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Everything posted by Stig

  1. I give it o Feller, he is a savy businessman. He certainly uses this forum well. Now I am also curious to know the answer.
  2. Although Feller is good, he doesn't belong on that list along the likes of H&W, Shapiro and Rahal. I would remove Feller and add Konior and Feriduni in his place. I am assuming this is strip FUT. If FUE, then add Lorenzo and Erdogan and remove H&W
  3. These pics are those of Taurisrisen a banned member, see below Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients - taurusrisen's Profile
  4. Pics look familiar? http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181873-hair-loss-killing-my-holiday-spirit.html Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients - taurusrisen's Profile
  5. Good catch HTsoon, it is 100% Taurisrisen. Just look at the pictures he just posted in this thread and compare to the pics attached to the original Taurisrisen handle. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/181873-hair-loss-killing-my-holiday-spirit.html
  6. Buddy, you are going to have to exercise a lot of patience. Even if H&W can get you in early, it's still going to take months and months for the new hair to grow and mature. Unfortunately it doesn't happen overnight. Great choice picking H&W, hopefully it's a knockout!
  7. Don't worry buddy, you are in safe hands with Erdogan - no it won't happen at Asmed
  8. I wouldn't feel too bad for the guy, he does date the likes of Cindy Nell and Shamone Jardim.
  9. South Africa eh??? I was just reading about the clinic that gave Jauque Kallis his strand by strand wig?
  10. I don't believe you are even able to delete this thread or posts that were made more than 1 week anyway. Sounds like extortion to me, did you get it in writing?
  11. its not that they are necessarily bad, its just that there is a big difference between the top surgeons in the world and then what I consider the next best. The guys like Hasson & Wong, Shapiro, Rahal, Erdogan, Konior, and Feriduni are producing consistently stellar results, whilst 2nd tier surgeons produce solid results, but aren't at the same level of the top guys, and the aesthetic result will be noticible. As I said, its a highly skilled profession, and each surgeon has to have an artistic hand. Its not an easy procedure, and there are many different aspects that go into it. Its not like Lasik where multiple doctors can produce the same result. Each surgeon can produce a different result and that's why it is important to choose your surgeon wisely/ If you are looking for a youthful hairline, then Rahal is the best in the business, if you are a higher NW and need the maximum number of grafts to achieve coverage in a single procedure, then Dr Hasson is the best at that, if you need crown work, then Dr Wong is the best at that, if you want an FUE mega-session, then you should consider Erdogan, if you are looking for a mature hairline, go with Dr Ron Shapiro, if you are an older gentleman looking for something conservative, then Bob Bernstein, if you hate FUE and want someone to diss FUE with, then Feller is your man. It really depends what you are looking for, but yes, there will be a difference in the results if you pick an average surgeon over one of the top ones. Not saying an average surgeon can't give you a stellar result, but this is not something you want to chance - that's what the best piece of advice on this forum is to not let geography be a factor in your decision, and be open to traveling.
  12. So many ways to botch a HT. Bad angles, low growth, sparse density, unnatural aesthetic look, transacted grafts, infections ect ect.
  13. Sorry mate, you need to do a lot more research. HT procedures require very particular skill sets, and it makes a huge difference who you choose. You are definitely going to have to travel to get the best surgeon, but luckily for you you have Steve Gabel in Portland Oregan or Hasson & Wong in Vancuaver relatively close. I would start with those two and would be an upgrade over some of those you listed above like Zeiring, although I believe Dr Diep is doing some good work.
  14. That's why you gotta get a ring on the finger before things start to deteriorate.
  15. The application. I have followed instructions laid out on youtube videos, but I can't apply it correcty. It just doesn't work. Had much better luck with Toppic (although I use Nanogen) and the fil-in powder.
  16. I struggled mightily with Dermmatch so gave up. Will be interested in hearing best practices for this. Did you try the fil-in powder used by Matt from your clinic?
  17. Dutchie, it looks like you have a big area to cover. Therefore I would recommend FUT with Dr Hasson or Dr Ron Shapiro. Dr Hasson to get a large number of grafts, or Dr Ron due to his more mature hairlines and excellent use of grafts. However, I wouldn't go with Dr Rahal for your case. Good luck!
  18. My best guess is that he would only get a HT procedure with the best in the world, and seeing even he can't perform a HT on himself .....
  19. Completely disagree with you. Blake only started practicing as a doctor less than 6 months ago - so none of his transplants have even matured yet, so how can you say he is doing good work already when we can't even evaluate the final outcome of that work? Let's see some final results first and then we can determine if this guy is going to be a golden boy or not. No disrespect to you Blake!
  20. Dr Carlos Wesley - watch this man in 5 to 10 years!
  21. I would like to see this clinic post more challenging cases on higher NW's. Yes we already know Dr Rahal can knock the ball it of the park when he transplants 2,500 grafts into the hairline - what else you got?
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