel free to further customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.


    avatar.pngDon't be a default face. Instead, you are encouraged to change your profile photo to a picture of you or something that represents you.


    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.


    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.


    All the Best,


    David – aka TakingthePlunge

    Assistant Publisher and Forum Co-Moderator for theHair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum



  13. I feel that Dr. Mohebi's work fits the description of "highly refined." His hairlines look very natural. I also find the concept of saving the trichophytic closure for the final procedure very interesting. I've never heard of this approach before and I'm wondering if any other hair transplant physicians feel that this approach is beneficial. I think he would make a fine addition to our list of recommended hair restoration physicians.
  14. Megatron, I think your brushed forward/dry pic looks great at 5 months! You still have a lot of new growth and maturation to come so I'm confident you'll achieve your goals. Happy growing!
  15. Dr. Konior, Beautiful hairline work! Very refined. If only we all had that option at 47 year of age.
  16. I'm one week shy of three months post-op from my second hair transplant. I'm also still slightly pink in both the donor and recipient area. Looking at my blog from HT #1 it seems like most of the redness was gone by 4 months. I tried using a redness reducing Witch Hazel formula this time around but I'm not convinced it made much of a difference. Based on my skin tone, my doctor had predicted that I wouldn't stay red long but I think it simply comes down to physiology. For some the pink goes away quickly and for others it lasts longer.
  17. I remember feeling this way during my first hair transplant. This time around I'm not nearly as impatient or concerned. I think it's because I've already got a reasonable amount of hair up top and I'm just waiting for the icing on the cake so to speak.
  18. Nathan,


    Thanks again! I appreciate the kind words. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), is an organosulfur compound that some believe helps to promote faster hair growth. I'm on my second bottle but will probably discontinue use when it runs out because I'm not seeing any noticeable effects.


    You can read more about Saw Palmetto here: href="http://www.regrowhair.com/non-surgical-hair-loss-treatments/can-saw-palmetto-really-reduce-hair-loss/">Hair Loss Q&A Blog,


    In a nutshell, it's considered to be a mild DHT blocker but in my opinion should not take the place of finasteride.

  19. Dr. Alexander, Thank you for posting this case. This is a very natural and cosmetically appealing result. The hairline and density look great.
  20. wb280, Typically, all scabs are gone within a week to ten days. Shedding generally occurs over the first two to four weeks. In a few lucky individuals, many of the hairs do not shed but continue to grow. You may be one of these. Only time will tell. Sorry for not being more specific but, as you pointed out, these things do vary from patient to patient. All the best,
  21. jossh, As long as you purchase your medication from a reliable source and are sure that your medication is legitimate, there should be no difference between the generic and name brand versions. I use generic Proscar and quarter the pill as do many other members here and believe that it has been effective.
  22. jpmonster, Dr. Alexander is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians and performs ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation. To learn about Coalition membership standards click here. I can speak from experience as I am almost three months post-op from my second hair transplant with Dr. Alexander. While my first HT resulted in lower density than I would have liked, I wasted no time in scheduling my second procedure with Dr. A because both my hairstylist and me were very impressed with the natural look of my hairline and quality of my donor scar. In my opinion, you can't go wrong choosing Dr. Alexander!
  23. Nathan,


    Thanks! I appreciate the compliment! To some degree the lighting is making my hair look better in my profile pic but I can't complain. I'm now almost three months into HT #2. Hoping for better density.


    I understand completely what you mean by obsession. In the realm of afflictions, hair loss can seem a petty concern to those who don't have to deal with it but it can really break a person's spirit.


    Best of luck and let me know if I can do anything for you.



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