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Everything posted by fueonly

  1. he has lot of reviews on this forum read it
  2. socializing ? So true. Without hair their is no party , no fun , no women and no socializing. I agree. Hair = everything for men
  3. tell mahadevia to show end result of long hair transplant its more then many months tell him to show results
  4. yes 1 month is the best wait time before you shower and shampoo. More you wait much better it is for getting graft more intact.
  5. dr bhatti charges 1$ per graft . I would say look into turkey doctors they give same price and some even less their are lot lot of doctors in turkey and they are giving good results at very good price flight from india to turkey very cheap book in advance 8weeks you get round trip in 500$
  6. dr bhatti charges 1$ for month of march and april 2014 look on website call him and he is giving 10cents off wow 90cents per graft. he has online live chat also go to his website and person gives quote for month of mid march and april body hair he says double the scalp rate but he negotiate rate of 1.25$ or 1.50$ per body hair sometime if you are going for 3500plus graft then same price as of head hair price is good but in india that is lot of money what he is charging anyway relief for bald people to have dr bahtti priceline and turkey doctors
  7. Genes. I have seen like sometimes two, sometimes three and even four brothers. Two look same , three look same, four bros look pretty much similar. I mean to say brothers have similar facial characteristics, body and height too. Trust me among three two were class 7 by age of 30 and age difference was just 2 years. Among four bros, two of them I mean eldest and youngest were class5 and class7. The rest of them have head full of hair like really shaggy scalp. Their is no concrete and canonical rigid theory to blame genes. Its my opinion I think baldness is the worst curse and most traumatic and most depressive thing to happen to men. I have seen lot , lot of people when they are suffering from progressive baldness their confidence drip and they lack their self esteem and lose all the confidence. Many people they just can't even look into the eyes and talk. I have notice one thing oily scalp is the culprit and more oily the scalp more is the hairloss. Its my opinion.
  8. let be clear its farjo waiting list or some other doctor attached to his clinic.
  9. Dr carlos is beard hair need to be mix with head hair to put on scalp or just beard hair explicitly can be transplanted to thinning and balding area of head. I mean can beard hair be put in hairline. What if person is norwood 5 and he has ample of beard and body hair can he just use BHT for his scalp without using head hair at all. He wants to save head hair for future as person is in his 30's and going to norwood 6
  10. Dav7 you are progressing to ascending order of norwood scale. Given your age you have to understand your baldness is progressive. You need to know sometimes things don't turn out as we desire. 4000 grafts spreading over 3 zone is nothing for coverage. Fue starts by removing follicular units from the scalp In fue HT any doctor must cut each unit individually and separate each unit from upper and lower layers of scar tissue to form. The process of cutting and removing follicular units causes a limited amount of scar tissue to form. Some patients will show little to no evidence of the scar/removal of the hair from the donor when it is cut extremely short, other patients will develop a loss of pigment at the site of where each follicular unit was removed Each person is different as to how he or she heals. The process of HT is to relocate the hair from back and side of the head and if body hair involve from different parts of the body to thinning and balding area of scalp. I would say in your case you will need much more then 4000 grafts for coverage you are desiring. Their is no stop clock with progressive baldness in your case so that is area of grave concern. I have hardly seen in such cases where only one HT session will be enough. I mean to say you have to pre plan as per your long term goal with HT keeping in mind every moment that your baldness is progressing and will not stop. Even with FDA approved drugs hairloss will slow down it cannot be averted totally.
  11. So with temp we have to go again and again correct. With permanent if color fade, dots big and other issues. Such issues have no solution like enhancement. I was under impression that even after good HT surgery shiny scalp is always visible between hair in direct light. SMP can help you get rid of that. I was just thinking in this way.
  12. tacoli can you please tell the reasons
  13. I am sure dht and blood connection. I was thinking receptors are on head scalp in form of pores from where it secretes fluid which is the worst enemy of baldness. Oily scalp is the culprit.
  14. why would you go for temp smp why not permanent smp?
  15. Really you were booked with H and w and now you are flying to turkey. Wow that's what I have been reading and analyzing. Turkey is becoming headquarter for HT world. We all should be thankful to bill, pat and hair transplant network to make this HT world flat. I have been seeing on this forum from many months and I have noticed that every month many HT fue surgeons from turkey are entering. Its nice to know and believe me people more doctors its more beneficial to people here. Competition is getting fierce here. Turkey becoming hub for HT specially FUE
  17. California clearly threat me by smsing that just talk good about dr bhatti. Don't tell his hairline is wrong or he will post my sms saying I wanted to PR. I clearly told him their also it may be mistypo as I was never their' Even after that he threatme to post it on forum and I clearly and insisted him to go and post and he did that's good. Now he can understand I value my freedom of speech and I can express my opinion.
  18. California is smsing me here wheni told him to read freedom of speech by pat I never told dr bhatti I want to be his pr for midwest' California no matter what you post or what you say I have my opinion Iwill always express my opinion on what I feel I have never bash anyone I will just express how I feel about when I see the post and pic of doctors here.
  19. When you go to dr charles dont miss red reef park oh for divers way to go'
  20. I thought turkey has majority of doctors doing HT right now but wow dr reddy Ht network made it so easy to know HT around the globe
  21. turkey wow is becoming paradise for all bald people you land in turkey bald and come back with head full of hair that too at price of less then or 1$ to 2$ per graft including body hair HT network rocks
  22. All members should read the thread by pat on speech and accountability. Ht network like and love this forum. : Free Speech and Accountability on this Forum
  23. California this for you I my friend and dr bhatti interacted on mail and phone also below is the post where I provided him links from HT forum and utube and he is thanking me for educating him on technicqe and how hairline should be. you mentioned me many times that dr bhatti has never spoken to me nor interacted. I was just listening to you now time has come where I am posting just one comment of dr bhatti where he clearly thanks me. BELOW IS WHAT DR BHATTI WROTE "Yes I got the message. The results are very good. But then the number of grafts are large in number in the first video. I have never tried so many number of grafts like 14,000 in the first case. Would love to do it if someone has the budget for these many body hair. I have the time and set up to do it. Thank you for the posts. Very informative indeed. Regards,"
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