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Everything posted by rev333

  1. bj how anyone can defend the results you have gotten is beyond me it is totally fixable though have you considered a try at "strip" for the next one?
  2. this is fixable. please though, consult with a few other docs before recommitting to this doctor
  3. didn't Bosley just buy out HairClub, which is known for their hair replacements
  4. i agree i remember this bartender with a full head of hair calling out my friend's husband (an older guy) on his 1990's hair transplant in front of a full bar of people. i don't think these people get it
  5. UGH! please let this thread die already i never even spoke with this person i feel really bad about ever posting this and the rules about deleting threads should be changed for instances like this please do not respond here it'll just keep this thread alive thanks for response anyway
  6. thanks spanker, but i wish i never posted this! tried to contact the administrator to delete the post i thought i was doing someone a favor by inquiring since i recommended him to call but he had no clue that i was doing so and probably didn't even think anything of his convo with tom and the emailing first i shouldn't have gotten this involved. i was interpreting a convo that i wasn't even involved in! please don't bother anyone with this this thread needs to be deleted because it started a brouhaha about nothing i hope david will delete this when he gets my message
  7. not for me but recommended a friend's dad to call when i heard the convo, i wanted to find out more info about the consulting procedure here and if this is what other people experienced i shouldn't have gotten this involved in it anyway thanks for the response
  8. thanks matt i guess that is the protocol first email then get a consult makes sense
  9. did you have to email pics before your in-person consult?
  10. until the 12 month period most docs will address your concerns re: growth and density with: "Let's wait to see the density fill in over the next (fill-in) months, and then we can address your concerns at that time." ...and rightly so. Nothing really should be done in terms of adding more grafts before 12 months and Nothing could be done to increase density or hasten growth but adding more grafts but in the end, most HT are fixable if you are not satisfied it's a 12 month waiting game for further adjustment though
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