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Everything posted by n00b

  1. HTsoon, First, all the best for your forthcoming procedure. Looking forward for your updates. Next, can yo ask the doc about your hair caliber? I am very curious to know it. I think it is your think hair with your low recipient area that's producing such an awesome result.
  2. Looking great! Dr.Vories, do you happen to have post op pics showing where the grafts were placed?
  3. Congrats Sanjar! Thank you Dr.Mohebi for going out of the way to help people.
  4. Looking great Spanker. Your hair looks fabulous. Bill, I am pretty sure the community would be very interested in your nine year update. Could you please post one?
  5. Just a quick clarification. The top down pic I was requesting is not of the donor are but the entire recipient area in better lighting. Thanks again.
  6. It's great to hear back from you, Sethticles! Thanks for the great writeup. Glad to see you are happy and satisfied. I've got a question and a request for you. Do you happen to know how many grafts are left in your donor? Can you please take a top down picture in better lighting? Thanks
  7. Hi jackblack71, Can you please provide a top down pic? It would be a better representative photograph to judge the result.
  8. Hi HTSoon, You have extremely good result and I believe its because of your donor qualities. Can you please share your hair caliber if your know?
  9. Thanks for the input! I never knew people had 100+ microns of scalp hair...
  10. Hi Ernie, May I ask whether you know the caliber of your hair? From the pics, it looks to me that you have good hair thickness.
  11. I have not heard of it before. But the pictures on their website are results of Hasson and Wong. Looks like a huge red flag to me. https://hassonandwong.com/hair-transplant-results/patient-1918/ https://hassonandwong.com/hair-transplant-results/patient-1907/
  12. Hi spyk777, You are looking great from month 4. Excellent hairline. Congrats! Can you please share pics of your top and crown in better lighting? It's tough to see things when your top is partly in shadow as in the pics above.
  13. Can anyone educate me on male donor hair caliber ranges? What's considered a good caliber range for a good result?
  14. I too agree with Shampoo but i wanna add one more tiny detail about scar. Not everyone heals the same. People from different origins tend to heal similarly. For example, i believe, Caucasians heal very well whereas people with very dark skin tones tend to form keloid scars. I suggest you consult with multiple doctors and get a "personalized" recommendation on donor characteristics like density, hair caliber, skin laxity and the general tendency to heal scars.
  15. Congratulation HairNetworker00, You have a great result. I am sure you will look terrific after the second op. I am pleasantly surprised by the area covered by 4k grafts. Do you happen to know the area (in cm2) that was transplanted?
  16. Thanks for the info HTsoon! I am surprised that you have zero donor miniaturization as I thought everyone has around 10% miniaturization due to the telogen phase. If you are curious about your hair caliber, you can can buy a micrometer to measure hair thickness. I bought one on amazon for $40.
  17. I am so sorry about it. I can feel your pain. I would like to hear Dr.Bhatti opinion on this...
  18. Hi HTsoon, I agree with the strategy to use 500 in midscalp and 1000 in the crown. You can use beard hair to add more overall density down the line instead of using it exclusively on one area. Since u already cut ur back and sides short, the scalp and beard hairs should be indistinguishable in the lower crown area if u choose to transplant beard hair in the crown in the future. You mentioned you have favorable donor characteristics. Can you throw some light on it? Do you happen to know your hair thickness, graft density, percent of miniaturization, etc??? Also, I recall you were thinking a while back about transplanting scalp hair as much as possible and use beard hair to repair the donor area. Did you consult with your doctor whether this is a possibility?
  19. Great transformation! Congrats Looking forward for more updates
  20. Hi HTsoon Do you happen to know the thickness of your donor hair?
  21. Wow... This is concerning! Can any senior members chime in? Are donor hair not dht resistant?
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