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Everything posted by BUSA

  1. do some research. FUT does not produce healthier hair and FUE does not leave dots. educate urself!
  2. I wudnt chose any of the doctors listed other then Maras. id go with Erdogan, Demsroy or Maras.
  3. IDN why anyone wud think a doctors time is free? a lotta ppl are a PITA and will ask a 1000 questions and keep the doctor there for an hour. time is money. I don't work for free and I doubt the OP does either and obviously neither does the doctor. its almost always applied to ur HT if you opt to have it done at that clinic tho.
  4. lmao... people believe anything they read on the internet these days smh
  5. the search button is ur friend. there are FAR better options out there. obviously you have NOT done ur research. what? cause ur indian and he's indian that means he will provide u the best results? think again. I have yet to see him perform a HT on anyone that looked great. his work is decent at best and ppl like you get suckered into the low pricing. save ur money up and go with someone with more skill and a better results. you may not get a chance to go with someone else if all ur donor hair is depleted. if u want fair results go with Bhatti. if u want great life changing results look elsewhere.... there are at least (10) other great HT surgeons to chose from that are reasonably priced.
  6. lmao with ppl like u representing his clinic he will be out of business in 6 months. do urself and maral a favor and assign someone else to represent his clinic
  7. nonsense! then how do u explain the THOUSANDS of happy patients from this clinic? or are u trying to say that this clinic damaged thousands of grafts that day? if u believe that I have a rusty old bridge I will sell you dirt cheap......:rolleyes: unlike the marl clinic this doctor actually performs the HT's so ur theory hold no water.
  8. yea wats the point in posting if ur not gonna post photos smh
  9. yea that pretty much sums it up. its a roll of the dice..... will work for some but not others. the risk/reward is a gamble. even drugs that were approved by the FDA 15 years ago for HIV patients are now finding out that they have long term side effects and ppl are now coming off them and having to use something else due to the harm they have caused. and these are LIFE saving drugs. not somthn to address a cosmetic appearance. so you can bet dollars to donuts that the trails to use the HIV drugs were FAR more stringent then any cosmetic drug will ever dream of being!
  10. well, maybe if u keep telln urself that long enough u might actually start to believe ur own BS!
  11. graft damage? to 3000+ grafts that never took? not a chance! especially with a clinic that consistently produces world class results. its the patients biology and nothing else.
  12. which is exactly why the side/temporal needs to be addressed as well so the face can be framed appropriately.
  13. no one gives rats ass who is gay str8 muslim or watevr. once again let me clarify for you NO doctor will be recommended here or anywhere else when techs perform HT's vs. doctors. u can entrust a tech with ur HT is u want and if the doctor has no experience then he shud not be opening up a clinic. this isn't brain surgery. well, maybe it is for u but for the the rest of us with common sense wen we go to a clinic for a HT we expect the doctors who owns the clinic to actually perform the HT. if ppl are dumb enough to be suckered into his pricing to be treated by some tech with zero medical training then they need to get their head examined.
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