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Everything posted by Stig

  1. Schedule a consultation with Hasson & Wong or Dr Ron Shapiro and look into another HT repair procedure. They are the best in the world and repair bad transplants all the time.
  2. I agree with Feller, strip is more labor intensive for the surgeon than FUE. For the majority of top FUE clinics, especially in Turkey and Europe, the technicians are the ones performing 100% of the extractions, whilst with strip, the surgeon has to spend 45 mins to an hour removing the strip. With FUE, the surgeon can just walk between the 3 or 4 or 5 patients and check-in on the extraction process, maybe even check the news. In all seriousness, I think Feller was referring to FUT being more labor intensive as a whole. I.e with FUE, you really just need one or two techs and the surgeon, whilst for strip you have a larger team of techs dissecting the strips.
  3. It's actually nice to see H&W getting some well deserved attention these days. There was a period of time where all you heard about were those Turkish clinics.
  4. Absolutely nothing wrong with Hasson's hairlines, you are dealing with one of the best if not the best HT surgeon in the world. Seeing this is also your 2nd procedure, you will need someone with the ability to blend the new hairs in with the existing ones and the ones from the 1st procedure, esp if your 1st procedure wasn't great. Don't underplay the skills needed, so you are on the right track going with someone like Hasson.
  5. I would go with Hasson in your case as Hasson is the master in getting the most number of grafts in one pass, and it seems like that's what you are looking for to cover all those areas. Hasson is also much better known for his crown work than Rahal. When it comes to hairlines, Rahal is the master, but that doesn't mean Hasson can't address yours. If you were just working on the hairline I would suggest Rahal, but for overall coverage Hasson is your man. In a perfect world one would have Dr Wong do the crown, Dr Rahal the hairline, and Dr Hasson the rest.
  6. Esrec, well providing 3 results per month when surgeons such as Rahal perform 10 a week - lets say 45 in a month so 3 from 45 is still cherry-picking though isn't it? Someone like Konior or Dr Ron Shapiro who performs half of that would have less to choose from. I like the concept though, very good idea. Clinics can post all the best results, but what about the average or bad results?
  7. Hi Bill, No disrespect at all to the work you do here, and your forum has helped me immensly. I also don't dispute your high standards for recommended surgeons. This is just my own opinion based on my own experience and research. I'm more than happy to add the disclaimer when I make these types of statements. I have consulted with all of the recommended surgeons and don't dispute that they are not highly competent and produce solid results, therefore can understand why they are recommended by the site (and don't take exception to the recommendations). However, I myself have seen a select few surgeons that have raised the bar and seem (to me) to be producing consistently more knock-out wow factor high quality results. I know at some point I should probably post pics to add credibility (however I respect my 1st surgeon), but I myself had a procedure with a recommended surgeon who in my opinion produced a very good result, but for my subseequent procedure, I researched more, and identified these elite even better surgeons, some of which have already been critical of the work produced by the 1st surgeon. Once again, he did a good job in my opinion, but I also know that if I had gone with one of the elite surgeons, the result would probably have been even better. That all I am trying to convey to these posters, and I wish when I was researching my 1st procedure, more posters would have advised me to keep looking for the even better elite surgeons that I subsequently identified. You yourself had a procedure with Dr True, a recommended surgeon, but then switched to Dr Hasson for your next ones. I'm sure you have your reasons, but I can only assume its because you felt Dr Hasson could do a better job for you than Dr True, even though Dr True remains highly competent. Thats really all I am trying to say here, there are a handful of surgeons on your list that are consistently producing more top quality results than others. Once again, my own opinion.
  8. Sorry Bill what exactly does probation entail? Are you going to post a big warning sign next to the doctor mentioning that the surgeon is on probation because his quality standards have slipped? If I was the doctor I would rather just be removed from the recommended list and work towards getting added back, and if I was a potential patient, and saw that, I would run for the hills. Or, are you juts going to keep everything as is with some small print somewhere that the doctor is on probabtion if anything at all. If its the later, then I think you are doing a massive disservice to potential patients that pick him for a procedure and I am afraid that your recommended listing then loses alot credibility. If the doctor is not currently meeting standards, then he should be removed until he can demonstrate consistently that he is meeting standards again - only then should he be added back. I think giving the doctor a 2nd chance like this just does a disservice to patients picking him, I really do. What happens if you keep him on the list, put him on probation, and he still doesn't improve - then what do you tell the patients that picked him duri ng that probation period? whoops sorry?
  9. In your case, I would check out Konior and Ron Shapiro
  10. Do not go with the NY surgeons, there are way better surgeons out there if you are prepared to travel. If you must stay in NY, then Feller & Wesley should be your only two options. They are solid. Dr Bernstein is not value for money. He charges $9 a graft for FUT when better clinics out there charge $5 per graft like H&W. If Dr B was the best in the world, then he can justify that, but guys like Konior, Ron Shapiro, Hasson are better & more consistent surgeons at half the price. These are facts. I completely disagree with the advice being provided to you up above. Be prepared to travel and you will get better results and save dollars.
