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Everything posted by rev333

  1. 3.5 months is too early Gotta wait a year for it to all grow back Hang in there
  2. 5 years post op? and a free graft offer? This kind of post-op care is that sets Rahal apart from the rest A friend who went to Rahal was called AND emailed every month like clock work without solicitation to check in. Another friend who went to "another clinic recommended here" was not contacted AT ALL. She's at 24 months post op. Anyone, who has ever been under knife and/or needle knows that after satisfactory results, POST-OP CARE is the most important part of any cosmetic procedure.
  3. 5 years post op? and a free graft offer? This kind of post-op care is that sets Rahal apart from the rest A friend who went to Rahal was called AND emailed every month like clock work without solicitation to check in. Another friend who went to "another clinic recommended here" was not contacted AT ALL. She's at 24 months post op. Anyone, who has ever been under knife and/or needle knows that after satisfactory results, POST-OP CARE is the most important part of any cosmetic procedure.
  4. this is totally due to the stoppage of minoxidil at 6 months happened to a friend of mine it all grew back within the next 18months albeit not as dark, which was good because it looked like his hair was dyed when on minox looking good 404 you are right about the starting and stopping minox, which syncs the growth phase give it a full 24 months after you stopped minox before thinking of a round 2 (if you start fin then add another year) congrats on the baby
  5. this is totally due to the stoppage of minoxidil at 6 months happened to a friend of mine it all grew back within the next 18months albeit not as dark, which was good because it looked like his hair was dyed when on minox looking good 404 you are right about the starting and stopping minox, which syncs the growth phase give it a full 24 months after you stopped minox before thinking of a round 2 (if you start fin then add another year) congrats on the baby
  6. WOW! GREAT SUCCESS! Congratulatoins
  7. Rahal knocked this one out of the park for you! Congratulations You are one of those cases that you can tell by month 4 it is a grand slam what a transformation! are you on fin or regaine?
  8. this can happen due to the change in the direction of follicle after the trico closure there is lots of info on the web about this with pics check out this link for instance but there are others: http://www.hairlossexperiences.com/view_topic.php?id=370&forum_id=2 happened to me as well
  9. yeah thanks david you are right dutasteride is but there is no approved generic for avodart in the US yet who really knows what is in this DUTAS formula from INDIA? just wondering if anyone used this "DUTAS" pill form dr. Freddy's in india through All Day Chemist and like the results or if anyone has had a pill lab analyzed guess no one has
  10. can't see your pre-op pics but dude, but post op is looking incredible you must be very grateful congrats
  11. look Q you are hypo thyroid whether your MD wants to treat you or not if not FIND ONE WHO WILL thyroid disease is under diagnosed in the US. Conventionally trained MDs treat lab numbers NOT SYMPTOMS. So if you want to suffer symptoms without treatment then continue consulting with conventional meds. If not go to that website i recommended and seek out a DO (osteopath) and/or naturopath that will treat your symptoms. you probably have more symptoms than hairloss and if you don't you will since you are hypothyroid. low thyroid function symptoms include hairloss but hair loss as a side effect of T4 only meds like "synthroid" have been reported widely as well so treat with armour or some other NDT additionally, you should have an ultrasound of your thyroid for nodules. it is probably enlarged. there are life threatening side effects from low thyroid function over the longterm a tsh of 10 needs ATTENTION NOW this is not something with which to joke around GO TO AN ENDO THAT SPECIALIZES IN THYROID FUNCTION not an MD that gives flu shots
  12. some guy had a tissue expander for a FUT scar revision on a show called BOTCHED! on E! it didn't work it did expand the skin and the re-sow was very easy according to the docs but the stretch shrunk back after the cut out of the scar and the re-sow and the patient wasn't happy google it might be on youtube it was this season's show
  13. thanks i'll look them up still wondering if this DUTAS is generic AVODART
