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Everything posted by n00b

  1. Does anyone know the best way to contact Dr.Lorenzo of InjertoCapilar? I filled out the online consultation form on the website but no response yet.
  2. Glad that things turned out well. Happy for you...
  3. I dont see why one cant transplant an already transplanted hair. however the place from where the hair is transplanted would be scarred. Can you please share photos so we can understand the situation better?
  4. Congrats HTsoon! You've always been a positive voice grounded in reality. Great to see you step up to help more people.
  5. @Gasthoerer, I haven't had any inspection yet. Will update if i do. @JeanLLD, The result you posted is amazing. Mine is nowhere close to it. @Mick50, I remember the infamous case you are referring to. I too had my transplant around the same time as him.
  6. I spoke with Dr.Hasson and Doug a couple of days ago. Dr.Hasson said that all my native hairs have shed inspite of my meds. He recommended doubling the dosage and another transplant to fix the issues. But I have reservations about both the recommendations. I haven't given much thought to a refund. Will update the thread in case of updates.
  7. Sorry for the delayed update. Was unable to come online due to some personal issues. Here is how my density is after 2 years. I feel the op was a failure and very less grafts grew as I look worse than pre-op. What do you guys think?
  8. you look fabulous spyk777!!! Jealous as always...
  9. Looks like the crown is off to a great start. the donor looks really good for 5k graft. All the best HTsoon...
  10. Hairline looks excellent spyk777! Could you please share some top down pics too?
  11. Could be telogen effluvium, a temporary hair shed phase. Another member by the name of vinaymieux faced similar problems but it resolved itself after a few months. Btw, how is your scar looking? Any words about growth and yield?
  12. Nice to hear things are on track I second Mikey's comments. You are a great member with a positive and pragmatic voice. Thanks a lot!
  13. Wow! Looks fantastic!!! Correct me if I am wrong but from the video it looks like you have thin hair. I am really surprised that such a result can be achieved with thin hair. How's your crown looking? Any plans for the crown?
  14. HTsoon fears it. I fear it. And to be honest everyone here on the forum fears it. It is our worst nightmare... Please heed our advise and forget any thoughts about HTs at least for the next 6 years. Meanwhile, please shave your head and hit the gym. Going to the gym would not only make you look better with a shaved head but also would help your mental health a lot.
  15. Congrats spyk777, You hair looks excellent as always.
  16. ForeverBlue, I truly understand the mental pain you are in. I am in my mid 20's and have been losing hair since late teens heading towards nw6, so trust me when i say that i empathize with you. Also heed HTsoon's advice as he to has a similar hair loss in his 20s. I am going to keep my message short and go straight to the point as I dont wanna confuse you with to many words. 1) Dont even think about having a transplant until you are at least in mid 20s. 2) Shave your head and hit the gym. Browse sly bald guys for support. It is very easy to get confused/tempted in one's teens. Dont browse this forum too much under the name of doing research. Transplants are a one way street. You can get a transplant at any time. But once you get one, there is no turning back. Its irreversible. Postpone the idea of getting a transplant. I repeat. NO TRANSPLANT and SHAVE YOUR HEAD.
  17. great results. congrats Tj287 how's you scar looking? is it also ear to ear?
  18. I agree with you. I get nightmares while I sleep thinking about how i would look in the future.
  19. Does anyone know whether the amount of hair we have as a new born baby is indicative of the future baldness we would get? Is there any study regarding this...
  20. Has anyone tried 23 and me genetic testing service? If so, has the hair trait and baldness predictions true for you? Mine correctly predicted that I have dark long hairs but got the mpb predictions wrong. According to the report i am not likely to experience hair loss before 40. But I am losing hair diffusely since late teens. What was your experience?
  21. Dont feel bummed. You did the right thing and you have the right approach on moving forward. I agree with HTsoon that you should try and buzz your head before jumping into a transplant.
  22. I agree with others on this. Too young to have a transplant. Please please wait for a few more years and then re-evaluate. I understand the pain and difficulties of losing hair at such young age. But having a transplant at such an young age without proper planning causes much bigger problems. The good news is that you seem to have thick coarse hair and you have decided against FUT (i.e. linear scar). You can always have a hair transplant anytime. You just can't undo it.
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