  11. Bill has stated that that they do monitor an ongoing basis and clinics have been dropped from the list. That process is less transparent though as I have seen surgeons dissapear quietly from the list without a peep from the moderators. Can you imagine booking a surgery with a recommended surgeon, and then don't even know he gets thrown out or the reason why. To me that's my gripe with this forum. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they remove Doganay without even announcing it, maybe you should keep checking if his name is still on the list.
  12. I don't think the word recommended is misleading, especially with the disclaimer that goes along with it. That's exactly what the moderators are doing here, they are recommending certain surgeons they believe meet and exceed certain standards. Now we both might not agree with those standards, and by g-d there are some recommended surgeons who are average at best, but I believe the goal is to provide a list of surgeons who are solid and who are least likely to meet it up. Doganay probably met those standards at one point, but unfortunately for you, he seems to have dropped. Remember, you don't even know for sure your procedure was a failure, let's see in 3-6 months. The most important thing to remember is that the list is not one that identifies the best of the best surgeons, unfortunately we have to dig deeper to identify those. Maybe we should start our on website with the list of top 5 best of the best recommended surgeons, but even then it would be foolish to actually stand-Behind them and open ourselves up to being sued, and yes the Paleos of the world would come after us.
  13. Wondering why you hardly see patient's posting positive results from this clinic, as well as a larger procedure in excess of 2,500 grafts? What exactly makes this clinic great and as good as the likes of Hasson and Shapiro?
  14. Exactly!!!!! That is actually why the onus should be on you and you alone to make sure you are doing more due dilligince than just going with a surgeon just because he/she/them is recommended by this site. I made that mistake, and am suffering the consequences for it. I can't blame the clinic, and I certainly cannot blame the moderators of a website. Its all on me, and me alone as I made the choice. I really do think there is enough imformation on this forum and out there for patients to make an informed decision about this type of elective surgery. Its a crying shame it is not as easy as just being able to pick any recommended surgeon, but it is what it is, and I personally believe that Pat and Bill do the best they can, and at the end of the day, the world is definitely a better place because of this forum than without it. If one does the proper research, then you should come to a point where you end up with a top 5 of Hasson, Rahal, Shapero, and Konior for FUT, and Feriduni, Loronzo, Erdogan, Shapiro and Konior for FUE. It took time, but thats where I ended, and if you don't end up with enough knowledge to make the right decision, then its probably just laziness.
  15. Love how Paleo is now trying to blame and go after the moderators of this site, yet still does not fully own up and take responsibility for his own ignorance and lack of due dilligince initially. Next he is going to start blaming individual posters, so maybe we should all add our own disclaimers before posting opinions, otherwise I supect we are next. Paleo, there is a comprehensive due dilligience process performed by the moderators to assess surgeons for recommendations which does involve a visit to the clinics. I think you are freakin out of your freakin mind if you then expect them not to disclaim legal responsibility - they would have gone out of business if they never did that.
  16. You registered an account just to reply to this and advertise your Product?
  17. Sorry mate, just being realistic. Some of these have been in the pipeline for decades as well. They may help our children, but you need to face and come to terms with the fact that Propecia is your best and only bet if you want to try delay your balding and support your HT. You should not be banking on anything else to save you 10 years from now. If you do want future HTs you really need to get on the meds, otherwise you are just wasting your money and you will once again be dissapointed. In fact can I suggest a new thread titled, "warning, if you are considering taking on Paleo as a HT patient, please read this 1st"
  18. Paleo, I don't think you should get another procedure. Psychologically you are just not up for it. Please focus your energy on getting both your life and career back on track, hair issues do not justify ruining those two things. Try to channel all your energy you put into nailing Doganay into turning your life and career around. Just as you believe Doganay should not pe performing procedures, you should not be receiving them. Sorry if that sounds harsh
  19. For FUE, you should rather travel to Belgium or Turkey and consider one of Feriduni, Lorenzo, or Erdogan. Those guys are the best of the best for FUE. If you must stay in the US, then Konior, Ron Shapiro, and maybe Vories.
  20. Couldn't disagree more. Yes there are some solid and underrated surgeons recommended by this site outside of the known elite 5 or so surgeons, but there are also some very very average surgeons as well that produce mediocre results at best. When last did you see a knock-out result from the New York surgeons who are more expensive for the most part than the H&Ws of the world? Why did Bill himself get his 2nd surgery with True & Dorin and then move onto Dr Hasson for all his procedures thereafter?I think there is a group of top surgeons that are constantly producing stellar results, but there are also surgeons that are solid, but are just not on the same level, and finally there unfortunately exists one or two surgeons that start producing bad results consistently. Bill and team won't like what I have to say, but you are dead wrong to state "as long as you're using the recommended list of doctors on this site, I think it will be really hard to go too wrong." That is not sufficient, and can definitely go wrong, just ask Paleo. I've been chatting to a guy who is going to H&W for a subsequent procedure because in the opinion of H&W, the first surgeon (a recommended surgeon) butchered the angles. It's just too risky not going with one of top surgeons, and in my opinion, I do think your guy is crazy not going with H&W - no disrespect to Mohebi!
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