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Everything posted by Dolph1969

  1. Vin Diesel, Jason Stratham, Yul Bryner (google him if you're under 40:D;)) Dwayne Johnson.... If it's one or the other, I think in shape and bald/buzzed takes it every time. Fat, with a full head of hair...........Nah...
  2. We're in the same boat mate. I think my right temple, where I had grafts placed, is definitely thinning. It looks more see through than the left temple and I'm wondering is this just cycling shedding at 8 months, or is the transplanted hair on it's way out.:confused: I can't see any new hair coming through..
  3. This will be a great result. Always impressed with HDC work. You're at the worst stage at the moment. Time just drags... hang in there and it will all be growing soon!
  4. This is a pic of the right temple under very bright light. As you can see there's not much hair there. I don't think this is a good sign at 8 months. ... There's nearly a cm square where there are only a few hairs in it. Tbh I doubt he'd offer free touch ups for a bad result....
  5. In a word. . No. It's Samsung Mobile photography. .
  6. 8 month update. Right temple is still low on density or yield. There's no new hair coming through, so I imagine this is going to be it, in terms of growth. There are gaps in the transplanted hair in this region. Overall a great cosmetic improvement, although I'm a bit disappointed with the density. Am I being too high in my expectations? It's definitely a lot better than my before pics.... with the big McDonald's M hairline .. Comments appreciated guys. Pics taken in normal room lighting.
  7. a bit of toppik or cabooki will fill that very small gap perfectly.
  8. Seriously, it will look good that length with the new hairline.
  9. Gotta be honest dude, you rock that buzz cut.:cool: Looks better than pre op imo.
  10. Fue, three weeks off work and it should be undetectable. Only thing is, your new hair will shed and people may notice the redness. TBH, only one guy in work asked why i had more hair at the front and that was only about 4 months in, then it was starting to grow. You'll find it's more noticeable to you, than others.
  11. The next few months are the worst stage. Believe me, time flies and it won't be long until the hair starts regrowing. Just try to get on with your life at the moment and as hard as it is, try and resist the constant mirror checking.....
  12. Looking great mate. I think you could live with that result. Doesn't time fly by.... funny enough, it's my right side that is weak as well with bits not filled in. While I'm happy with the overall improvement, I'd hoped for more density at 7 months.
  13. Totally agree. You can do s....t all with that island of hair in the middle, once you hit norwood 3. The framing of your face and style options, takes years off your face.
  14. I don't think any ethical Dr would perform the extractions, unless he was intending to implant them.....:confused::confused: An unethical Dr can bin grafts regardless if it's FUT or FUE..
  15. This doesn't look abnormal, or out of place. You actually appear to have quite thick hair, with slight recession. I'm at nearly months post op and panicking about density. This is either down to poor yield, or hair has still to come. You pay your money and take your chance...
  16. I put on aloe vera gel and witch hazel religiously. Still took a good month or so for the redness to fade.
  17. I know the clients expectations are to be met as much as possible, but i think in this case, the surgeon would have been bettter advising a maturer hairline and less concentrated placement of grafts in the hairline and more in the mid scalp. Bottom line, is the patients satisfaction.... Either way, it's a superb transformation. Poor guy. The previous pics are awful.
  18. You look like you have a full head of hair.:confused::confused: Is there possibly a bit of body dysmorphia maybe linked to your previous depression?
  19. Ok. Nearing the 7th month. Density still not great but there are a few small hairs showing. Very few... at the front... There is a patch on the right that has a gap in it and I can't see anything coming through. Is it still too early to panic? I am pleased with the overall improvement, but hoping the density improves... Pic was taken in sunlight outside.
  20. Thats the worst swelling around the eyes i've ever seen post op.:D
  21. I think this is crap . Been using it for years and the only side effect has been a few extra hairs growing in places and i think some more wrinkles. On the other hand, fin gave me dead wood in about 3 weeks....
  22. That's a tremendous result compare to your before pics. Life Changing.
  23. Nice mate. You're just behind me. I'm also concerned regarding density, but i'm hanging in there until the year is up. You're looking good so far..money well spent!!
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