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Everything posted by BUSA

  1. we have yet to see any of maral patients hit the year mark to see if the initial results look anything like the final result. a LOT of HT's look great immediate after but that doesn't tell anyone chit! if after a year all the results posted look great then the techs working there shud open up their own clinic cause the work performed aint by the doctor. there are some plastic surgery clinics that have actual DOCTORS who went to MEDICAL school in training perform surgeries as a resident on patients. thats a real scam too but imagine going to have a face-lift and having some tech working there perform ur face-lift! would you be OK with that? I highly doubt it! or are you under the impression that a HT is not an elective surgical procedure? and I can assure u the Maral clinic will NEVER be considered here for recommendation. one of the small details that this forum requires when a doctor is being recommended is that the doctor being recommended is the one actually performing the HT's. or maybe ur thinking the techs will become recommended?:rolleyes:
  2. goes to show even world class surgeons have failures. is it the surgeon or the patients X factor? I'm thinkn the latter. must be really disappointing tho wen u go to a top doctor and get the results ud expect from a no name doctor charging 10 cents a grafts.
  3. seen that on the balding truth. looks promising.
  4. comb overs that are grown out really long can be really misleading in photos. virtually the entire crown was left untouched and he has very little density in the middle. thats just unacceptable cause from the rear he still looks completely balding! his hairline was lowered maybe 2 inches at best. so he essentially has a 3x3 inch area that was covered. look at the last picture and ull see thats just not enough grafts to cover his head. when great results are posted ill be the first to comment but this is a recommended clinic and the patient shud expect more as a result. how bout this, take away the comb over and cut his hair to a #2 or 3 and see what it looks like. thats the real test vs. an entire comb over to hide the lack of grafts that shud have been transplanted.
  5. cause factual threads are not deleted nor shud they be.
  6. why so few grafts? he needs closer to 6000 to cover his balding spots. everyone always says if u want more grafts go FUT. well, he went FUT and sure he looks much better but he is still balding. I have yet to see ur clinic do any large procedures. this was a perfect example of someone who needs far more grafts so why not give them to him if u say his donor is 6000.
  7. don't see anything plugy. I jus see a guy who needs another 1500 grafts or so to fill it in and give it more density.
  8. ppl can gain and lose weight on their own so even if ppl did gain weight maybe they were not comfortable saying it was a direct result of Fin. its not like a blood test is going to indicate it. but thousands of others report it makes them gain weight. that chit is TOXIC! anything that shuts ur sex drive down in a week shud be avoided like the plague! we have no earthy clue what the long term side effects are for ALL who use it. jus because one is not experiencing side effects now doesn't mean he won't in 10-20 years. its a known FACT that it kills sex drive for many and causes many others to gain unhealthy weight. and some have never gotten their sex drive back and others have takn over a year to get it back. ppl can argue all they want about how there are no side effects but I speak from personal experience not cause I read some internet trial posted on some website.
  9. its a known FACT that fin will cause weight gain for many who take. its not rocket science. google it. its been that way for the last decade. jus cause one trial didn't report weight gain doesn't mean chit! so the thousands of others who take it all the time and not just in a trial are lying? lol
  10. yea go to Europe and get WAY better treatment with FAR less money.
  11. thats a common side effect just like a lowered libido is. finasteride interferes and lowers the androgen levels of the body affecting ur body’s ability to metabolize fat.
  12. please don't compare Erdogan and Doganay to Maral and the unscrupulous way he runs his clinic. thats like comparing a professional baseball player on the all star team with a little league player who rides the bench.....:rolleyes: they are NOT in the same league so stop makn excuses for him.
  13. ill tell u wats pathetic is having techs perform HT's and putting his name behind every procedure. thats pathetic!
  14. its a roll of the dice but you like many others will make the mistake of not wanting to wait and save cause ur impatient vs. saving up and going to a top doctor. just because the doctor is recommend here doesn't mean ur shud use him or her. do ur own homework. there are quite a few doctors recommended here that I wudnt let touch me with a 10 foot pole! why are u going down the FUT path again. save ur money and go with a top rated FUE doctor. how many times do u think ur gonna be able to open up ur scalp without risking a poorly healed scar that will require an FUE doctor to repair it. its ur money and ur head so GL. and u keep using the term cheap doctor. well, u usually get wat u pay for.
  15. I don't get? 2500 grafts and the temples are left untouched? he will still look balding even if every graft grows. not a good result. maybe thats what the patient wanted but it makes the Dr. look like an amateur.
  16. then he shud be posting more results cause I hardly see anything from him
  17. save up and go to a top rated doctor. the rest of ur life depends of it....
  18. pay attention to what he said he was quoted $4700 for FUT not FUE. Dr. Demsroy is from Turkey and charges 1.50 euro which is $1.88. the Euro is on a 14 month low right now. so 2500 grafts would cost $4700 so there is ur blablabla.... and Demsroy does EXCELLENT work, in fact, if he did BHT I wud consider him. I think Doganay or Erdogan are better but they charge a LOT more. and as far Bhatti goes I have yet to see him post results that I would consider excellent. not one in all the years I've followed him. use to be a fan, but his work is just average at best. personally, I wud not go to him if he was free. you only get one real shot at it and the last thing id want to do is screw up all my precious donor hair to save a few bucks.... sorry but I would have to disagree the low price does come with compromise of quality. again, he or his patients post lots of results and I've yet to see one that was stellar. Doganay or Erdogan post stellar results WEEKLY!
  19. an area that large needs 6500 grafts which is why the grafts are placed so far apart. I'm sure it will be a huge improvement but jus won't b very dense. looks pretty good tho.
  20. there is no one from India I wud recommend. bhatti is decent but jus that decent. $9000 for 2500 FUT grafts? sorry don't mean to laugh but no that is NOT a good deal. go to Turkey. u will get far better results at half the price. $10 a graft FUE that really makes me LOL. forget VOGAL! steer clear from anyone in the usa. there are some decent doctors but they are all a rip-offs. take a flight to europe. 2500 grafts means ull be there one day. in Turkey u can get 2500 FUE grafts for about $4700. for 2500 grafts don't even consider FUT.
  21. id like to see opinions from Top rated doctors vs. the B team. where are all the doctors from Europe? they are the ones on the cutting edge.
  22. why don't u just look at the many patient pics he has posted. plenty in the 4500 range. his yield is as good as it gets. do watever he recommends. he has very happy patients for a reason and it aint cause the hair aint grown. he seems to do wonders with less. 4500 will cover quite a large area.
  23. 5000 grafts is quite a bit. u shud easily be able to fill in the crown with that many. why wasn't the crown addressed?
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