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Everything posted by Wwiizzkkiidd24

  1. this is a show case. I mean it's possible it has been done. but it's better for you(survival of grafts being out of body to long) and the doctor as well that being fatigue. you want to get the best results and things working in your favour.
  2. fut(strip)it would be possible but any ethical and recommended fue doctor would advise to brake it up into 2 days. hope this helps.
  3. fut(strip)it would be possible but any ethical and recommended fue doctor would advise to brake it up into 2 days. hope this helps.
  4. ahh well at least you're not a dirtyield blue we can get along hahaha. I think your pattern loss helped you to have a successful procedure though. which is a plus. That's cool will they be going with the clinic you choose or stay in England? I'm really undecided to be honest. I will get it done it's just when and who with is the question which I'm not to sure about. do u go abroad or stay in the country it's a hard decision. I'm a diffuse thinner so still got a bit of hair there can't actually say I got a bold patch so I'm just worried about Shock loss which is making me think would it be clever to go abroad when if some shock loss happens and I've had a ht in the country at least I don't have to travel far. I'm really undecided.
  5. this video explains how it works and how they multiply cells and then inject into balding areas even making new cells that wasn't there or dormant follicles that are virtually dead come back to life. it's a great concept and sounds so simple. if the hair or hairs taken from the back of the head are taken and multiplied these hairs would be dht resistant being as it's from the safe zone.
  6. I'd stick with the instructions he gave you. God forbid you start early and something you don't want happens and then u go to your doctor and say I thought I'd start washing early and he's sys I gave you instructions you should of followed them. it's your fault not mine. there's nothing I can do for you.
  7. there in phase two apparently just like all the other products that promise a cure for pattern loss ha ha. it does look promising I give them that. weather it will be a cure or not only time will tell. Yeah vox I guess you right.
  8. RCH-01 the cure for pattern loss. What's your thoughts? is it as good as it sounds or just another company trying to get rich and getting our hopes up.
  9. yeah i thought so. I've always been a fan of that approach. he's got a lot going for him that being one and he uses manual punch. just a shame there's not many of hes patients on this site.
  10. I think it depends on the degree of loss you are experiencing.obviously if your a nw2 at early 20,s ur better of going on mens but if you are nw4-5 I'd say you would be a candidate. doesn't matter if your in your early 20,s or 75 all depends on the degree of hair loss. imo anyway.
  11. fair enough. so did he extract 2000 all in one day? it was my understanding he does 1500 max in one day. That's what he told me anyway.
  12. how comes it took you so long to get back? yeah fair enough you got balls my friend haha glad you had a good experience and I look forward to seeing your progress.
  13. congrats on the hair transplant looks like clean work. now the fun begins aye haha. how was your trip back? did your wear a hat and did you get asked to take it off?
  14. still working in inches I see your showing your age there mate haha mines in the range of 3-4 inches 3 inches being the start of my hairline and then going into my temples its more or less 4 inches. What's yours?
  15. well isn't this thread turned into a pill of fun haha
  16. Yeah congrats on the new arrival u can get him kitted out in a united shirt or are you a dirty blue haha. nice result by the way I see the vidoe of you teaching how to build a brick wall and then saw the vidoe of your successful ht. big difference you must be over the moon.. I bet you got a lot of stick from the lads at work hahaha I no I will when I eventually get mine done all part and parcel I guess lol.
  17. nice! thanks for giving us the update and let us watch your journey. do you plan on having anymore hts or is that your lot?
  18. well he would of extracted singles for the hairline for sure maybe 1-2mm going up and across the hairline and then doubles and triples sprinkled behind to add density. more double and trebles the better I would find out it might make you feel a bit better. Yeah you could upload a picture.
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