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Everything posted by Shera

  1. Hi Rich, As previously mentioned, you are risking traction Alopecia if you tie your hair back too tight. A looser tie should be OK though. Any possible scarring post surgery will be hidden by a grade 2-3 FUE (grade 3-5 FUT depending on resulting linear scar), there is no need for you to grow your hair long to hide possible scarring. Finasteride is proven to help one maintain their existing native hair. I understand your concerns but there is the option of taking a lower dose with less frequency. Or you could stop and start as others do, at the same time monitoring for any noticeable changes. You can purchase a year or two supply of Finasteride if you wish, there are no travel restrictions in taking the drug to the middle east. Saying that I think 2200-2500 grafts will be required to restore your hairline and filling in your temple areas. This should give you the result you are hoping for. You may need to still use the concealer you have mentioned to finish of your Hollywood look. You need to be conservative with your available grafts. At 29/30 year of age, you will most probably need another 1 or 2 more procedures further down the line as you continue to lose your native hair. Again, the use of Finasteride will theoretically delay this. Looks like you've got some thinking to do.
  2. Hi, I've had a good look at your donor pics, they aren't that clear but in the 3rd picture it does appear that with FUE you could get about 2500 - 3000 scalp grafts without over harvesting your donor. Obviously you will need to provide clearer pics to your chosen clinic once you decide to get the ball rolling. You could get a possible further 500 or so from the beard shadow area and possibly the same from the chest to throw into the mix. That's a possible 4000 grafts which should make a great aesthetic change to your appearance if the growth is successful. You will have the option of a top up surgery of approximately 50% of the grafts harvested in the first surgery about a year down the line to improve the density or top up further areas of recession not touched upon during the first surgery. There should be very little or no visible scarring to the naked eye if you go to an ethical surgeon. With FUT it is possible for you to have a similar number of grafts but it is more invasive and recovery is more paramount. There is always the risk of the linear scar expanding and being visible but again going to a reputable surgeon will reduce the odds somewhat of this happening. There are many surgeries documented on this site where the linear scar is hardly visible but I have also seen many patients where it is quite horrific and a further FUE/SMP is required to help disguise it. If you wish to consult with doctors then the interactive map on this very site of recommended surgeons is your first stop. There are other doctors that are recommended by other hair loss sites too. Of course if you wish to consult with my doctor, Dr Bhatti, then feel free to contact me too.
  3. Hi Endo, The area you have circled is the temple point and it is common for surgeons to either strengthen/recreate the temple points alongside other scalp implantation or on their own.
  4. I would give it about 6 weeks minimum.
  5. Hi Anvarmart, congratulations on your recent procedure. You do have a lot of diffusing all round your scalp, which should respond to Finasteride use. This coupled with your available implanted grafts should make a big difference to your appearance once matured. You have no reason to worry about shedding. Your grafts are firmly implanted after 24-36 hours and at this point in time it is common for you to lose the implanted hairs stuck to the crusts. You should be prepared to lose all the implanted hairs over the coming 8 weeks or so. Do not be alarmed, this is the process we all have to go through. Follow your detailed instructions from the clinic. Feel free to email me if you need me to clarify anything further for you.
  6. Looks fantastic Mick, like I said before, 55 is the new 40.
  7. Hi, just give me a call or email me (details below) and I'll send you further details.
  8. Hi Kwacluver, Judging from your pics I would say you are a candidate for FUE or FUT. I think the one procedure should make a measured difference and judging from your first post I don't think you'll want more than the one. I have a few patient in your age range who had similar balding patterns to you who had a very good results with FUE, I can pass you their details if you wish to speak with them. Your donor area does appear to be average but that may just be down to you having it shorter at the back and the pic not being that clear. You might want to grow it out at the back for a week or so and then post an updated pic. Your balding pattern is actually similar to my own prior to my surgery. I would estimate that for your type 5 pattern you will require approximately 3200 - 3500 scalp grafts to address your hairline, your mid-scalp and your crown area as well as some possible temple restoration (temple points not shown in pics). There is the option of getting some grafts from the underside of your beard, the shadow area under the chin or even your chest if there is a shortfall in scalp grafts. If you are realistic and set your expectations right then there is no reason why you shouldn't walk away with a great transformation that will literally knock years off you as it has countless others. It's a shame you're not up for traveling further afield from Europe, but I wish you all the best regardless, feel free to contact me if you need any other clarification.