  14. YES YES and YES You are HYPO no doubt You need to find out if your have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and get both thyroid antibodies lab work: anti-TPO and TgAb These are some other blood work you should get related to thyroid but get on NDT natural desiccated thyroid (such as, ARMOUR) which has T1, T2, T3 and T4 vs. synthetic (such as Syntroid) hormones which provide only T4 and some say cause thinning TSH: for diagnosis of hypopituitary, NOT to diagnose or dose your hypothyroidism (unless it’s high). If you allow a doctor to diagnose or dose you by this lab test and range i.e. to say you are normal simply because it’s in range or below 10…you could still be hypothyroid. Free T4 and Free T3 (note the word “free”–important since it measures what is unbound and available.) Reverse T3: to be done at the same time you do the Free T3. Then calculate your ratio with the results and measurements. Thyroid Antibodies: anti-TPO and TgAb will help discern Hashimotos. You need BOTH, not just one of them. You can add TSI for the Graves antibodies–some have all three. Four iron labs: Ferritin, % Saturation, TIBC and serum iron (sometimes the latter will just say Iron, or total iron). A high ferritin can also point to inflammation. Up to five days off iron supplements is necessary to see what your body is holding onto. Adrenal Cortisol levels: Saliva, NOT blood. Blood is measuring both bound and unbound cortisol and does NOT give results you can go by. See the facilities below, because you don’t need a prescription. You’ll need to be off all cortisol-containing supplements for two weeks before testing. B-12 and Folate Magnesium and Potassium, plus Calcium, Sodium, Glucose, etc (All the latter are part of the Comprehensive Metabolic Profile–CMP blood test–as well. You can also ask for the RBC (Red Blood Cell) versions of Mag. and Pot, which measures cellular levels. For potassium, make sure the rubber tourniquet is not left on more than 60 seconds, says this study. Also note that the Buccal Mg lab test is finally available and seems to be more correlated to cardiac health than RBC Mg, but is expensive and not always easy to get.) You will want to be off these mineral supplements for several days so you can measure what your body is hanging onto. Vitamin D3 (25-hydroxyvitamin D lab test…) and read why you may need another Vitamin D test.
  15. Anyone on DUTAS By Dr. Reddy's from All Day Chemist in INDIA?
  16. not balding thin characteristics yes but full head of hair go have fun!
  17. of course it can be "improved" upon with the right doctor(s), technique(s) and possibly combination of procedures a re-cut and re-stitch might not be the solution for you it might need a cut and removal with a few FUE procedures over time don't give up hope this can be improved upon but maybe not in a one shot deal
  18. could surgeon have implanted every graft TOO DEEP? not likely v strange that you have not lost any grafts are you sure? meaning: compare pics for better perspective 5 day post op to 2 weeks post op to 1 month to 2 months are you sure they haven't grown at all? compare pics again for better prospective did you start washing aggressively after 7-14 days? if there was some shed but most remained, then you could be one of the lucky ones who do not experience massive shed. in that case CONGRATULATIONS in ANY case there is NOTHING you can do right now but wait if you haven't taken any pics then START NOW and compare what they look like every month best to you
  19. yes this is shock loss will start growing back between 3-6 months from shed "start" means beneath the skin so you won't see it till 6-9 months by 12-18 months it should all be back hey you may be lucky and see it all back much sooner but if you don't all you can do is wait right now sux, i know, but many of us have been through this and have come out the other side better fin or dut helps in the long run happy growing
  20. well that is a v good sign i'll bet you 10 bucks it grows back you will see and you don't have to grow the whole head long just grow the back middle a bit longer and taper to the neck you don't have to grow the hair under the occipital long very easy to do till it grows back if still see through, dab on a bit of hair concealer on the spot you are at month 2 you will see between month 4-8 BIG CHANGES but that part of the scar is an easy hide
  21. no one can tell at this stage but if this is true shock loss and not stretching of the scar then you have a good chance of it returning if you are using Regaine post op you can try to rub some on it as well right now it's a waiting game you''ll know more in 3 months
  22. dude GO WITH RAHAL'S OPINION get on Fin/Avodart for a year or two see how you are or just forget about HT altogether
  23. dude GO WITH RAHAL'S OPINION get on Fin/Avodart for a year or two see how you are or just forget about HT altogether
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