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Everything posted by BUSA

  1. he doesn't post much so impossible to say. doganay posts results every week
  2. can't believe how good the beard transplant looks. zero evidence of scarring. just shows in the the right skilled hands BHT is a great option for those who have limited donor hair. and that wud be considered a relatively decent healing donor scar and it still looks disfiguring. more reason to stick with FUE. wat a hack!
  3. well that is certainly life changing. that type of hair is far more challenging too. nice work
  4. Lorenzo's hair lines are too conservative. I wud go to Doganay long before I went to him. not only is he cheaper but his results are more impressive. especially the hair line. Lorenzo is excellent no doubt but Doganay results are just better imo. u may see more unhappy patients with Doganay compared to Lorenzo but Lorenzo posts results like every month or two. Doganay posts results like once a week! if Doganay only posted his absolutely best patient results vs. just about everyone that comes to the clinic he too would have results that appeared perfect. Doganay is far more transparent then Lorenzo when posting patient results.
  5. cause once they get their hair back they get their LIFE back and cud giv a rats ass about this forum or any other forum. mus be nice....
  6. there are about 20 different HT doctors to chose from around the world that I wud trust. if that means u have to save a little longer and wait a little longer then so be it. the problem is most don't have the discipline to do so and roll the dice with someone who isn't a top rated HT doctor and as a result they often regret it. this is because ether just ASSume he or she is good cause ether have a fancy website or their prices are far better then anyone else's. well, most often u get wat u pay for. HT's are no different. were seeing the same think with Dr. maral who has his technicians perform HT's vs himself. no that is not common and if that is how the practice performs HT's then look to another practice. but I'm sure many will have decent results but again its a role of the dice im not willing to make with precious donor hair. if a HT practice screws it up ur screwed!
  7. depends on what kinda hair you have and if u actually hav enough donor hair available. not everyone does. some are diffused thinners and are limited to how many grafts can be removed. the density of ur donor zone plays a big role. natural hair density varies from 60-100 follicles/cm giv or take. basically 125-300 hairs. the general population will hav 200 hairs/cm2. for ppl with straight hair the donor density shud be about 100 hair/cm2 to properly cover the donor area and not appear thin. wavy thick hair will need less to create the illusion. cause thats all it is is an illusion of more hair. follicular unit density is highest in the midline of the donor area and will decreases laterally for most. hair shaft diameter plays a significant role in the volume of any hair transplant. the size of ur head plays a role too which many fail to recognize. the larger ur head the more grafts ull need.
  8. I got a better idea. go to a top ranked FUE doctor and get it done right the first time vs. rolling the dice with some no name clinic....
  9. I don't get it? all that work and u leave the crown untouched? so wen does he fill in his crown? cause he still looks bald with a balding crown.
  10. why in the world wud anyone want to do that? I'm trying to laser my beard hair off. I hate fukn shaving! two each his own I guess. nice work tho...
  11. every doctor who performs FUT has patients with good healing FUT scars. lets see the poorly healed scars and how bad they actually are compared to these well healing scars.
  12. U don't need to to have two separate transplants. U can surely accomplish everything u need over a two day period. look at the top doctors in Turkey.
  13. hairline WAY too high. not a good result. still looks like he needs a HT up front.
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