  9. Hi, welcome to the forum. At the moment I would say you are heading for NW4 balding pattern. The minoxidil use may have made a small change but your reluctance to try Finasteride may well have let your hairloss freely digress. I can see how you have reached the point of making that all important decision having been there myself a few years prior. I can see how you feel the buzz cut just wouldn't suit the person you are. You may well get used to it but hopefully for you there is an alternative. Again, like myself your use of fibres has allowed you to put the hairloss situation on hold but now it looks like you are running out of hairs for the fibres to attach to and I can see how you also maybe feeling somewhat exposed, almost waiting to be foiled by the fibre look! I think you should also upload clear pictures of your donor area at the back of your scalp so we know approximately how many grafts we have to play with. You should be looking at an age appropriate hairline possibly 4-5 finger widths above the brow. You have quite a high forehead, don't be tempted to waste precious grafts on getting caught in a lowering your hairline quagmire! With your level of balding you will need to use all your grafts sparingly. Your temple points are not too bad, maybe just a bit of pointing in that area. I would recommend 3500 - 4000 grafts to rebuild your hairline, fill your mid scalp and temples and a small redefining of your temple points. Once grown out you should be able to walk into any room as a guy with hair, not a guy who is balding or is growing an extension to his forehead. You still have the option of using fibres to occasionally recreate the look of adolescence. Down the line, you should expect your native hair to continue to recede, a good indicator of how far will be the hairlines of your immediate elderly relatives. You can most probably prevent this through Finasteride use but speaking from my own experience I seriously doubt whether Minoxidil will make much of a difference. Other things you could do are health related, be they physical or mental. Depending on your donor area there is the possibility of further procedures with the options of adding chest and beard hair to compensate for lack of scalp donor. I hope that helps you plan your next move.
  10. Hi Ronnie, Beard and chest hair grafts are best in making up the shortfall of scalp donor grafts. These are best used alongside scalp grafts behind the hairline and midscalp in a 4:1/5:1 ratio, the body hair simply acts as filler alongside the scalp grafts. Also you need to take into account that the vast majority of beard and chest grafts will be single haired unlike scalp grafts that average about 2.2 hairs per graft. As you have already had 3000 scalp grafts implanted then you would be looking at another pass over the previously implanted area. You could really do with posting another pic of your scalp donor with the hair grown out for 7-10 days. As already mentioned it does look very thin in the pic and certainly doesn't look like it will give you the stated 3000 - 4000 grafts. Other factors you need to take into account is your family balding history. It is possible that the implanted hairs are not entirely bald proof themselves. So you may over time come to regret any hasty decision you make now. Your hair right now looks good to go with Toppik, if you can get away with using this or similar for a few more years then you should do so. Hopefully in the next few years, your hair loss will stabilise and you will have a better picture of your requirements allowing you to plan more for the longer term. Right now, it may prove to be too much of a gamble.
  11. Hi Kwacluver, As mentioned earlier, if you posted some pics of your current hair state, you will get a better response that should in turn help you make the best decision for you.
  12. Thanks George, Good luck with the SMP. Feel free to email me with any other questions. And enjoy your weekend too..
  13. Hi Pocrockets, I think you are doing fine for 4 months and it's only at this time frame that significant growth really starts to happen. You should see a noticeable difference month by month for the next 7-8 months. If you need any help or advise, you have my personal details. Now sit back and enjoy the ride.
  14. Hi George, it's perfectly fine to combine SMP with a haircut of 3mm. After seeing your photos, I strongly feel that SMP alone will give you the look you require. There is no need for you to go down the hair transplant route..................just yet. You may want to also consider taking meds to further delay the need for surgery and help sustain your current native hair. Look into Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil, do your research and understand the risks, speak to your GP if you feel the need.
  15. Hi George, I'm not saying it will look unnatural, what I am saying is that it will look better than it does now but still when compared to the other thicker none balding areas of your scalp it will appear not as dense. Unfortunately you need to accept that you will never get the density back from your youth, you just haven't got enough grafts. Hair transplantation is in essence the art of creating an illusion of a full set of hair. You can as you have indicated in a further thread have SMP alongside the transplant to help you create the look you are looking for. The SMP is best completed a few weeks/months post hair transplant surgery so the new transplanted hairline can be matched. It's difficult to say how much difference 3500 grafts will make without seeing pics of your current state. For the donor area 3mm - 4mm is enough to hide the scars if any, but for the recipient area I would say from my own experience that a length of 25mm to 40mm is the optimum length to create the best effect.
