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Everything posted by HairLostYears

  1. Obviously just speculation here from a window-shopper, but I bet this patient might have been turned down for surgery altogether by some clinics. Or at least be told to have veeery tempered expectations. No way I would have guessed 7k FUE grafts available or that this guy could enjoy such a dramatic change with some still left in the bank. Max efficiency achieved here, imo.
  2. I think Dr. Lindsey's stance is that laser combs are pretty much this...
  3. So just how hard was the patient's arm twisted to go with strip first? The results from this clinic always look very natural to me, I just don't recall seeing many (any?) FUE results. Nice to know there might be another quality option for me without having to traipse the globe.
  4. I aspire to join this club one day. +1 for procrastinators! KO, I'm digging that hairline too...the artistic irregularities, but not too perfectly imperfect. Think you'll be a happy camper.
  5. Sometimes when I'm browsing different results on here, the 'before' pics remind me of a father and the 'after' pics of his son. Those last 2 side-by-sides you posted made me think that again. Congrats.
  6. You generally get less hair from each subsequent strip taken, right? So why not go for like 50% more than was taken here from the get-go? Maybe this gent is satisfied stopping now, but same question could apply. Why be this conservative for a one and done? Not trying to discredit the work here or anything, btw, as the patient's smile certainly seems genuine in the end.
  7. The doctor deserves any and all accolades for this result. An absolute life-changer for that young man. Win-win all around here. A true showcase.
  8. I think the operative word above is 'can'. It leaves a lot of wiggle room. I can win an Oscar someday. I can be the next Warren Buffett. ;) Haven't had a transplant yet myself, but been on finasteride and minoxidil for almost 5 years now and have maintained wonderfully what I had when I started. Not much in the way of regrowth though, which by that point I needed. My major regret is not starting finasteride a decade sooner. I hated the idea of meds. Nope, just wasn't for me. If your hair loss bothers you to the core though, you'll probably eventually become desperate enough to try anything. Every morning I start coffee then clean out the cat's litter box. If I had read somewhere online that rubbing cat shit on your head cured baldness, I might have given that a crack too. Don't waffle. Don't waste more time. Maintenance is pretty doable, regrowth is tough.
  9. When I see post-op pics like this of a small section of hair that was left untouched in the recipient area (image 5), it reminds me of that little sprig of parsley that you leave on your dinner plate. It's not going to stick around forever, is it? What determines whether you leave it be or just plow right over it? Agree with NHP, nice result indeed.
  10. I've used both, but only in the island area with forelock hair brushed back over it. Very effective that way, but no experience with real short hair. I agree with hairlosscpa about the consistency of Couvre being a bit easier to work with. I'm really just chiming in to mention that Couvre has a very strong scent...at least to me. It has been years since I bought any though, so maybe that's no longer the case. Also, an old soft bristle toothbrush can be a good applicator for either one.
  11. The future is now is what comes to mind when I see these kinds of videos. I'm a bit too dense to fully grasp the numbers/formulas involved after one viewing, but this overall approach totally makes sense and would certainly seem to help minimize some of the guesswork. You guys seem to already be doing what other respectable clinics will be doing in years to come. I'm a fan.
  12. Doc, you're either getting your picture sets mixed up somehow or this patient found the fountain of youth. Just four months ago he was 47... http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/183668-2577-fut-grafts-before-imm-post-1-year-post.html I recognized the set of pictures right away because I knew I commented before on how good I thought your work looked in his right profile shot.
  13. I guess this is why beard hair never seemed a realistic future option, at least for me. My beard hair is pretty much identical to my pubic hair, in both texture and color. Even mixed in with other scalp hair, it didn't seem like it could work. Chest hair seems a bit better match for me. Interesting to read that it calms down and takes on scalp hair characteristics though. Fascinating, really. Also, typing this out really has me rethinking the current beard.
  14. IMO, the only thing 'age-appropriate' about his hair is the greying. To me, he now looks like a fellow who was just lucky enough in life to have dodged the baldness bullet. I commented on the last couple profile pics in his other thread, but again...those natural temple points + the doctor's work = an overall WOW.
  15. Big Ern!! Nice. I was thinking Bale in American Hustle. Poor guy, bet he feels infinitely better about himself now though. Good job, Doctor.
  16. Yea, I'd guess you wish you had just gone with Dr. Vories from the get-go? He seems to consistently get outstanding growth. Honestly, my initial reaction here was 'too low, too straight'. That's just me imagining how it would look on me though. I'll never have Perry Farrell hair, especially at Perry Farrell's age. Maybe you could.
  17. Ha! Skins are a big deal around here, so of course I've been keeping an eye on Kirk's hair the last few years. I agree, there's been an improvement. He had some obvious crown thinning too, but I haven't been able to get a good peek at that area this season. A couple years ago he got a wretched buzz cut and said he hadn't realized his hairline was receding until then. Even joked about saving money for a Bosley treatment. Read a recent article saying that after a game last year he asked Tom Brady when things started clicking for him as a qb. Maybe Tom gave him all sorts of tips that day. Lol @ us hair-watchers.
  18. If this fine doctor has a 'Testimonials' section somewhere on the interweb, he would be remiss to not include this endorsement.
  19. Haven't had a transplant myself, so can't really offer much advice other than to educate yourself as much as you can on the track record of whatever doc you're considering. As for the finasteride, I think there would be near unanimous agreement that you should give it a full year to see how you respond. This would seem to especially apply to you, given that your trouble area is where it generally works best.
  20. Wow @ that being the same person. Looks like he has a pile of Christmas bows on his head now.
  21. I dunno, that Voorhees seems more like a strip specialist to me.
  22. Honestly, the thought never once crossed my mind that someone would actually take that picture literally. My bad, I'll go back to my corner now. Keep doing your thing, Doug and H&W.
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