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Everything posted by yesplease

  1. Clearly a tremendous improvement. That said, “before” photo is in harsh, bright lighting with the hair soaking wet amd brushed straight back. ”After” is in flattering lighting, dry and styled. Would be super helpful to see an after shot with the hair wet, brushed back and in bright lighting. Just in terms of really getting a feel for before/after.
  2. Looking great! Early on you mentioned that your were considering starting fin. Did you ever take that plunge?
  3. Got it, thanks! one last question, and then I’ll stop badgering you lol why did you switch to FUE for your 2nd procedure rather than “stripping out”? Given that you already had the FUT scar, and doing another FUT again before crossing over to FUE would likely have given you a more lifetime grafts. It obviously turned out great regardless. Very interesting long-term journey, thanks for sharing.
  4. I see, thanks for confirming. Just shored up your hairline and/midscalp with that one? any current shots of your scar/donor? thanks again
  5. Awesome Was there a thread for your second operation? It looks like the link at the bottom of your profile is inactive. .
  6. What a life changer. Congratulations. Sorry, I’m sure it’s mentioned somewhere in this long thread, but what is your age at this point? Also, are you still taking the proscar, and any side effects?
  7. Great results. Glad to see that your HT journey has worked out well for you. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your current age?
  8. It’s definitely remarkable and could be concealer …. But patient responses to any medication are on a bell curve, and someone has to be on the far end of that curve. You can’t rule out this being a result of fin.
  9. Also note that he wasn’t actually “bald”. ie slick bald with no hair, in the mid scalp and crown. Rather, he was diffusely miniaturized. In some patients miniaturized follicles can be salvaged and start to produce healthy hair again once DHT is blocked. Once slick bald, however, I’ve never seen fin be able to regrow hair.
  10. Thanks for sharing. Given your age, the current status of your hair and the fact that you’ve been on meds long term, it seems like you have a high likelihood of achieving a great result. You’ve been on Finasteride for quite some time. I’m curious if you have had any side effects or discernible issues? keep us posted!
  11. Results are looking great! That said, since you posted this more top-down angle to demonstrate your hair loss pre-op, and you had grafts placed across the full frontal third and midscalp, would you mind posting some similar angles of the current result as well? “After” photos seem to focus more so on just the hairline (which looks great!) thanks
  12. Thanks for the reply and info. It's awesome to hear from a truly long-term patient on here. I watched one of your videos online, where you discuss expectations and accepting the limitations of an HT. In it you mention that you have "weak areas" ... wondering what they are in your case? The crown? Also wondering how your linear scar turned out after 3 strips. Any chance you have any photos or can comment on that? Is it visible when wet? How short can you wear the back? Thanks again, really appreciate it.
  13. Also, what’s your current age? Since your last procedure, have you lost any ground anywhere, and are you contemplating a 4th procedure at all?
  14. Looking great Can you comment on what role meds have played for you over your journey?
  15. Wondering if you were ever able to track any pics down from your first procedure with Rahal? Would be interesting to see where you really started from, before any interventions. Thx!
  16. Sure. I’ve seen a number of other HW postings, but not one with three separate procedures. I hope your latest result is turning out well and I look forward to learning about your journey in August.
  17. Not to derail the topic, but do you have a thread detailing any of your procedures? I’m considering HW and would love to learn more about your surgeries and results.
  18. Thanks for the info. Seems like you’ll be set up pretty well for your age with this HT. Did you stop Fin for 2-3 years due to side effects? If so, what dose were you previously at that caused the sides? Thx
  19. Looking great man. Happy for you. I must’ve missed it, what’s your age? Also, how long have you been on fin now? Any issues with it?
  20. Amazing result, congratulations. In one of the photos, it appears that you do have some thinning and miniaturization in the vertex and crown area as well. Did they transplant into the area? How does it look from the top down? Do you have to do some styling maneuvers to cover some of that area? Also, are you on fin?
  21. Did you ever end up being asked about the noticeable change? How did you end up deciding to address it?
  22. Man, your results are stellar. Especially for your age and remaining donor capacity. Congrats. That said, in these before pics, you can see some significant thinning/miniaturization in the mid-scalp, behind the area they transplanted in your hairline. Is this something you can spot at this point with your hair grown out? And you just style around/over it? congrats again.
  23. This is exactly right. I started fin with the hopes of being on it for a few years before likely proceeding with a HT. I experienced sides, however, and was unable to continue it. Not having my MPB truly “stabilized” now makes me quite hesitant to pull the trigger on surgery. I’ve definitely lost ground since abandoning fin. And recovering from the sides has been a challenge. With the benefit of hindsight, I definitely would not take fin if I had it to do over again. And, I’m a physician, and do not believe I was biased towards SEs before starting fin.
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