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Everything posted by mustang

  1. This is absolutely untrue 9k to 12k is done by many top european doctors, their cases are all over.
  2. Check this scar repair with just 300 BHT grafts. It's always best to graft the scar before SMP so blood flow returns and the skin color changes. Then SMP to finish
  3. I am in the process of it, once I have my last surgery I will post my entire story but it will be in a few months
  4. Thanks Melvin None of the doctors have disappointed. Just some stood out more than others. Knowledge, warmth, patient care and growth which is the ultimate bar. My best growth I had with Feriduni, Vila and Mwamba. Keser was OK the first 2 but the third surgery barely anything grew and since then his cases have gone downhill. Feriduni's patient care it's out of this world Couto's knowledge is out of this world Mwamba's technical skills are out of this world. He can extract grafts from any part of the body without transection. HLC growth was great as well
  5. Hard to say. Feriduni, Vila and Mwamba were the top 3 Couto 4th
  6. That's weird, I remember her do my extractions vividly. But if she does know, it doesn't matter, so does Couto, the best in the world probably. I am sorry you think it's offensive but it's the truth. I have had 4 surgeries in Turkey, 4 in Belgium and 2 in Spain. The Standards are highly different so yes, the country and there colleagues are setting the standard to be competitive. In turkey any joker can do surgery, there is hundreds of clinics and only a couple of decent guys.
  7. I really struggle to understand people that go to Turkey when you have the best FUE surgeons in the world in Spain and Belgium at similar rates. Maybe some are 25%-30% more expensive but it's your hair!!
  8. Go to Dr Mwamba or Dra Vila Both are charging 2.50 euros per graft. Both top surgeons with world class results Belgium and Spain. Don't go to Turkey.
  9. It's fairly new Topical fin sucks. I got the worse sides ever.
  10. Yes, I already did the bloodwork to confirm that Scalp DHT reduction 80% Serum DHT reduction 15%
  11. I have been on it for a year Dr Lupanzula only sells to his patients that come to his clinic I believe It has stopped my hair loss completely and regrown my crown without side effects. I had side effects with finasteride both oral and topical as well as oral dutasteride so for me it has been a godsend I lose less than 5 hairs a day from 100 Mesotherapy you can do yourself with a dermapen, Dr Mwamba also sells the bottle for it Just contact info@fueclinic.com
  12. Hi Guys Dr Mwamba has made Topical Dutasteride available as well as Dutasteride Mesotherapy formula to be done at home with dermapen. 0.1% and 0.25% concentrations are available , 60 ml per bottle. You can contact the clinic for purchase at info@fueclinic.com, prescription is free.
  13. Unfortunately it's not. Exosomes have been around for a long time
  14. It's been 4 and a half months and all gaps are pretty much gone. Donor area looks perfect.
  15. Hey Buddy I am truly sorry to see your donor to have been butchered like this. The pattern of extraction is clearly careless and I'd assume they used a motorized punch to get as many grafts out as soon as possible not respecting distance between them as seen on your pictures. The lack of ethics is astonishing, we are in 2020. They knew exactly what they were doing. Your problem relies heavily on the contrast of your skin/hair which makes it more obvious. Good thing is that there is a solution but it's a 2 step one, just like mine. I have simulated 600 grafts BHT into your right donor. You would need about 1.500-1.800 from beard/chest to close all the gaps. This will also help pigment the scaring and reduce skin contrast. After this you would need to get SMP to finish the job. You will have a pristine donor and would be able to shave the back. [url=https://ibb.co/p4gh02m][img]https://i.ibb.co/tYSLmBd/600-BHT-REPAIR.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/ZSmL8NW][img]https://i.ibb.co/dtgW27G/DSC03695-jpg-8ead19b1a85eaa0d92885bb4e7a1c4a1.jpg[/img][/url]
  16. From Dr Mwamba in Belgium. They are making a new website that will be live in a couple of weeks, topical dutasteride will be prescribed and compounded for patients with a previous online and free consultation I believe
  17. I have some gaps in zone 2 and crown where I would like to add more density. Fit farming has been around for many years, since 2003, problem is most doctors don't want to do it. They are already fully booked in advance and can't be bothered to go through a tedious procedure of safely removing BHT (which to be honest only a few do well) and implanting on donor gaps. I have seen a lot of FUT scars disappear completely with this method and now people are starting to do it for FUE depletion management. It worked like a charm for me, might not work that well on others. I think having an doctor that has a lot of experience operating on black people is a big advantage here as body hair is difficult to extract (curvy grafts) just like African hair. There is a specific punch technique to get them out without compression to avoid transection. There is also new solutions to store the grafts in (10 years ago saline solution was the standard) with ATP and Accell and other preservatives that have drastically increased BHT's survival from 50-60% to 90-95% in the last couple of years. I did a test patch of 50 BHT into a spot and about 46 grew.
  18. I have had 9k or more transplanted and I still use toppik , it just gives me that super full head of hair look However, I am getting SMP done this year hoping to be able to just use toppik on weekends or special occasions as I would like to go surfing daily
  19. To put things into perspective 2019 vs 2020 My goal was not only to achieve a homogeneous look but also be a candidate for a touch up surgery as I still need 700-1.000 grafts to finish zone 2 and my crown. On year ago I as rejected by many surgeons as my donor was depleted and they could not help me further. Now I can have Surgery which is scheduled for the 3rd of March. I am not sure if 300 grafts will be able to be taken out or 800 (anything above 600 would make me happy) but at least we can do it. I also expect more growth in the donor in the next 3 months We will only be extracting double grafts so we avoid taking out any BHT. I will do SMP on the donor after this final extraction.
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