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Everything posted by Wwiizzkkiidd24

  1. looks good could do with a hair cut though just to even things up. but get ready for fun stage mate.
  2. I was watching this a couple weeks ago when he got this done apparently it's real hair. and the smile on he's face says it all needless to say he sent he's wifew a picture and she diddnt like it so the next day he got rid of it. but how young does he look with hair haha
  3. I'm not going to lie that looks really good. especially the last one you get more of an idea of the scar well my self I can't see one which is good. how many grafts did that gentlemen have?
  4. it's funny coz none of that's flowed upon and yet id say that's probably the worst part of the whole process. especially if you decide to take those pills thrown at you and that has a sudden turn for the worst you're in sh.t Street. I'd prefere it being normal and not limp but that's just personal preference I guess haha
  5. just make sure you go with the right person and it feels right for you. also it wouldn't hurt to get an evaluation(s) from different doctors just to make sure you are not missing anything.
  6. can't say I've heard of him but if you've seen proof of his work in person and you're happy with his results thats all that counts. I wish you all the best mate. hope it all turns out well for you.
  7. I know this probably contradicts this thread but I'm using l'oreal fibreology it's got some suspect ingredients in it but it really does volumise your hair and makes the hair thicker.
  8. sounds like a technician based clinic that has multiple procedures a day stay well away if I was you. go to a recommended doctor from this site. it will be more expensive but worth it.
  9. work looks really clean congrates. you went to the right person that's for surem hopefully the doubles and triples make up for the thin hair you have. happy growing mate hope it all turns out the way you want.
  10. as these three have said you are not alone on this one. there's thousands of men and women that feel exactly how you feel. hair loss is a big thing to most men. it's identity of one's self that you can't get used to and the fact of thinning or balding is a scarey matter to most of us. some get over over it some can't and seek help in forums like this. so you have come to the right place. you know it's funny coz i came down stairs today to find my old dorris(mum) sitting on the sofa and she gave me her phone and said read this it's was something about agoraphobia and some of the symptoms sounds pretty similar to what I'm going through some symptoms include not wanting to be in certain situations,panick attacks,rapid heart beat, bereavement, not wanting to go out of your house unless you are with someone. That's just some symptoms but some of them you can relate to all because of hair loss. so maybe look into that it might help you put things into perspective. you might not be suffering from that but it's looking into. this site is wonderfull full of really nice people wanting to help there hair loss buddys because we know what your going through because we're going through it aswell there's some unbelievable stories on this site and other sites so there is hope amd brilliant surgeons out there that actually care and stand by what they want for you before during and after what ever you decide to do.
  11. that is something else I must say. the more and more results I see paying what he charges makes it all the more worth it with the results he and his team produces.
  12. you done what was best so well done bill. I think that was the only way forward in this matter even though he isn't extracting at least he's doing the artistic side of things. let's see how it goes.
  13. my bad I must of missed the smp part haha sorry bro
  14. Yeah that's true maybe a mod could clear this up for us. me too I'd like to see him back he was a hair geek and he told it how it was regardless of what people thought.
  15. Yeah i agree with HTsoon you can't really compare hasson and wong to the likes of the top surgeons I think there FUT merchants and only just started fue. I myself self wouldn't want a tech extracting my grafts or implanting them with a pen in this case.I'd want the doc to do that because that a very important process to me anyway. I think you could count on one hand maybe where the doc does 100% of the process dr bahtti is one well I know he does the most important processes I think de reys is another one but I'm sure there's more we don't know about yet. but going back to this case usually the techs implant the grafts after the doc has done the slits but in the posters case it's done by choi pen so it's imperative that the doc does that process and not techs.
  16. I'm not sure I'll agree with you on the techs being better then the actual doctor otherwise they would be recommended and not the doctor. but I do agree with you on the that there should be more transparency about the recommended list it would serve everyone a purpose because then you know what your getting. it definitely needs working on. sorry mods haha
  17. my opinion on this matter is that the doc in question should at least serve some sort of punishment it's not ethical at all what's happened to the many patience that underwent a ht with this doctor including the original poster.the most important process in this case is extraction of grafts amd placement with the choi pen and he isn't doing that. I'm sorry but I think he's ship has sailed well off into the storm.
  18. Yeah your husband could be right usually how it works is you have 1 haired grafts at the front and then 2s 3s 4s and 5 if not more family grafts going back into the crown area. you can't just gauge on just counting the grafts you need a proper examination done by magnifying glass as it where. and I don't mean the one where you use for reading small printed words haha. hope this helps.
  19. I like that hairline it's really artistic. how would you go about creating a hairline like that.. why I say that is because you don't really see hair lines like that it's usually curved with no "v" in the middle of the hairline so I'm just curious as to how some patients need a "v" and some don't.
  20. have u tryed contacting farjo in London? he's the best in the UK imo.
  21. that's a nice improvement considering this way doesn't get attention like other treatments. so how do you go about selecting a patient that would benefit from this sort of treatment...
  22. hey doc I thought you left this site? nice to see you back in enjoyed reading your threads. will you be posting any results?
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