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Everything posted by rev333

  1. "Hair feels great, looks great and honestly I don't often think about it anymore." Let them laugh; No one can criticize your result with the comment you've made above that is THE GOAL of any procedure. the unsatisfied stay the satisfied always leave TAKE CARE BUDDY! and Congratulations!
  2. NO read this Graft Anchoring in Hair Transplantation: Hair Restoration Surgery Publications | Bernstein Medical
  3. the moist part is about keeping scabbing to a minimum and help healing grafts need blood source to survive NOT MOISTNESS that said there are plusses and minuses to scabs + they protect the graft and keep them put - scabs can become dislodged and take the graft with them before the the graft becomes viable don't go crazy keeping them moist mist them light;y when you can more important to keep the grafts undisturbed until your doctor tells you to start washing with your fingertips LESS IS MORE
  4. you didn't pull out the bulb you need a scalpel for that at this point that said DO NOT PICK AT YOUR HEAD in your case DO NOT TOUCH YOUR SCALP AT ALL believe me I'VE BEEN THERE! was rigorously 2x a day to remove flaky skin you might want to go to your dermatologist and get on low dose doxycycline which controls inflammation it does not work as an antibiotic at low doses just an anti-inflammatory which will calm down the area and help you get through these next few months
  5. Impressive! i guess Rahal is the KING OF HAIRLINES after all! congrats!
  6. what was there at 8th months was there at 12 the hair was longer at 12 but by 8 all of the new sprouts were out although they are thin and some only noticeable with a magnification mirror. gotta give it the full 12 months to judge shock loss can take 6 months to just start growing back some start at 3-4 but those hairs will not be noticeable til 7-8 months these are the tough months 4-5-6 we want the hair to just suddenly appear after the the doldrums of the first 3 months but these months the hair usually looks patchy hang in there avoid mirrors start working out sorry to say it but hanging on these types of forums can instigate your anxiety summer will be here before you know it and you will be one hairy MF! good luck
  7. not sure what "oestrogen" is but my estrogen levels were high and my endo put me on a an herbal hormone supplement that contained DIM, green tea extract and some other ingredients that balances and protects from hormones (DHT, estrone, etc) i'd go to an endocrinologist to determine just how "out of balance" your hormone levels are i have not gotten new bloods yet to see if my levels are now balanced but am due for one soon also i did not have any symptoms so maybe your needs hormone supplement rather than herbal although this is a guess check with an endo this is an easy fix
  8. everyone is different try not to compare it will drive you crazy i was red for MONTHS as long as there is no oozing or bleeding, you are fine maybe change to a gentler shampoo organic without sulfates and parabens as for the lack of density you are noticing: this is probably some shock loss like you said this will take about 6 months to come back but you should notice improvement in three letting the back grow out will help camouflage this
  9. Congratulations! Glad to hear Rahal fixed the results from your previous HT with them to your satisfaction I know it was a long road for you and appreciate you reporting your story As a former and future FUE patient, it has personally helped me immensely Only the best to you mate
  10. FELLER: "Do your homework and find out how many fulltime "in house" techs your potential clinic has and uses EVERYDAY" BRAVO, Dr. Feller! TECH TURNOVER is a HUGE concern considering they are the ones trimming and placing the grafts (in most clinics). In the case of FUE, I've heard some are even removing grafts from the scalp. thank you for acknowledging this
  11. SKOS: I had decided on Dr. Rahal as he seemed to be highly skilled, produced outstanding results, and was able to perform "mega-sessions". the reason he can do "mega sessions" is because techs insert the grafts vs. konior who does this himself with these type of clinics you must weigh the risk of tech turnover as well go to konior wish he did FUE
  12. like the way your doctor drew two hairlines (original and proposed) with broken and unbroken lines good luck
  13. the question should be: HOW YOUNG IS TOO YOUNG FOR A SURGEON
  14. you've had a HUGE growth spurt from month 4! congrats!
  15. he now trademarked "The Hairline King" didn't Michael Jackson proclaim himself the King of POP it must feel good to be the king lol!
  16. how do you find being on both fin and dut in terms of hair growth? my derm says there is a synergistic effect being on both but not sure if i should
  17. minoxidil is fine i wouldn't peel off the dry lotion with your nails though you are probably applying too much if you are not then try the 2% in the morn wash as aggressively as you typically did pre-HT
  18. never had staples but couldn't sleep in my normal position even after the sutures were taken out ....til 2 months! since you said you are NOT taking the meds your doctor prescribe, TAKE THEM! that's why they are given to you you will not become addicted in the two weeks you take them this is major surgery a strip of skin probably 10cm wide was cut out of your scalp this is normal just up the meds
  19. only see one red spot pic 4 try using AQUANIL HC LOTION it contains 1% Micronized Hydrocortisone works wonders if in one week you do not see an improvement STOP USE and see a derm but this is what deems use as a first step for itchy, red skin without skin breakage it's pricey though but OTC
  20. hey sometimes they reverse their decisions see Imclone hang in there it can happen to you
  21. bet it's the fin gotta give it a full year even though it looks like you have a final result already!
  22. you did not lose any due to your picking at 12 days the only way to remove a graft once secured is surgically
  23. if i had results like that the pics would definitely be larger than 2 cm2! lol! your avatar pic rules! and only 5 months! been really researching dr. k's work cannot find better read your pre-op posts questioning the amount of grafts in your procedure well you made the right decision congratulations
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