  16. In the hands of a skilled surgeon such as Dr Bhatti, I personally believe there is little difference between yield and the scarring is more or less invisible to the naked eye. You only have to look at my own pics that prove this emphatically.
  17. Hi George, Its recommended to keep your transplanted hair a certain length to help create the illusion of density and a natural full head of hair. Going so short as you want may therefore not have the desired affect, the transplanted zones will still look thinner than your naturally thick areas. It is possible that you go for more grafts to achieve the look you want which will mean more cost of course if you have the required donor grafts. If you go to a decent doctor who won't ravage your donor area with a monster punch then your scarring will be barely visible to the naked eye. 3mm should be an ample length. You will have to stay out of the direct sun for a good few weeks following your surgery.
  18. Dear all, The following video shows several result for patients with initial high Norwood 4-6 levels of baldness. Each surgery was performed by Dr Bhatti and the fabulous team at Darling Buds, Chandigarh, India. Enjoy!
  19. Sloppos, If you post detailed pictures the forum can make suitable recommendations for you whether FUT or FUE.
  20. Harry, Judging from your pics, the 3000 graft quote takes into account that you are currently taking medication to preserve your existing hair and you have prepared your hair for possible risk of shockloss following surgery. I would say that 3000-3500 grafts combined with what you already have will give a result that judging from your posts I think you will be happy with. Your native hair will possibly continue to recede albeit at a slower pace due to your use of meds. You may well need another top up surgery in 5-10 years time or maybe you won't. I had 3305 grafts with a similar but more advanced balding pattern to yours and now 3.5 years on, I am nowhere near requiring a further surgery. This approach also looks at the more long term picture, it is unpredictable how your hair loss will pan out over time so it keeps more of your precious grafts banked for future hair loss. The 5000 graft surgery may well assume you will definitely lose most of your native hair so takes this into account. It offers you a one time big fix whether you need it or not. Again coupled with your existing hair it will theoretically give you a fuller look for the possible short term. Both approaches are acceptable, it's your decision on what approach you feel will work for you based on your hair loss experience and other factors including your own family balding pattern history.
  21. Hey Swift, Thanks for the acknowledgement, I'm so glad my posts have helped you. Dr Bhatti recommends Finasteride for 6 months post procedure, if you coped well last time then you should follow his advice. Many patients opt to get a years supply of meds because they are so much less costly in India, but as you are based in India you can get them anytime. You could cut down on the Finasteride to even 0.5mg every other day after the 6-12 months, I believe this smaller dosage will still help preserve your native hair. Judging from your pics, you will be fine seeing Dr Bhatti a day before surgery, there doesn't seem to be any reason why the surgery will not go ahead as planned. You will be having the surgery at the swanky new clinic, you will be impressed. A great addition to your proud city. As for the headgear, you will be fine as long as for the first few weeks you wear the supplied bandana underneath the beanie to protect your scalp. Feel free to contact me direct if you need any more support. I look forward to seeing you progress, I hope you share your experience as I did. I wish you all the best.
  22. Biotin (as mentioned) Minoxidil 5% Finasteride 1mg will theoretically enhance your result by giving the many native hairs that you still had in the proposed implantation area a better chance of recovery.
  23. 600mcg is quite a small dosage, you will be OK to increase this quite dramatically. As for MSM, I've not heard of anyone taking it post op when they are taking Biotin. I really can't see the gain.
  24. Hi Alves, If you are willing to travel then you might want to consider my doctor, Dr Bhatti in India. I can put you through to many patients in the UK who are more than wiling to share their fabulous experiences. You could also contact a few other of the interactive map on this site and maybe a few others mentioned on other sites. This way you will get a feel for each Dr and clinic which will help you make a more informed decision. All the best.
  25. Hi, First off, you are probably taking 6000mcg not 600mcg right now. It can get quite confusing when dealing with mcg and mg. Basically 1mg = 1000mcg.......maths lesson over! I actually took the same dosage that I take now 5000mcg (5mg), which is the same dosage most of the patients I manage take too. Therefore I would say 5000mcg will be fine for you. As for MSM, if you are taking it for any of its prescribed medical reasons, then it shouldn't be a problem, otherwise I wouldn't really bother. It has not been clinically proven to boost hair.
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