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3.5 months in..... Growth is coming!!

Ok so I purposely waited until the end of March to post again as I started to see new hairs sprouting so thought I would give it a couple of extra weeks and then update and take some photos. Given you aren't really meant to see growth until 4-6 months and even then it's very gradual I'm really pleased with where this is heading!   So the bits to watch for between 2-3.5 months is a dry scalp and I've used a coconut oil on my hair every 2-3 days called Kokosa (it's a baby coconut oil) and kep



3.5 months in..... Growth is coming!!

Ok so I purposely waited until the end of March to post again as I started to see new hairs sprouting so thought I would give it a couple of extra weeks and then update and take some photos. Given you aren't really meant to see growth until 4-6 months and even then it's very gradual I'm really pleased with where this is heading!   So the bits to watch for between 2-3.5 months is a dry scalp and I've used a coconut oil on my hair every 2-3 days called Kokosa (it's a baby coconut oil) and kep



Coming up to the 2 months post FUE mark

so after 2 months how are things progressing?..... I have to say between 6 weeks and 8 weeks literally nothing happens, your original hair grows back (short but growing) and all the scabs and bleeding has completely healed. Just this week I had my first hair cut since the op and its nice to get it shaved in a little shorter on the sides as it gives the sense of volume at the top which is all you can wish for whilst waiting for the new hairs to grow. I have to say my head is looking clean and t



4 week update Feriduni FUE 2500 grafts

How 4 weeks has flown over and I wanted to let you all know whats been happening to my hair since the op on the 14th December.   Week 2/3 - Lots of bloody scabs, the first time I properly washed my hair a little sharp hair follicle came out with what looked like a little crust, it was quite a shock as I had thought maybe I'd scrubbed my hair too hard and knocked out a follicle. That's not true after the first two weeks it's fine to shed and the follicle should have taken root. A couple of yo



Feriduni 2017 - 2500 grafts

, Ok so after 5 years of researching I finally took the plunge and pushed ahead with an FUE procedure. As a thirty something I felt I had waited long enough and now was the right time. I'm writing this blog around what I experienced; everything from travelling to the actual procedure and recovery, as I found that everywhere I turned on the internet there was so much information and it genuinely did take me about 2 years to dissect the - who (surgeon), what (type of procedure) where (UK or abr



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