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Everything posted by Wwiizzkkiidd24

  1. Terror threat to MILLIONS of holidaymakers as ISIS target TURKEY, Foreign Office says | UK | News | Daily Express I dont mean to frighten people but i just read this and being british and thinking if going to turkey for surgery this is the last thing you would want. if anyones traveling to turkey from the Uk has got to be very careful especially us britons according to this article. I wonder how this is going to affect the economy.
  2. Im sure having wavey hair and the hair colour to skin contrast helps with if course some styling. Dd uou get fue sorry uf youve mentioned this before.. If so how does your hair feel after 12 months does it feel wirey like some doctors are saying will happen with fue.. It doesnt look like that on the pictutes but maye a differant story first hand..
  3. Yep and thats you done for good. Really happy for you bro. You characteristics make it look really good would it be fair to say you got blondie brown hair? Plus a crazy amount of doubles and triples plus 2.6 hair count id say ypu was a perfect candidate im sure lorenzo and you are very happy with the outcome so far. You definitely get what you pay for thats for sure.
  4. I agree, amazing results so far from where you started from anyway.
  5. So why not show a strip scar as well if hes trying to teach people about scaring..
  6. This is a joke if you ask me. People come on here to learn things. Nit to see american doctors bash fue and present silly photos like these,LOL.. Do you see the european doctors having a rant over fut and bashing the massive scar you can get if you go down the fut routte? No you dont. Maybe they got much better things to do and are very buzy pushing out amazing fue results.
  7. Definitely live and learn mate. Should always do your home work first as you well know now. As you stated its probably just ingrown hairs trying to het through. Have you spoken to your doctor or any doctor about it?
  8. No problem at all. and i might as well push the boat out a bit here, haha. and say you might as well do the mfue while you're at it
  9. A primer for FUT that is. You could also do a FUE one as well because after all the newbies may not know about any procedures let alone FUT/FUE.
  10. Fue in Europe. unless pyloscopy(how ever you spell it) comes out in the near future id go for that. but it isn't by the sounds of things. so fue all the way.
  11. You can stay on fin just not rogain. although some doctors say stop them two weeks before the surgery some say even more. 4 weeks at tops.
  12. Your doctor should if gave you instructions as to what or what not to take before and after your procedure. If he hasn't thats a red flag my friend.
  13. Yeah you post photos. Im sure the mods would take them down if your not allowed. Would be interesting to see your 12 weeks of progress.
  14. I think Warne is a walking drug machine. and obviously he don't suffer sides.but hay who would with a wife like hes haha
  15. Looks like your developing a diffuse pattern loss. Could it be from the heat from the straightners debatable. Mpb can have a generation skip so look at great great grandperants ir somewhere down the libe someone in your family tree was bold and it skiped to your generation. Best thing to do is go see a hair specialist so they can yake a proper look and determine whats going on with your hair. Hope this helps
  16. 12 weeks and your seeing signs of improvement that sounds good. are you keeping photos to see the progress? If so would you mind posting them?
  17. Also if you want to see there patients results just type there name in,in tje searxh engine on the home page for dr de reys type in nick baron and yhe docs results will come up
  18. No worries.. The two turkish doctors ive said i know dr erdogam charges 2.50 euros. I think the ither one is roughly the same. The Belgium doctor he qouted me 3000 grafts for 7000 euros i think that works out to be around just over 5000 pounds wich isnt bad at all. Hope this helps.
  19. Heres an email ive dug out from a surgeon i recently contacted for a procedure with him and this is hes growth/survival rate Note: he does manual FUE with about ten years experience so i think he knows what hes talking about.
  20. The doctors ive spoken to via email have said there survival rate for FUE is 90% maybe even higher. But then again maybe they was lying aye
  21. I think if you go to a top surgeon like lerenzo, feriduni, doganay ect ect.. You would get the 90% growth survival rate that tou get with fuss
  22. I agree with KO. you're kinda robbing peter to pay Paul with regards to recipient and doner region. Its either have a near 100% graft survival rate and a massive scar on the back of your head or a 80-90% graft survival rate and have what looks like an untouched doner area but your grafts could die due to transaction. Its a hard one to call for sure. Heres a question say if you you went for fue and told the doctor to mark out where the region of a strip of hair could be taken. Couldn't the doctor just cherry pick around that area just incase you want a fuss in the future.. Or is that just a dumb idea..
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