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Melvin- Admin

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Blog Comments posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Moving forward don't EVER have grafts extracted from a small area. This is bad news, you need to make sure the grafts are spread out. I mean you definitely have 1200 grafts left in the donor bank. At this point it may be a good idea to go to another surgeon who can make the donor area look homogenous. Right now it looks like you got a bad haircut. Who was your surgeon?

  2. Your donor density looks pretty low, but that might be just the pictures. Try and take some pictures without flash and with a shorter hair cut. I would be careful of going through another FUE surgery at this point. You don't want to thin out your donor area too much.

  3. You just started propecia. I say give it a year until you see the full results. You still have a lot of hair, there's a good chance that it will get a lot better with finasteride. Are you dermarolling? If not get on that ASAP. You need to incorporate Minoxidil as well. You can still save your hair without surgery. I think you caught it just in time. You need to start microneedling with minoxidil every day and take finasteride religiously. I think your hairline has a good chance of coming back. In the meantime, use hair fibers.

  4. I hate to say this, but it appears as if you may be suffering from Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA). I see some thinning in your donor zone. At your age I would caution against having a hair transplant. Instead try finasteride and minoxidil to see how you improve. I also suggest consulting one of our excellent pre-screened surgeons to assist you.


  5. It's hard to say, your donor looks good, but by your own admission it's because of the length. Can you try and post pictures with your hair cut shorter? Either way I wouldn't get a hair transplant on the crown, the crown is likely to expand and you don't want to be left with a "donut hole" in the crown. This refers to a circle of hair surrounded by balding. I suggest using fibers like caboki or toppik.

  6. 2 minutes ago, literalno said:

    Clearly the hairline is what matters most and it seems as though he is attempting to make it denser with filters. 


    I will definitely be posting photos after my op on aug 9th with rahal, stay tuned. 


    Still never got any temple shots done by rahal though


    Has several pictures in his profile of his hairline, I personally do not appreciate comments like "lol post some with out a filter" this to me seems like an attempt to troll. This is not tolerated by our community.


  7. 21 minutes ago, literalno said:

    Lol post some without the filter

    I’m not sure if this is an attempt to troll, but the photos Bill posted of his hair are without a filter. This is a hair website and it is not necessary to post photos of your face. I do not see any photos on your profile at all. Perhaps you could post some of yourself as well. 

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