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Everything posted by JohnnyDrama

  1. Excellent progress agent! Can I ask, what do you mean by finish everything up? You seem set on going overseas.......any particular reason?
  2. That's some fantastic growth for 6 months! I like the hairline design too, relatively conservative which allows for greater density behind it as a result.
  3. Also, one of the clinics I visited give a discount if you have made the effort to visit them beforehand for a consultation. To me, that says a lot.
  4. You think that the absolute top end docs are 'trained to spin'? I think you've gone off on one a bit there scar. My personal experience: I was lucky enough to meet 4 great docs in one weekend (thankful that Belgium is so small). I was so much more educated after that weekend than I was beforehand. They also had very different estimations once they saw me in person compared to the plans they had for me going from my online consultations. I felt WAY more comfortable with some docs in comparison to others. I was given my donor density, something that is not possible over online consults. As a result, I have a good idea of how many FUE grafts I realistically can have in total. From my research, I was aware that the docs I was meeting were genuine honest docs, who could easily tell me I'm not a candidate, since they have told this to people before. Where is the 'spin' in that? Another little story that goes to show how in-person meetings are so much more beneficial than photo sharing....... I spoke with an ex-patient of one of the clinics I looked at. He went there for a repair after 2 bad HTs in 2 other clinics before that. He was delighted with the result. 2 years later, he thought he would go back and touch up a certain area (chasing absolute perfection - almost going back to teen hair quality). He sent on pics, fully paid for the HT, and arranged a date. When he got to the clinic, the doc straight up told him 'No'. They felt he was in far too good a shape to get a HT. They turned him away and within a week he was FULLY refunded, at the loss of the clinic. Again, they had his best interests at heart. If they were a 'spin' clinic, they would have put him back under the knife to make a handy few €ks. He told me, thinking back, it would have been crazy for him to get one, and he is very grateful they said no.
  5. Could he not have at least had one more graft extracted to get him to the 10k mark! Is that 10k scalp grafts that were used? If so, bloody hell! What kind of super human donor does this guy have? Is this the first 10k (we might as well round it up:)) FUE case ever? I've certainly never come across one before.
  6. Nice work. Is this case 2100 grafts or 3100? Title says one and the actual post says the other.
  7. Starting to come on Stu. I find that the contrast in most cases between months 4-5 stand out the most for a given 4 week period so you should be getting hairs sprouting on a daily basis at this point!
  8. Absolutely! I'm diffuse, particularly in the miscalp/forelock area, so Dermmatch actually does wonders for me. I only apply it to these areas though (zones 3/4), any closer to the front and it becomes recognisable like you said. That's where I bring in Toppik. I was at a mates wedding recently and a few of my mates passed different remarks. One (whom I have had previous conversations with regarding hair loss) asked me what the hell was I doing because I looked so much fuller than before. Another was talking about how much darker my hair is now compared to several years ago, jokingly saying "That's what hair transplants do I guess". Little does he know!
  9. Very interested in seeing Erdogans work here. It looks genuinely top notch and there are a lot of his cases posted on other forums, both from the clinic and very happy patients. Along with Lorenzo, he seems like the most logical addition to the forum.
  10. I'm assuming cigars are alright? No inhalation etc. I'd like to see myself smoking a few Cohibas while on the balcony of my Brussels hotel in 2 months time, just to aid post-op nerves and what not.
  11. 100% visit as many reputable clinics as possible. I visited 4 great docs in one weekend, and it was possibly the best thing I could have done. Think of it as one of the final steps in concluding your research and coming to a final decision.
  12. If I were you I'd give both Biotin and MSM a look. I've been using them for a number of months now. MSM is recommended by a lot of clinics, particularly for the 3-6 month period post-op due to it's positive affect in terms of both how it helps speed up growth of native hair, as well as improve its quality.
  13. Whatever about the clinic/surgeons abilities, the bloke was snapped by the poolside in direct sunshine on his hols, days after his original op. I don't think he gave himself much of a chance, so when you take that into account it probably wasn't a shockingly bad outcome. You can be sure that sunlight wan't the only post-op blunder Rooney made. Chlorinated water being another. He was most likely boozing quite heavily around this time too. I have an image of the people around him 'petting' it in the weeks after it. Not to mention he would have been heading a football 2-3 weeks post op. I can't imagine him repeatedly applying the proper solutions to keep it moist. Then there is the concealer side of things. You could go on and on. Either way, I don't think he is particularly well educated on the whole HT front. Either that or he is just ignorant of the guidelines / requirements.
  14. It has been in all the major papers/websites.
  15. Fascinating. I'd like to see more of Lupanzulas work on here. He has trained with Dr Bisanga as far as I'm aware. My hair poss is quite similar to your brothers, and a have a procedure with similar grafts planned so I will be keeping tabs on this. Looks like good work.
  16. BHR prices are on the website. FUE is €5 for the first 1,000 grafts and €3 for every graft after that.
  17. Matt, I'm pretty sure the whole point of Dermmatch is that it is applied directly to the scalp. If it isn't, I've been doing it wrong since January! I used it on my midscalp and toppik to touch up and it makes a huge difference.
  18. Exactly, there's a lot more to life! Thanks for the well wishes. I hope to post some pics of mine! For what it's worth, I think Konior is an incredible HT doc. I did an online consultation with his clinic a few months back and communication with the doc and his rep was very good too.....another important aspect!
  19. I have just seen Dr Devroye post a 2-day 4,000 graft FUE case so good to see that bigger sessions are becoming more popular with top clinics. Obviously the proof is in the results but it bodes well.
  20. He isn't paranoid. Your tone is more aggressive than the average poster. In another Konior thread you started a post by saying "This thread is useless without pics" and "In this day and age everyone has access to a camera". That's quite a strong way to introduce yourself to a thread, and isn't very fair to the creator of that thread and others like it who may have put an awful lot of time and effort into things and putting feelings down on paper/posts for others to feed off. But now all of a sudden just because you demand pics of a certain doc, that deems every HT thread created without pics to be useless? Interesting way of looking at things. Why don't you just post something like "Nice thread....Would be great to see photo updates of the different phases of your HT"! Rather than, "Your thread is useless without pics". I think you should be grateful for the abundant amount of info that this site and others already has for you. The last thing people need in the middle of their recovery phase is having some bloke on a forum call them out for pics, and render their documentation useless. You do realise that a very very small percentage of people who get HTs post actual photos of their head on a publicly viable website in the first place! There are literally thousands of threads with very detailed documentation of cases and no pics are included. To me these are invaluable. I have my procedure in under 3 months. I'm pretty scared because it's so far off the beaten path of anything I've ever done, but I don't want to scare off other members of the community in the mean time.
  21. That's quite the transformation. Mick, would it be fair to say this bloke has much higher than average donor density, seeing as he has had around 5,250 FUE grafts over 2 ops? I'd actually love to find out about Dr Lorenzos extraction pattern / long term donor management! I'm guessing he had very nice quantity of high hair groupings too (3 and 4 hairs per fu). Lucky guy anyhow.......looks about 2 decades younger!
  22. I think you and some of the other guys were a little bit too beautiful for his liking during the doldrums!
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