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Everything posted by rev333

  1. works for me at Class II i notice the further i go the more difficult it is to use for coverage but if it is thick other than the recession it will work well
  2. is the second pic the FUT SCAR after it was FUE'd? if so, WOW! and how many grafts did it take to FUE the FUT SCAR?
  3. oily scalp could be diet do you eat a high carb and/or any dairy? worth a try to give up for a while, esp dairy some people have reaction to dairy protein (this is different than being lactose intolerant) also could be hormonal hormones not in balance (doesn't matter your age) get a full hormone panel done just to see
  4. nioxin has good products for the appearance of thinning hair until your shedding phase stops keep up with the propecia and rogaine through this period it will pass
  5. i was thinking the same thing about a CT SCAN not so much if it would affect the grafts but the operation
  6. dude, totally the best documented transplant transformation here congratulations
  7. sometimes the filler and other additives in generics can cause different reactions even though the main active ingredient in the clinically studied brand form is the same these generics do not go through the same multi-year year rigorous testing that the original brand does although, gov't healthcare agencies continue to push all generics sadly, who knows?
  8. what a journey! god bless and grow thick love the H&W standardized pics
  9. you have a great shaped head i'd go with fue to shape the hairline because even if you have to shave down in the future you will have a nice shape the the hairline without that linear scar pus your donor area looks very thin so the fut my show through regardless of length
  10. think Fur is a better option there is more versatility in styling especially for buzzing i think the key is multiple but lower transplant sessions
  11. wow! great result at week 4 which will be your final result but much thicker this will be a total transformation!
  12. always wondered how a lower amount of grafts can cover such a larger area on a woman's hairline vs. a man's hairline. is this due to the difference in the way the hair is placed?
  13. i've read some people start after a week!
  14. from what i have read the hair gets thinner and thinner as they mature...finer and finer till they do not return. the exception is after a hair transplant. these hairs get thicker as they mature over a couple of years. though at some point these too should become finer and finer over the years....hopefully many, many years
  15. "I also have a couple lumps in my crown with doesn't help with certain lighting" totally think these raised areas of the crown are what you are seeing as thinning when your hair is short as in the first post. But it is not truly thinning, just the light hitting the lumps which stretches out the the same amount of hair that is on the none lumpy areas. this seems to only be an issue when it is cut as short as in the first post. either way your hair is still WOW! the current length shows how great the texture really is you did good
  16. that looks very natural i always wondered how with women you can lower the hairline and bring in the sides A LOT with so few grafts. but with men you can't or at least it's not done the same way does this have something to do with the way the hair is placed?
  17. looks good even though (like you said) spotty in places when spiked when dry VERY GOOD for 7 months congrats
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