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Everything posted by Louisjams

  1. Do people think there is a difference in scalp laxity at 12 months versus 18 months? I am asking about FUT, of course.
  2. Interesting comment Patriot34. What do others think? Is 1 year too soon for a 2nd HT? I see a lot of people on these boards getting #2 at the 1 year mark.
  3. If the hair in front is miniaturized you may well lose it to shock loss and it may not come back.
  4. Sorry if I have asked this before but I am trying to see if I can get some consensus. In general, how does a 2nd FUT scar compare to a first? I see a lot of people posting very fine, pencil thin scars after a first FUT surgery. Does the 2nd scar tend to come out as good or no?
  5. IMHO, in some pts scabs last a lot longer than most docs say they will. I do not think this is a sign that anything went wrong and should not affect outcome, but it can be very frustrating. Gentle shampooing will ultimately do the trick, but I have heard many people say they still had scabs in the 4-8 week period.
  6. IMHO, you have a lot of hair and are very young. Would wait before doing a HT.
  7. Great comment and great thread. I think that a lot of the best results I have seen have been in NW4-6 pts.IMHO, I think a lot of people who get HT for early or minor hair loss maybe should have waited until things were more advanced. I see a lot of hairline and temple restorations in young males with early hair loss on these boards and they always make me worry about how this sets the pt up for potential troubles down the road as they continue to lose hair behind the new grafts. Also, you only have so much donor hair and maybe your temples is not the place to use it. Lots of men end up NW5-6, and if that is the case you are gonna need those grafts for the top of your head and a mature hairline creation down the road.
  8. I think this is a great question. When are you done? I think it is important to remember the goals you had when you started in helping to decide when you are finished. I.e. did you reach your original goal and are done or did you reach your original goal and just wanted more or did you not reach your original goal? It would be interesting to see the breakdown of number of procedures by percent of patients. I suspect the mean number of procedures is about 2. Some surgeons do the first procedure in such a manner as to be a "stand alone" in that if you just had one you would be fine and have a good look. Additional procedures can add density, fullness, or more crown work. I think this is a good approach.
  9. If you cannot take finasteride it is not the end of the world. You can do Min and Nizoral and you can have a HT just fine off of fin.
  10. Lots of sites show people having subsequent procedures at the one year mark. Gillenator, do you think this is too soon?
  11. Spex, just watched your video. Very nice. So, two questions- 1) You say "growth" but I was asking about new hairs sprouting-somewhat different things. In your opinion, do new hairs sprout even as late as 9-12 months? 2) If you say hold of on any planning for a 2nd HT until you see the full result, do you mean wait a full 12 or a full 18 months before considering a 2nd HT? Thanks! LJ
  12. I wasn't so much asking about me, but rather in general. This came up on another site and nobody really knew the answer. At what point should a person expect to see no more new hairs coming up?
  13. I know that new hair growth usually starts at 3-6 months, and that it can take 12-18 months to see the full effect of HT, but at what point do "new" hairs stop sprouting? 8 months? 10 months? Do some grafts not sprout until 1 year?
  14. Can you post some pics so we can see where things stand?
  15. Also, the fairer your skin the more red you will get and the slower it will go away, in general.
  16. Sounds like you did not like your first procedure but it looked pretty good to me. Good luck with #2!
  17. I wouldn't throw out FUT from your considerations if you have advanced MPB. Also, be careful of picking a doctor and clinic unless you are sure you can trust them. Even the best docs cannot guarantee success, but they really raise the odds of success.
  18. Given your hair pattern I would strongly consider FUT.
  19. It does look similar to your preop pics, I will give you that.
  20. No one's mentioned this point but I think it's important. Some surgeons tend to focus on certain types of patients or certain patient groups. It definitely seems to me that some surgeons are more focused on younger patients, earlier hair loss, frontal reconstruction, etc. Conversely, some surgeons are definitely focused on older males with more advanced hair loss. It may help if you find a surgeon who is more experienced with patients that look similar to you and to have similar problems to you. Another way to say this is that if you look like the before patients for a given surgeon, and you like their outcomes, that is something to take into consideration.
  21. I think it is true that the majority of hairs will fall out, but some hairs will never fall out and just start to grow after a period. Not sure about growing then falling out...
  22. If you have a job where you can wear a hat it helps. If not, it will be at least a few weeks minimum before you can go out without a hat and have people not obviously notice you had a HT done.
  23. Consider Big 3 or at least minox and keto if fin scares you. Fin sides are real, most do not get them and most that do get better when the drug stops, but fin sides are real.
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