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Everything posted by Wwiizzkkiidd24

  1. Dr bhatti's a good doctor hes producing some good work these days look at davids progress plus hes cheap which is a bonus i suppose. If you can see past the cracks Indias a beautiful country im sure you'll enjoy it there. Its definately on my bucket list for sure.
  2. Looks good. You said you was recceding a little bit as well have you got pictures of your progress there
  3. Im here all night haha..nar on serious note bud maybe its the camera and its not picking up the hair you got transplanted i can see some sort of hair line. Yeah i guess he didn't do a good job i think you've learned your lesson aye.. I would suggest you have a consultation with a reputable doc preferably one thats recommended on this website theres some brilliant docs on here producing some quality fue work if thats the route you want to go down.
  4. You say you had a hair transplant (FUT) before but im struggling to see where the doc put the grafts. Imo it looks like you haven't ever had one. If you dont mind me asking where did he place the grafts? Myself i think you're a good candidate and the area isn't large as such so you wouldn't need a ton of grafts 3000-4000 grafts should look good. Hope this helps
  5. Yeah i guess most of these guys that get a hair transplant want to show off there hairline just because they can and i guess its personal preference for them also. Yeah rocking the Beatles/stones cut with a guitar suites you. So will i be seeing you on americas got talent any time soon haha.. Id like me hair shorter then that more like the picture i uploaded. To be honest i had my hair sort of like that in the 90s but i had curtains haha bring back the curtains ..
  6. Expensive but worth it imo. I see a car advert the other day advertising it for 16,000gbp. I think it was a toyota as well..LOL..now I know what i would rather spend that money on and it wouldn't be a bloody toyota haha..
  7. Ive seen quite a few transplants since I've been on here by many great surgeons but what strikes me most is the hair style its either slicked back or combed over and very very rarely see combed down straight(like caesar hair-cut). So is having a ht restricting you to have a caesar type hair cut or are you destined to have either a comb over or it slicked back? Which for me i personally wouldn't want id prefer to have a caesar type hair cut then a comb over or it slicked back just because they don't suit me. But then i think is it just personal preference that I'm seeing these guys with this sort if hair style and they can have that look(caesar) but choose not to because of numerous reasons.
  8. Yeah im begining to think that as well to be honest. I have seen it pop up one or two times on different websites ive been on. Maybe it looks like its to good to be true.
  9. Nice result doc. Just goes to show you dont always need to be on meds for a successful HT.
  10. Im in the same boat as you mate hate flying with a passion especially as the missus watches that air crash investegations programme so i know a lot if things that could go wrong which i worry about to much for me id rather take a boat atleast you can jump off haha. Id seriously look into belgium docs theres quite a few. Ie mwamba, bisanga, de reys, devroye. All good doctors in there own right. Hope this helps
  11. I thought as much.. Im all for natural supplements but it sounds like its to good to be true imo. Im in the same boat as you i really dont like the thought of the sides happening to me if i take it(propicia) and its irreversible you never know you might be that 2% that has those sides and for me im not willing to take that risk. Specially at my age and wanting kids soon and knowing if i take a fda approved drug wich has side affects thats reduces that chance and end up in a worse position then when i started with. Ive consulted with some top surgeons from this website and only one has said come back after 6 months if being propicia. If you don't mind me asking what docs have you consulted with and said you NEED to be in meds...
  12. Some docs say you need to take it and some don't and advise you on what to do and what u could expect with having a ht and not being in meds and as long as you're ok with that i don't see the problem imo. Have you heard of HR23+ its natural apparently and sounds good on there website site but im sure thats just a basic sales pitch to temp you into buying it. This guy on the thread i made about it reckons he's had good results from it but hasnt yet posted any pics of hes journey so am bit sceptical. Have you heard of it? And would you use it?
  13. You click on "go advance" button next to post reply and upload it that way.
  14. I see your concern but it probably nothing to worry about mate hair follicles have deferent cycles thats probably whats happening and should grow back. With the shampoo thing i couldn't say for definite if its the shampoo im not an expert but me personally if I'm 5 months into my ht result i wouldn't be using something with caffein in it..try coconut oil,something natural.
  15. Thanks doc. Nice bit of apparatus that but a little bit different to what i was thinking(needles/scalple)but none the less looks like it could reduce traction on the follicle with the needles being employed. So how does the needles go about perforating the tissue? Does the needle go past the follicle into the fatty tissue so you got more chance of the tissue being ripped out then the follicle its self? Or have i got that wrong...
  16. Thats a very nice improvement doc. Hairline and temples turned out great.
  17. Thanks dr. Feller. It was just a spare of moment idea to be honest. i was looking at the CIT hair transplant tools and saw a manual punch and thought why not add what i mentioned to it . Im just trying to get my head around how the scaple would perforate the tissue underneath the follicle. The rest seems pretty simple.which is why it would be cool to see the tool you received a patent for and see what problems you came across with it. Maybe i could throw some ideas at you and see what you think.
  18. Nice presentation on what came sometimes happen with fue and traction/ripping of the follicle. Theres no way around it doing fue unless as you two docs explained get a needle and pin prick through the tissue. But i bet thats really time comsuming. and wouldnt be of benifit to the patient ir the surgeon or anyone taking out the follicle. Surely there must be a another way around it.. Couldnt you have some sort of tiny scaple that goes down the shaft of a munual punch attached to a spring in the shaft where the doctors holding and the spring attached to some sort of botton mechanism that you press down on to make the tiny scaple sort of perferate the tissue underneath the follicle and then tear the follicle out. Amd if you wanted to get technical you could add a tube into the manual punch that sucks the hair follicle out of the skin(once the scaple has perferated it)through the device(manual punch) and into a dish full of whatever substance a doctor would choose so the hair follicle doesnt get exposed to oxygen(bit like dr wesleys idea with pyloscopy). Im sorry if that doesnt make any sence to you but it made sence in my head haha. if you would like me to draw a picture for better understanding i could do that but my drawing is just as good as my trying to explain an idea i thought of in the morning. Just a warning haha
  19. You sound happy mate which is all that counts with all the hatred towards fue at the moment by a certain doctor this is just show casing how it really is and not how one doctor is betraying it to be. How come you opted for fue and not fut? Was it the whole scar thing or did you just like te work of lorenzo that you opted to go with him and not another surgeon.. The crown apparently is a basterd when itgrows there so dont expect quick growth unless youre a quick grower. Well happy growing mate hope it all pans out for you the way you want.
  20. Bill should be a detective,haha. Question-cant you block the ip adress so it doest happen again or can he just join up on another ip adress. You can see how computer savvy iam haha.
  21. Thats good to know. And it looks good in the photo very naturel. so are you happy with what you got from where you came from or are you planning on getting anymore done? How does your hair feel when you put your hand on your head and rub down. Does it feel thin or thick? Sorry if im asking awkward questions
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