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Everything posted by JohnnyDrama

  1. You look good to me mate. Easier said than done I guess but all you need to do is relax!
  2. It's insane! I'm going to Dr Bisanga for my first HT in August for 2,000 FUE. Even with what I have seen and read in the last 6 weeks since placing a deposit, I am 100% confident in my decision. Although I've said it before, if I had been told I HAD to go the FUT route, I think I'd have to go with Dr K. He seems to knock the two most important things out of the park 1.recipient yield and 2.impeccable scar status.
  3. You still seem to be getting better and better by the month, which is ridiculous seeing as you had what looked like an 18 month result when you were at month 7!
  4. According to his first post... First HT 7 years ago Second HT 6 years ago Third Oct 2012 with Feller Recently with an assistant of Eser
  5. Iker Casillas is another person who I feel has a lot more hair than he did a few years back.
  6. I found the video I was talking about regarding Matt Damon. I don't think I can link it seeing as it's a promo video, but just google "Matt Damon Promised Land interview".
  7. Other footballers that have had work done.......Gianfranco Zola (insane transformation in fairness), Roger Johnson of Wolves, Stephen Fletcher of Sunderland. I've been noticing Frank Lampards for a few years now. I hadn't noticed it with Channing Tatum mind, and it's gas, I have gotten more than a few comments over the last few years that I resemble him, well even more so now! One that I was blown away with recently was an interview with Matt Damon for his latest film Promised Land. I don't know whether it was the lighting or his tight cut or both, but it looked incredibly light in the front.
  8. It's more expensive than Turkey anyway! The cheaper of the top surgeons is De Reys, and he charges €7,000 for 3,000 FUE grafts. Not many of them like to schedule too much above 3,000 grafts.
  9. First off, you actually look like you could have a good result, but it is very early too tell. However, I really can't see how a scheduling problem can be an acceptable excuse from a patients point of view. Did they give you any more detail? Had you paid up for 3,000 or what way did it work? Did you find out before, during or towards the end of the op that things had to finish early?
  10. A significant detail that I haven't included yet is that I have requested that the doc consider me for PRP treatment as well. All going well it will be used and I react positively!
  11. Have you ever tried Finasteride? I'm assuming you have not tried it as you did not mention it, but I really think you should give it a go. You may retain everything you have, you may even regain some density, or you may lose more but at least you will have seen how you react. Even if you started on a lower dose like, 0.25mg or 0.5mg per day. This will be the first question that most top clinics will ask.
  12. Obviously I can't speak for all clinics mate. I'm just going on the guidelines that I have been sent for my own procedure! Yes, the clinics provides those before you leave.
  13. A few I can think of: -Not sticking to the post op care guidelines that the clinic gave you, such as applying saline spray/betadine shampoos etc. -Excess sun exposure to the recipient site in the weeks and months post op. -Unnecessary trauma to the recipient site such as the friction of a hat on grafts etc ( I have seen where people go back playing soccer a short period aftre the OP).
  14. Actually I think that's a great idea. It would give a lot of transparency to an otherwise clouded element of the HT industry. Some clinics are quite forthcoming in telling future patients what to expect (may send on attachments via email outlining what to expect) without the patient asking, but I have seen too many cases where the patient was somewhat surprise by something on the operation day. This should NEVER be the case.
  15. Looking forward to it. Can't come quick enough! Without derailing this thread too much, how is the PRP actually administered? This is something I haven't read too much on yet. I'm guessing through injections? Would it be before or after grafts placements (if it was being performed at the same time as an FUE op for example)?
  16. No. A few recent patients of his have documented their procedure on this site. From what I recall, he gives the numbing injections, his two senior techs do the extractions. The doc then numbs the recipient area and makes all the incisions. The techs then place most or all of the grafts.
  17. Sorry, I should have mentioned 'other top European docs', as that is who I was comparing him to. However, if the prices you have displayed are correct, he does in fact fall in line with them. I was just referring to a thread that I read recently where somebody was looking at getting 3,000 FUE grafts and he seemed to come up with the notion that it would cost him closer to €16k with Lorenzo instead of the €12k mark you have suggested with these prices. He may have calculated it wrong of course.
  18. Yes, this is actually very common among even the best clinics. Like you, when I first heard this I was very surprised, but the more I understood the whole procedure, the more I saw why it happens like this. The number 1 most important aspect (in my opinion) of the HT is the incision / slit making. This is where the doc makes all of the little holes in your recipient area, and is essentially where the grafts are placed. This is the most important aspect from a design point of view. Placing is regularly done by the technicians, and the doc will typically oversee this part anyway. I was informed by my own clinic that the placements will mostly be done by the techs. The doc will oversee this. He may make some placements himself but it is not to be expected.
  19. He is taking foreign patients. My read on it is, he has such an incredible waiting list from purely local clientele, that international people are put off as they can have the option of going to other top surgeons months and months earlier. He is also quite expensive in comparison to other top FUE docs. This could also be a factor why so few foreign patients pass through.
  20. Dr, is it true that the first time this patient found out that you wouldn't be operating on him was in fact when he was in the clinic on the day of the procedure? If so, why?
  21. I'm guessing the doc was referring to you having 15k donor grafts in total. This makes more sense, but it should NOT be confused with the available number of grafts for FUE transplantation. Example :I recently found out I have roughly 16800 grafts in my donor area. I was then told I have roughly 5000 'safe' Fue grafts to take before the back of my head looks noticeably thinner.
  22. This looks great and is a case that diffuse thinners would be very encouraged by. Seeing as I'm a 30 year old bloke on the Ludwig scale as opposed to the Norwood scale (and the fact that I'm booked in with BHR), this is something that I certainly like the look of.
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